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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. Do you ever feel like less is more regarding history and science? I just feel like breaking history down into more compact studies. For instance, how can you really study the whole world/time period in a year? I am finding it impossible. I really like the college method- Would it better to make a unit study on certain countries pulling more details? What have you done and how can I make this better?
  2. Do you find that you have moved away, even far away from WTM? I have in my choices, but not in theory. What would you "label" or consider yourself doing now-:confused: I just think my kids work better under the CM style- and more under "MY" style-
  3. I just love Prentice Hall and will use BYU online for Highschool for some subjects. I am also using a lot of teaching company. For what it is worth;)
  4. My kids had perfect vision- but the muscles were weak and the Dr. gave them some exercises to help that! They will mature out of that-
  5. My dd was the same way with 7/6. This year it has clicked in 8/7- I was so frustrated I was thinking about switching programs. We ordered the DVD tutor for Saxon this year and that has really helped. All a sudden, she just started getting it! I would make sure he knows his math facts- that is where we making errors.;)
  6. I have to agree with Lorna- My 10 year old struggles because he just doesn't have his math facts. He knows the math not the facts. I am trying to step it up and just stay right on it.:o
  7. When we don't get things done it is because we usually start late, or I am not consistent. I have to work a lot with my smaller kids (who have been ripped off by their older siblings being home) and when I don't focus on the older, at least one of them wanders-
  8. I don't make them- They both can but they don't prefer to and either do I. I just want to be able to make sure they can read it, although they will always probably read font-;)
  9. I have worked in the travel business for 25 years as an agent, a college prof and an agency owner. If you are paying for an extensive trip, by all means use a professional. There are a lot of the tricks of the trade, where they can save you, give you ideas and generally address problems that might occur- Good luck- I would also be happy to help you! ;)
  10. I use iPhoto and it groups them and categorizes along with a million other things- Adobe also has a lot of those features in lightroom
  11. I started out with SOTW 3 and American History (1600s-1850) I have done a really great job with American History but we haven't picked up SOTW 3 and only have 20 weeks or less of school- Should I just drop it and continue strong with American or should I try to incorporate it?:confused: Working with a 4 & 7 grader who came from PS last year. My 7th grader worked on Ancient History las year, and I planned on doing Medieval next year and starting the 4 year cycle with high school.
  12. I love Scott Foresman combined with United Streaming ;)
  13. I blog for the sake of my children and myself. I hope to leave them a nice little stack of thoughts when I leave the earth:)
  14. I built one and never moved in when we finished our basement. I just loved the sunlight- and learning all over the place. Now if I were to do it again, it would be 4 seasons room off my kitchen with plenty of cabinet space:confused:
  15. I am also very interested in doing online groceries.:confused: I just cant find anything in the area
  16. We have used sequential and it has been fine, but Apples might be a better choice because goes through the rules:confused:
  17. I used SOTW 3 with my 7th and 4th grader- It worked out great this year;)
  18. What are you doing to create respectful children at home?
  19. read my blog today on tone- this is one area, that occasionally I have to work on. I have seen my fair share of disrespect at my house- but the tone is one thing that I am working on
  20. Good question- I didn't like reading as a child, ditched lit classes in college, skipped as much writing as I could and now I absolutely love it all!
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