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Everything posted by momee

  1. Or is it protected from being burned to my computer and only able to be played on a cd player?
  2. Looks fun, challenging and we need a history program.
  3. hijack - Can I ask you ladies who listen often, do you use a smart phone/ipod? I'm looking for a device that isn't full of distractions for my little one to listen to downloaded stories.
  4. We are Christians and I was looking for a God centered curricula that would get done. Nancy Larson was where we landed and while it isn't what I'd call Christian at ALL - it does get done. It's interesting, easy experiments and some worksheets to solidify learning but nothing over the top in terms of writing. We've liked it alot.
  5. I'm not going to be able to do CC and our previous curricula. We need the social opportunity so CC it is. The previous stuff we were using wouldn't work really this year anyway because we are soo off the schedule with so much of it. As such, I am considering making our CC work the focus for history and science. I can do Apologia Astronomy as our main text and we can finish our Nancy Larson stuff we didn't get to this year but history is different. I am ok with using SOTW as our main text and line it up with CC weeks - it will probably move crazy fast that way since CC goes from creation to current, right? And I have heard there are some lapbooks that we can do. What about readers? I don't have any CC materials yet so at this point I'm just going from memory. How do you all put meat and bones on the CC work if you use it as your full curricula for history? I understand not everyone does, that's ok. To each his own. But this year I am going to so I'd love to hear from folks who do the same...
  6. We love our Costco one. Easy to clean, affordable and traps all of our red clay dirt (and everything else the dog drags in). It's only decent to have at an entrance but ours is more "at home" in the mudroom - where only family sees it. It's too casual for the front foyer.
  7. What is a magnetic sheet? I'll look into this as an option, thank you!
  8. That's my question too. I no longer have a schoolroom and am considering AAS. I would much prefer a handheld white board, but maybe the kids are supposed to be manipulating letter tiles and without them they would be missing a tactile component of the lesson? Anyone?
  9. A new bike shop bike is minimum $400 around here. Craigslist had a step above the bike shop bike I was going to buy in great condition for about the same money. They had others that were cheaper but I really liked the comfort of the bike shop bike -
  10. I've never heard this term - non sequitur. Google says means a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement. That seems to be what's happening here and I shouldn't continue to post as it's an issue maybe I'm guilty of reading into something I shouldn't as well. I'll humbly maintain my request for apology if I caused an offense and ask that we respectfully talk laundry stains and lunchbox styles, lol.
  11. ...edited because this is becoming more than I'm willing to participate in... He's actually, in my eyes, a selfless hero - not an idiot or whatever. And I am trying to carefully not make this an argument. I was simply asking for some advice - I apologize for stirring up anything but my intention was to get another woman's perspective on something that matters - to me. I hope my response will not be taken as an argument as that is not at all my intent. Forgiveness requested for my offense, it was sincerely unintentional.
  12. I'm gonna pass on commenting on the other issues raised in this thread :) but I did want to update... As to the dirty shirts - I may have it solved. I went to a cleaning supply store a few days ago and the manager said the chlorine in the bleach is reacting with the iron in our water. It's a matter of well water and chlorine bleach reacting with the sweat stains already in the fabric. I've noticed our white towels have it too. I'll try some non-chlorine bleach and oxyclean instead of the other bleach we've been using.
  13. For clarification - and hoping it will not start a kerfluffle. I know what makes him happy. I know his love language. It is not acts of service but thank you for the encouragement to read it. I have a couple years ago. I realize these things are probably unwanted or even silly to your husbands, but they're important to mine. I asked those particular questions because those particular areas were ones I was looking for advice in. I truly and still do not in any way mean any offense. I cannot however, let this go without stating my feelings. I'm sure they are very different than a few of your marriages but this was my post so I got to ask the questions :) I just want to say I' am a "June Cleaver" I guess. I love serving him, making him happy through the little ways I can bless him throughout the day. I made a batch of vegan wraps this afternoon (took three hours) that I can freeze and have at the ready for him when he wants to take a lunch. I spend hours ironing his work shirts and pray for him all the while. None of this compares to the hours he puts in so we can eat, live in our home, do all we do. I appreciate so much his sacrifice of getting up and going to work every day so I can stay home and educate our kids. It is a sacrifice for him and I am thankful for years of his serving all of us in this capacity. I was just trying to get some support from other mom's in the trenches of dealing with the tyranny of the urgent and at the same time, improve my already AWESOME marriage. Thanks for letting me state my backstory.
  14. I'm feeling greatly convicted about putting my care of the kids over my care of my man. It's not intentional, but it is my lack of intentionality that's the problem. I just meet the loudest need, and his are much quieter than the kids' though no less important. So some areas I need to step it up in are private and not things ladies discuss on a public forum ;) but some I can use some housewife advice on... I know he's said a couple times about his t-shirts and regular shirts having a dingy collar, bleach isn't doing it. Throw them out more often or is it a laundry issue? I bought new ones, but they quickly get armpit and collar stains... I'd also like to have his lunch made - he's on a diet and lunch is very tough for him to reign in. Have a manly, efficient lunchbox to recommend? He's in a business district, not a construction site if that helps. Date suggestions that don't involve food? And finally, what are some ways you encourage your dude? edited cuz...
  15. Big signs of endometriosis there. I would get thee to a gynecologist but beware - they are BC pushers! (not ok with young girls going on them but YMMV)
  16. I've used many curricula in my 15 years of homeschooling. We've done Calvert, Sonlight, Tapestry, K12, WTM, MFW and now Memoria Press. The youngest is full core MP 2nd grade, and has finished K and 1. Here were your concerns..."1. The cost. I have never spent that much on curriculum. We can make it work. 2. Is there another planned out curriculum (not BJU or Abeka) that I should consider?" I'll tackle 2 first. I would not consider any other curricula if I were doing a full program. MP is designed so nicely, so progressively moving from grade to grade. It is challenging but we still have time in our day to add in Nancy Larson science if we want to (my child describes herself as a scientist and spy :) . I will say, instead of Rod and Staff we happily changed to Rightstart. I chose Rightstart because Rod and Staff is drill and kill, and Rightstart is explore and why's of math. Sooooo much more comprehension with Rightstart. 1. You can greatly reduce your cost, especially in the lower grades (which you are using) by not getting a full core and simply eliminating the teacher's guides (you do not need them!) I am not moving my upcoming third grader into Latina Christiana next year. We are going super slow and steady through Prima Latina, doing half for second grade and the other half for third grade. So you could eliminate LC in third and just do Prima with them both. The little will retain some - plug in the cd and do the prayers together :) I get a longing in the spring to change things up - so I do - temporarily. THis year it was purchasing Wayfarers - (WTM chatter got the best of me - roll eyes smiley) Then I go running back to MP because my best laid plans fell apart (I forgot to order a book, I neglected to spend Sunday afternoon planning the week out). Most importantly I come back because I am very busy and distractable! I love checking that daily lesson plan box and knowing my kids are getting a stellar education!) Your needs may be different but I'm guessing you are one busy woman. I don't mind spending time on actual teaching and doing school but wasted hours on choosing, ordering and planning for school - huhuh. BTDT, I'm done. I need open/go/learn/excellent, prepared school time. As we go through higher grades (I know, not just saying, because my older daughter did MP online and full 7th grade core) it gets very, very independent. I need to know my student is going to have her needs met if I end up working or just plain being busy (or getting burnt out) and we can continue with a proven scope and sequence. Hope this helps. I am sooooo thankful for MP. It's kept us homeschooling when I was burnt out, challenged my kids beyond where I would have sent them, and has made me a nicer mommy on Monday mornings knowing I can wheel out the school cart and we're ready to work.
  17. Someone gave me some woody stems of wisteria. They are about 5 feet long? but I've read only the new growth will produce roots in cuttings. Mine are all woody stems - are they going to be plantable?
  18. We sewed our own colonial dresses and went to colonial Wmsbg. We mummified a chicken We completed all of the art activities on this cd - but for our grade level http://www.christianbook.com/home-art-studio-on-rom-kindergarten/9781936195435/pd/195435?dv=c&en=google&event=SHOP&kw=homeschool-20-40%7C195435&p=1179710&gclid=CjwKEAjw3fG4BRDsn9GAv7T2zEkSJACNJdjgJdPxa0vZakDat4eDTYkgXkaTtijYIIVZjzvY5z5XUBoCjprw_wcB we've had lots of fun using these http://www.amazon.com/Original-Butterfly-Garden-with-Voucher/dp/B00000ISC5 we learned to use a microscope we did this pond nature study http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1052391 we listened to tons of these while looking at clouds or having a picnic or making cookies http://www.amazon.com/Jim-Weiss/e/B000APPFU0 we did some of this http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=professional+face+paint+kits&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=47411423570&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6258670839525868411&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_9qxmdzl0wg_b I think pinterest could be your next time suck if you need ideas :)
  19. never mind. I'll finally learn how to use pinterest and figure some things that suit us out. You moms are trying to find your own fun, I get that :)))))))))))))))
  20. "nothing to cry about" I get it. I totally do. I've had this situation with someone who has dredged up alot from my past. The friendship with her is triggering the strangest things. I think those of us who have been through trauma deal with stuff while we're going through it as best we can, but not thoroughly. Some of that regurgitates itself into our present lives. This statement, "nothing to cry about" may be true. It is just a hunk of metal, but what's behind that emotion is probably alot to cry about. Hugs from one to another.
  21. "The real heroes are the people like you who change their future by learning a new way. " That is one of the most important things I think I've ever read about myself. How kind of you to say. Thank you so much. YNAB, Mr. Money Mustache, Dave Ramsey, all sources I have become great friends with, lol. Along with parenting books, books on being a gentle wife, etc. It's like I am teaching myself how to live as a different person. The person I have the skill set for - she couldn't cut it here - I have to daily step it up, and I am grateful for the push to do so. My family - husband and kids deserve so much more. I secretly long for a mentor who can walk beside me and show me how to meal plan, talk gently to my kids, care for a home, love a husband. I've been doing this for 22 years and even have been blessed with opportunity to mentor others, but I never quite feel like I'm there yet. I still look in the linen closet and think there's some secret skill set other ladies got from their moms that I missed out on. Confidence is getting better the older I get, I'm more okay with me, but the area of finances, that's not something you just pick up a book and implement. That's habit over years. For better - or for worse.
  22. One great, great thing about growing up this way - I am determined I will not abuse my kids, take for granted my husband's love, overlook someone because of their dress, habits, language skills or lack thereof, I will do better. I am not my mother nor will I be doomed to repeat her experience. I don't know, I guess that thread has hit something I try not to think on too often. It is like looking back at a totally different me, yet still so much a part of me. Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words, ladies. I appreciate your responses.
  23. Someone said this in the thread about middle class not being able to come up with $400 in an emergency. ""we have the money now, so let's spend it instead of saving it." I don't really agree that low-income people naturally think that way." This was me, my family, my financial "role-models", sadly. Unfortunately I still think this way, at times, and probably in ways I don't even realize. It is still a struggle for me to think differently even though we've been comfortable for years. I felt led to share that for some of us with harsh backgrounds, it is a battle to replace dysfunctional attitudes about money with healthy ones. Sitting in judgement is easy, but living the reality of poverty is not. When you have had nothing to eat for days, or have been close to or actually homeless, it brings about a behavior that may not make sense to wealthier folks. Spending what money you do have on doughnuts or going out to eat instead of saving that $25 seems sensible because what can that $25 really help with, anyway? I've actually had this type conversation with myself in years past... Why not buy the new jacket since I'm already in debt, what difference does it make to add another $40? (I didn't understand interest or debt). I surely wasn't paying off that $500 department store credit card anytime soon. Plus I had told my kids no for the past three weeks I bought the stupid jacket. My great grandmother, grandmother, mother and aunt were all single moms. They grew up poor, they taught each other how to use the system (not welfare, mostly men - the kindness, generosity of others, etc.) My dad is 70, works two jobs, has NO retirement, is in debt, no money to come visit, asked us for money, etc. yet still spends money on pool table - house with a pool, whatever he wants. "Let's spend it instead of saving it" is his life mantra I think. I grew up poor, my mom worked two/three jobs BUT drove a new car, bought new clothes, had huge Christmases and gave extravagant gifts after drinking binges because she felt THINGS brought her normalcy, happiness, etc. Moving out of that mindset as an adult now living without drama! has been difficult. Even now I battle attitudes and mental motivations regarding money that I KNOW are false but because of my lack of habit/early training regarding financial security and responsibility - the urge to act on them is still strong. I work very, very hard to combat that lack of training and study/ask questions whenever I can. DH lost his job years ago and I found myself HOARDING food. An adult woman, living in a modest home, stay at home wife, My biggest fear was that our family would not eat. Not losing the house - not losing a car - but starving. I hadn't been without food for - I don't know - twenty years but his losing his job brought that desperate attitude back for me. It was awful. Proved to me the depth of that type of dysfunction, it is hard to overcome attitudes like that. During that period, I bought a ton of food and even ended up throwing some of that stuff away because we couldn't store it or use it - it's not pretty to talk about but it was the truth. I just felt I needed to share because I assumed (forgive if incorrectly) that from some of the comments made there may be an ignorance of what it is actually like to LIVE daily, monthly without money/food/resources/a home. Not justifying any behavior that is harmful, selfish or short-sighted, just saying the mindset of someone dealing daily with poverty may be very different than your own. For a variety of reasons.
  24. I'm doing something wrong I'm sure. Please tell me how you do both white and brown rice in the instapot. Mine has turned out gummy three times now. Missing my old cheap rice maker from Kmart :( Shouldn't have thrown it away...
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