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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. Hi all, I changed my board name to transientChris instead of Christina in Space Coast since I moved from the Space Coast in December. I plan on keeping my transient name until we actually settle down which could be anywhere from 2 1/2 years to 8 years or more. (DH made Col. in Dec. and he probably wants to retire with 3 years in the grade at a minimum to get the most retirement pay).
  2. My dd has severe pre-monthly time problems and severe monthly cramps. I am taking her to a gynocologist next week. HOwever, this question involves schooling. She has such severe bnrain fog with her pre time that she literally forgets almost everything she knows. FOr example, she has been doing ALEKS geometry. She was almost done with the complete course. Then she had an evaluation yesterday. INstead of being 90% done with triangles, she fell to 43%. Instead of being 66% done with coordinate geometry, (and this is what she has been studying the last week and a half), she fell on that too. Her anxiety level rises in this time and doing worse in school is no help. In homeschool, we keep on working. In college or work- what then? Her ADHD gets worse, her anxiety gets worse, her sleep problems occur, and whatever else contributes to her general brain fog. It is most obvious with her math and science but it affects everything to some degree. I have never had such problems so I can't help her with my experiences. (I get migraines and asthma flares). Anyone have any advice? I know she won't be able to go on hormone things since she has severe migraine problems too.
  3. I am with Remundamom and SolaMichelle. No one has ever come up and criticized my homeschooling, my parenting, or anything like that. With me, it can't be my reputation since I move every few years to a wholly different state or country. I think some of us give off assertive vibes and normally people get it and don't bother us. Now I do get plenty of people at churches or homeschool goups or wherever deciding that they have the cure for my chronic disease (almost all of whom had never heard of it till I mentioned it the second before).
  4. I have a read about book about Autism and vaccines which has thorough footnotes. I have read abstracts of studies about vaccines. I am pro-vaccination but have not had my girls get the latest vaccine against genital warts.
  5. We won't ever have to deal with this but I think it may be the best you can do unless you are eligible for that CHPSS program for uninsured children. I seem to remember that they were upping the ages for children up to age 23 or something. I have no idea how much that is or whether you qualify but it may be something you want to check out. I think they are run by the individual states, though partially paid for by the fed govt. Otherwise, a group insurance at the university is probably better than anything you will be able to find at an individual rate. Hope someone here has more answers.
  6. My youngest did R +S two year life science program in 4th and 5th grade and loved it. We went to Calvert for 6th grade and she is very frustrated with the science as not being indepth (it is McGraw Hill). I was considering using BJU LIfe Science but she really doesn't want it since she had two years of life science recently. Her professed desire is to become an engineer and she is my only kid who follows or has ever followed dh into the garage to do woodworking or any other kind of project. She also loves inventing things and watching mechanical shows on tv (HOw SO they MAke that, Military Machines, etc- I don't know the names because she watches them with her father or by herself). I am trying to plan a rigirous yet interesting science sequence for her realizing that she will more likely want to do AP Chemistry or AP Physics further down the line than AP Bio.
  7. WE bought a DIve CD from the maker and the first one we bought did not have the labs. DD got sick, chemistry was put on the back burner, needed the CD this year, couldn't find it, bought another one. It does have labs on it.
  8. Online writing course or tutorial for beginning writer? I am looking for a online writing course or tutorial for my 6th grader soon to be 7th. By beginning writing, I mean she has never had a formal writing course although she has written paragraphs and short papers for classes. I would like to find something systematic which she could do with any outside teacher since she takes everyone's advice better than mine. Since I hate to edit, I figure this is one subject to pawn off to someone else. I know I used someone for my oldest child but that was so long ago that I can't remember who or what service it was. I didn't need to do anything like that with number two because she was very happy to write and writes well and doesn't object to editing. __________________
  9. My daughter had a seven month long headache which put her behind in science and math. She was ahead in math so she is now at a normal pace (Alg II in 11th and PReCalc in 12th). However in science, she is not going to have four credits unless I add something. Her credits that she will have will be 1 credit each in Chemisty, Biology, and Physics and a half credit in Marine Science. I need one more half credit since more and more colleges require 4 credits in science. Any ideas- she would have to take in while doing one of those other full year courses so I want an easy course.
  10. What is in your child's swim bag? Swim and dive girl- change of clothes, sneakers and socks if she is wearing flip flops, Epi-pen, inhaler, swim cap, towel, nose clip, goggles, shampoo, conditioner, brush, scrunchy, military ID, water bottle Dive girl- towel, nose clip, goggles, scrunchy, wallet, headache medicine, water bottle How often do you wash their suits and towels? They are in charge of their towels and suits, they have a few suits each Is the chlorine shampoo worth the money? I don't know what this is, they use good quality shampoos and conditioners Do your kids change back into street clothes or just come home wet in the car? They walk home in their suits. They live five houses down from the pool they practice in. When they will go to away meets, they will change. Do your kids just rinse off, or do they take a real shower with soap and shampoo after workouts? Both girls wash their hair after each meet. Swim and dive girl does it at the pool with her suit on, dive girl comes home and showers in her bathroom. If you have boys, how do you get them out of the locker room within a reasonable amount of time? (Mine love those hot showers, and I can't go in to holler at them to get out!) I have to yell at all of my kids about not taking too long. They all have that tendency regardless of whether they are swimming or not.
  11. Yes, you are right about NM. I was thinking about when I started homeschooling there when you needed to get a notary to sign your NOI and you needed to send in tests. I remembered that you no longer needed to send in tests by the time I left but forgot about how the notification was done by computer and didn't need the notary anymore. So now I would classify NM and CA as equally easy and states like TX and OK even easier. States like FL, VA, MD, AL, and many more are harder. States like PA and NY are incredibly hard.
  12. WE are brand new to the swim and dive team arena. My youngest is on seim and dive team and the middle is in dive team only. Neither dh nor I have any idea of what happens at the meets except what we have seen in movies, tv shows, or Olympics. Tomorrow, for example, my club is having team trials. WHat does this mean? DOes each child swim to see how fast they go in each stroke? DO they chose strokes? My youngest wants to do backstroke but has been practicing everything with all the rest of the team. Any helpful ideas?
  13. College costs are outrageous. SInce our EFC currently is almost 44k and in two years I can only expect it to be higher, we are having to really research colleges by cost. We can only expect merit aid and there is no way we can pay full ride to very expensive colleges. I am a non-employed homeschooling mom who will never get to be employed because I became sick with chronic illnesses before I could even qualify for disability. WE can afford to pay in state tuition and we could afford to pay more than that. But 40- 50K is not something we will be able to do. I am completely amazedf that there are that many people who can pay full ride at these very expensive schools. DOn't they have to pay mortgages or rent? ARe their utilities free because mine aren't? Do they pay for gas in their cars? I don't even understand this since we aren't paying off cars and have ratehr good insurance. However, we can't afford to live on only half of our income.
  14. How do you diagram the sentence Be very careful. Are both very and careful adverbs?
  15. no, neither I nor my daughter have had that side effect.
  16. I found California to be the easiest state I have lived in to homeschool. Harder ones were or are NM, OH, FL, and VA. There are easier ones like TX and OK and a number of others. But CA has to be up there since there is no attendance, no testing, no descriptions of curriculum, no portfolio.
  17. WE have two patent office workers at our church and we were talking to one how to get a patent. The searches are very hard, according to him, since you not only have to search the US but also all the countries. If you don't know Japanese, for instance, you may not find it. He says that almost all patents are rejected the first time and you need either a patent attorney or a patent agent to help you write up the invention in the way they want and get it argued through. WE are going to think about it later since dh is about to go on another three week trip and I told him I want him first to start searching the patent office computers on his lunch hour. THey are in Alexandria VA.
  18. WE have had so much rain that almost all of the soccer season was rained out. We had two rounds of thunderstorms today- one at 5:30 am and the second round at 5:00 pm. I am waiting to see if our tournament tomorrow is cancelled.
  19. Actually relatives don't have any rights to refuse an autopsy unless it is done by the hospital or some research facility. If it it done by the coroner's office or medical examiner, it is a government law that is involved. In most areas, anyone who dies in an unexpected death will be autopsied. Now, how far that autopsy will go depends on what information they need. If the cause of death is easily found without doing a full autopsy and no crime has been committed, it may be stopped. In this case, I am not sure which government is in charge since they were over international waters but autopsies will be done and then the bodies released to the relatives.
  20. I have a 20 yo who hardly comes out of his room. He did well in college last semester and does help when asked. He is applying for jobs. I tend not to bother him since he is over 18 and is doing the main thing we asked- do well in college. My nearly 16 yo does her schoolwork almost all alone in her room or in the family room where we have a DVD. She doesn't like distractions. SHe comes out whenever I ask and she is always coming by and giving me a hug at different times. She does all her schoolwork and I have no complaints. She also does plenty of housework and yardwork. She is my hardest working kid and if she wants no distractions, I don't mind. She doesn't like facebook or myspace though she has rather inactive accounts. She goes out on a daily basis to dive practice and doesn't consider herself hibernating.
  21. I am clear on some things like English and Math are academic subjects and cooking is not. My personal view would be that a subject that had practical elements without significant theory would be non-academic but I am not sure that thatis what colleges are looking at. Also, I live in VA where one option for evaluation is to have a portfolio review by someone with a master's degree in an academic subject. Again I see something like music performace to be non-academic but music history to be academic. What do you all think? FOr example, I have a MS in Criminal Justice which is a purely theoretical degree with absolutely no practicum. I think that should count as an academic degree. I know my husband's physics degree does.
  22. I have to do this since we are active duty military, still moving, but using Tricare Standard. So I look up recommendations on the internet. So far, so good for everybody that had good recommendations. In my case, my daughter's pediatrician recommended a different test when he heard that she had atraumatic fractures and that led to her diagnosis of osteoporosis. I now have her with a specialist who I also found on the internet.
  23. Since my daughter did 1/2 a credit of PE at Florida Virtual School and got a grade, I gave her a grade for the other half too.
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