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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. Thanks for posting Hammonds in MA - I am going to visit that!:o
  2. I didn't read your full question- I would use it as a supplement to a program, not as a replacement for a spine-
  3. I have used the Evan Moore products for History (ancient and US) Both of my children loved putting the books together. I am a fan of them:rolleyes:
  4. What are your favorite boards/forums off of WTM to visit-:rolleyes:
  5. What do you think your homeschool costs per year???? Wow- this should be fun to evaluate! :p
  6. What sites are your favorite poetry downloads for listening?
  7. It can be both- a lack of maturity or an LD. Two of my children are bright, they were both late readers- no phonemic awareness skills- I could see it early, because I was educated on it. The teachers said it was all maturity issues. If you suspect, don't waste anytime because intervention is best done in the very early years. The older they get the harder it is. My dd (13) now is a fabulous reader- and loves the classics. We have had to modify some and do intensive writing & spelling, but she is gifted in so many other areas.:o
  8. I used hooked on Phonics with my K-1st grader and I loved it! You cannot go wrong with this program!;)
  9. Join the club! I have one like that - he is gifted, but just drags- When he has a reason or motivation (skiing, sports or friends) he works like crazy. I think it is attitude. I am trying to fix that this semester- My days seem 4 years long. My daughter just works straight all day no problem! Wow! She used to drag and now she is a self starter- So there is hope! By the way- I checked out your blog- Nice Job!:rolleyes:
  10. How much do you pay your kids for jobs and chores around the house. I think I way over pay-
  11. I used to live in Iowa -oh how I remember! I don't know how my pioneer ancestors made it across the plains! Keep warm Jean!
  12. I would detox a little and then enter slowly adding a subject at a time. It can seem overwhelming for both of you. Make sure that you schedule in time for yourself. This will be the best move you ever made.;)
  13. Great Job Laura- I am excited for you! Wow that is encouraging for every parent on the board:o
  14. Sure- I will be more specific- Now I look at my question, I too am confused :eek: When I mean enhancing his education- I mean... How are you turning his weakness into strengths? I don't believe there is a "remedy" so to speak, but how are you making modifications to strengthen your child? Do you substitute by using more visual/spatial (or the likes) teaching aids. Have you seen substantial growth in your progress?
  15. Tell me how you are enhancing your dyslexic child's education-
  16. Go where you have too- I have subjects we are far ahead in and 1 subject we are probably 2 years behind in. That is the beauty of homeschool- one can learn at his own pace!;)
  17. a 10.5 any ideas on behavior at this point- What is yours like? I don't know what is expected!:eek:
  18. I have only been involved with John Hopkins, but didn't pursue it...I think it is too much pressure for the young minds. I think older middle school is more appropriate for those types of programs- Just my thoughts for what it is worth. ;)
  19. Do you ever get any "attitude" so to speak, with yourgifted children- Mine is so passionate that if I interrupt it can set him off- I have to schedule big blocks of time. This morning he was working on K'nex roller coaster and was so intense about the physics of the wheel- I just let it ride for like 2 hours. ( He was listening to an audio classic, so we did get in some time there. Sometimes, the schedule doesn't have time to spare with the passion- How do you balance-:eek:
  20. I do 4 days a week with a field trip or light day once a week- I love that! I feel like the kids are well-rested and well-rounded. I think your plan sounds great
  21. I think the thing you need to watch out for is the speed- The books can be easy to do but are they really mastering and internalizing the concept when they read?
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