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Everything posted by momee

  1. Mine burned on the bottom but I think that's because of the crock pot. I started using MIL's and hers is way smaller and I think more heat efficient than my old one. I'll try again because it really was tasty.
  2. Mine burned on the bottom but I think that's because of the crock pot. I started using MIL's and hers is way smaller and I think more heat efficient than my old one. I'll try again because it really was tasty.
  3. Not exactly what you're asking for but this oatmeal is a life saver for me. You could double batch it and make in a smaller pyrex. Don't need to bake, simply prep at night, cover, and in am top with boiling water just to cover. Put Saran Wrap over top to keep moisture in and there ya go. Sooooooo easy and yummy. Edited to say leave the apple until morning if adding, or add raisins at night, cranberries, dried blueberries, etc. Ingredients 1 cup(s) of organic rolled oats 2 tbsp. of maple syrup you can use less, or you can use brown rice syrup to make it more superhero! 2 tbsp. of chopped walnuts 1/3 crisp apple, cut in cubes 5 dates (about), pitted and chopped 1/2 pinch of fine sea salt to taste 3 shakes of ground cinnamon 1 tsp. of (scant) flaxseed oil Directions ( Default | Numbered ) Steps 1.Bring a kettle of water to boil 2.Combine the oats, syrup, nuts, apple, and dates in a bowl 3.Add a pinch or two of salt, then pour enough hot water to just cover the oats (don’t add too much, or it will be too watery) 4.Cover the bowl with a plate or pot lid, and let the oatmeal stand until the oats have absorbed the water 5.Stir, and add a little more water if the oats look too dry 6.Let the oatmeal cool a little, and then drizzle with the flaxseed oil
  4. This looks great and easy will let you know how it tastes. http://fitfoodiefinds.com/2013/10/slow-cooker-creamy-coconut-steel-cut-oats/
  5. Another morning of the same. removed previous reply because I think it is best if I seek advice IRL. I appreciate all responses very much. It is helpful to see such a variety of options.
  6. That's why I was confused. I'm coordinating a wedding of about 200 tomorrow and it dawned on me I've never done one with both parents escorting. Seems right to have the mom closest to the side traditionally saved for the bride's guests. I confused myself even further by looking at pictures on google, haha. Everything imaginable is there. I'll ask the bride but bet she won't care... I just wanted to check myself before the rehersal tonight.
  7. I've seen both, I think they should have Dad on left, mom on right of bride. What say ye?
  8. My teen just came up, pointed to Herringbone and said that's the one. I never would have even looked at it, too "boring" but I actually think it is beautiful color. Hmmmm...
  9. Farmhouse style home, big porch, tons of trees surrounding home and plans for lots of flowers, bushes and shade trees in beds. Cannot :( do white due to HOA (silly, I know) So what other color do I want? I was just reading about why haint blue porch ceilings have been done in our neck of the woods and am excited to do that...but having trouble with siding color. I'm looking at this certainteed catalog found here, http://www.certainteed.com/resources/cts001.pdf color choices on page 35.natural clay or granite gray. I could do sandstone beige but that looks almost...I dunno...boring compared to others.
  10. Thanks, Cat. Such words of grace for this tired, tired mom. Parenting is just plain hard sometimes.
  11. This is all very, very helpful. I am reading and reading and while I'd love to respond to each and every comment I will simply respond by saying this is, again, very helpful. It's nice to know I'm not being judged, I'm not alone, and I'm not going to battle this with her forever. I know that, it is just nice to read it. Her answer to this "What does she say after she calms down? Have you asked her what she was feeling when she was having the tantrum?" I didn't want to do the work. I asked what can I do next time, she said help me calm down. Knew that. I'm working on it, little one :)
  12. But her handling problems like this (throwing, slamming, screaming, whatever) sure does seem like a big deal when it's repeated behavior. Maybe a question for my dh or pediatrician, or counselor :)lol is when do I concern myself that it isn't just a phase? Adding the spoiled thing...that comes into play because I feel I've tried so many other methods, warning, coaxing, ignoring, appeasing, whatever, just so the tantrum doesn't happen that I am exacerbating the problem. FYI - google definition I found of spoiled..."harm the character of (a child) by being too lenient or indulgent." DH said spank her. I've not complied with his suggestion because I HATE spanking. I did spank her. Within 20 minutes she is calm, apologetic, recognizing and apologizing for her behavior and for the rest of the morning has been quick to obey, pleasant and respectful. Picked up the pencil, did that and three other worksheets with no issues whatsoever. (adding because I can only imagine what the world can picture when I say I spanked her) I spanked her 3 swats. When I say I grabbed her I did so by the arm because I had told her to come get a spanking, which of course she didn't do.
  13. Very, very helpful and very well said. Thanks ever so much. And by sinful I mean she is a sinner, like all of us (saying realizing some don't believe this). I'm acknowledging she wants what she wants, that she lacks self control to verbalize it, etc. I get it. Wrong choice of words on my part. I view her as beautiful and do understand she is only 6. But when this type thing happens regularly, day in, day out, multiple! times a day, it gets exasperating and there must be something else than refocusing her attention with a snack or change of environment. If it were occasional, I wouldn't be posting. I'll definitely take your suggestion and attempt to look at the problem in a different manner. I thought I -WAS- trying to give her a moment and help her readjust. I know I could do better. Edited to add this is comforting... " :grouphug: Hang in there. Often, as you know, these things are cyclical. She's probably going through a physical or emotional or cognitive growth spurt, and everything seems a little off kilter during those times. It won't last forever." I know, I really do.
  14. "Maybe try a "time-in"? Instead of sending her away to calm herself, hug her and let her vent her frustration safely with you. Empathize with her frustration so she can get past it." I will try this. So you're saying when she is slamming a pencil, knocking a chair down, draw her to myself and attempt to comfort? I'm hesitant and fearful (!) but willing to try it.
  15. Looks like we have a cross posting, thanks for the added reply above. It's fine. We may have some very different discipline styles anyway... "The only solution *after* the feelings get out of hand is full empathy (with any necessary boundaries remaining intact), making amends, and trying to approach things differently next time. " I don't really know what you mean by this. ...full empathy when she throws a fit over one math problem... Maybe it would help if you explain what that looks like? I was calm, I asked her to take steps to self calm. I escorted her to a safe place she could regroup. She ignored my command and was disciplined. Explaining the math problem again was impossible before. She was irate and not listening.
  16. Bolt, Just respectfully asking because things can easily be misinterpreted online...but did you mean to have a hint of sarcasm by adding the eh? at the end of your message or is that just a regional thing? I would hope the prior but should just let you know it could read negatively. I appreciate the advice, but I don't think there's a problem with her mathematical understanding. There's a problem with a sinful little spoiled girl who wants to throw a fit instead of do math. I readily admit there is also a bit of a problem because there's also a sinful mom who is exasperated and lacking skills to handle the immediacy of the moment with enough self control and solid grounding herself in coping skills under such conditions, thus the reason for the vent/post/advice request. I wish to emphasize that the wrong problem was only 1 wrong problem. She got the rest right. It didn't require another reteaching lesson, it required her taking a look at it and redo it of which she clearly didn't want to do for whatever, inconsequential reason. I so appreciate your taking the time for a response though, and normally I would totally agree that grace and reteaching would be the appropriate response (I have done that repeatedly under different circumstances with a great outcome). Letting her stay up for half an hour extra is duly noted as a mistake, which is why I mentioned it :) I actually was just feeling guilty for that and included it because I'm sure guilt comes into play with all of us when under a difficult parenting situation (don't we all blame ourselves more often than we should?). I can't imagine letting her stay up that extra half hour caused the tantrum. I was just expressing to my fellow peers a difficult morning. Momee
  17. I wish I had a farm like you, we need some wood cutting and pig slopping instead of spanking. So really, I'd love to hear what exactly you do when, just hypothetically ;).... you say there is a problem wrong on the math worksheet. Said 6yo begins to fuss that she is just stupid, slams pencil. You calmly! say the problem is wrong. You are not stupid, please redo it. (You know a bigger tantrum is coming because you've done this three times this week already). Said 6yo begins to throw book, knock chair down and cry loudly. You say calmly! you are tired and need a rest. I shouldn't have let you stay up until 9 and watch frozen with me cuddled up on the couch because mommy felt like you were an awful spawn yesterday and wanted to make up for her nasty heart toward you - oh wait - I didn't say all that just felt like saying it So I actually said go sit still on my bed (right off the school room) and rest. You may come back when calm. She throws even bigger fit, I go down for a drink of water so I don't lose it, come back up, she's playing with my glasses on the floor. I grab her, spank her, she cries 5 minutes, calms down, and all of a sudden she is an obedient princess. I however, am still shaking internally and feeling like I've done nothing right in 20 years of parenting.
  18. I have three older children, I should know this. Seasons pass...it will improve...it is worth it. OH MY GOODNESS. I feel like I am disciplining this kid every half hour! :sad:
  19. I will try rethreading everything. I was using white thread, now black. Both great quality thread - I even had a hissy when MIL tried to use old cheap stuff. Could be some fuzzball somewhere or the bobbin case not level. I will check all that after doing pre algebra with a brain fog teenager :( I can only handle one puzzle at a time, lol. Thanks for all the help, the "hive mind" is so helpful!!!!
  20. I have a Husqvarna Emerald 183 machine and keep having trouble each time after I wind a new bobbin. On my previous bobbin I had no trouble whatsoever. I think the bobbin looks fine and the thread is counterclockwise like the picture on my bobbin cover, I think the top thread is also threaded correctly. I thread the bobbin through the little catch (like a hook at 6 pm of the bobbin holder metal thingie). All seems well, I start the take up lever at the highest point, do one full stitch by hand, catch the top thread with the bobbin thread, get a loop and pull the bobbin thread out so I have two threads. I push the pedal and start sewing and get 1 to 2 stitches in and end up with a jumbled mess and the machine locks. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong????
  21. I know you asked for Indian but I wanted to share a recipe on the stove right now... so great! http://www.theppk.com/2010/12/red-lentil-thai-chili/
  22. I know for me personally, I feel the need to be home and "on call" to everyone, all the time. That is tiring. I have a fantastic husband who is more than willing to help with the kids when I am away. My own fault though: I don't plan time for just me to do what I (bold and cap) enjoy. Alone. Amazing how much better rested I feel when I've taken some time to do what recharges me. And no. This does not include meal planning, school work checking at a coffee shop.
  23. My top three are 1)physical exhaustion 2) wrong ideas about his needs/importance of intimacy as relates to my husband 3) bitterness unforgiveness and anger towards my man
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