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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. With the recession, we are forced to downsize some of our operations. I need to let one person go, that we could possibly afford to keep, but it makes it tight on the budget. I feel terrible because I know that this person is barely making it personally. I feel in keeping this person we would be doing an act of charity and kindness, but in the same breath- it is a stretch for us. I feel so guilty. I need moral advice!
  2. Email me- and I will give you my phone number. I own a travel agency- we don't have any fees or anything, so it is simply advice. I would be happy to talk to you about the pros and cons of using WDW vs. a hotel etc. Angela
  3. I love my husband- He is awesome. He is going to be working on a project at home for 3 months. How do I survive this with homeschooling? We have a routine and a thing going here. I am happy to see him more, but after having him gone so much, it is strange having him around so much and honestly I need ideas on how to make this go smooth. The first couple of days have been rough. HELP
  4. The ipod touch has all of the same features of the iphone but the iphone has PHONE and Wi-Fi if you are on a data plan. I love my phone and couldn't do without it. It has made my life organized and easy! It is expensive, ATT service is marginal compared to my old Verizon- but the iPhone rocks in every way possible. (BTW, I own a ton of MAC stock:) so get buying!)
  5. I went to College Board and read the AP thread written by students and it was full of truth and honesty. That gave me a better idea of what the exams were like. We are doing AP this year- half in 8th grade, half/review in 9th. A little early I know but our interest and travels went that way. I bought the Sparks Note study guide and flashcards, and another AP Euro book (maybe Kaplan) and used that as a guide. I also bought Spievogel but we hardly crack it- I am going to do the same for about 4 other exams in time. Good question!
  6. Ok here it is- My daughter has decided not to go to PS for school. Yeah- I am thrilled. The high school is brand new and several of her friends are doing great there- but I was hoping she would elect to stay home. Now what? I am freaking out about planning the whole thing- Where do I start? Everything seemed smooth up until 8th, but now I am partially afraid that she won't be prepared for college. She wants to take some online courses- like BYU High School or VP Online? What is your experience with these types of programs? How did you determine what classes and routes to go down? Any guidance from the BTDT moms would be great-
  7. When did you start your child in Community level courses? What was your experience with this? How did you child do?
  8. We wear our best clothes on Sunday- I love it, because it is a time for everyone to dress up and their attitude reflects it. I love my boys in white shirts and ties. I love to see my daughters in dresses. The opportunity is almost gone in America.
  9. Since I started this I should say that my life is much richer from homeschooling. I think I have been equally compensated for my time in ways I can't imagine. I do miss a little free mental time, and the ability to go to the gym without having to drag the whole world with me.
  10. Generally the Hey if I offended you in any way will you forgive me? Gives them the opportunity to act and frees our own soul. Then you have done your part. Good luck this is a tough one. I posted a great thing on forgiveness last year here on my blog (scroll down the post and you will see it) http://www.domesticlifestyle.com/Domestic_Lifestyle/Blog/Entries/2008/3/20_12_Things_that_the_Amish_have_Taught_ME.html
  11. I had a similar thing happen- but I know it was intended. The person who had raised 6 kids, thought they could offer something, although I hadn't asked. Infact, they only see me at church- so they too drew some type of conclusion regarding my parenting. I didn't do anything but accepted the book. But man I was ticked off. I know exactly how you feel. I am glad you said something. I am a kind, nice person, but sometimes people are way out of line. I wish I would have said something. It just caught me so off guard.
  12. I am serious! We are all sacrificing, but what would you be doing if you were not homeschooling- Let's dream a little!
  13. Honestly, I am pulled in a million directions with 4 kids, a small business and my church responsibilities. I exercise, try to eat right and sleep- but I am looking for creative techniques to manage stress better. I could redo my children's schedule but I feel that they are each excelling in their own lives, so I am not sure I want to pull them from their activities, to make my life easier. I am looking for management solutions to help with the parenting responsibilities.
  14. I need a spelling program for a 5th grader that is structured and easy to use that a child can work on his own with. We have been using sequential but it doesn't seem to be doing anything for him, maybe because I am so infrequent with it. I just want a 5 day a week program. How about an online program? Anything out there?
  15. Honestly, how much do you spend on wedding gifts- We get invited to so many weddings of people I don't know that I am beginning to wonder how much to spend-
  16. Honestly, how much do you spend on wedding gifts- We get invited to so many weddings of people I don't know that I am beginning to wonder how much to spend-
  17. Thanks to everyone who popped by and made nice comments- I appreciate each of you!
  18. Thanks to everyone who visits my blog- I had to change my domain name and I have gone with a more general title http://www.domesticlifestyle.com Please book mark domesticlifestyle.com and delete luxetveritasacademy.org Our school is still Lux Et Veritas Academy, but not our blog- I am going with a broader focus, since I discovered that I discuss everything not just school.:)
  19. a hypothyroid medication? What was your experience with this?
  20. I agree this is terrible- My two younger children attend PS 2nd and Pre, my older two are at home- We love their program, it is too bad that these child have lives like this- this is really a home/parenting issue more than anything. This is so sad!
  21. We love it and it really helped my 11 year old, (who was 9 and reluctant) to start reading more. I would pick stories like Huck Finn, and then when he was done get the movie- He loves it! My 14 year old listens to lit like Jane Austin and The Count of Monte Cristo, which probably wouldn't be on her level until high school. So it is a great thing!
  22. Please name your favorite most inspirational, life changing books of all time?
  23. My number one resolution this year is to create inner wealth! I have been thinking the last several months, even years, about what I want to make of my life and my children’s lives. I think this is the number one goal that I want to accomplish this year- is creating inner wealth. What do I mean by that? I am not quite sure- but it goes something like this. I want to create rich, confident souls. Souls that identify with things that matter eternally, I want to create positive, synergy that brings results to what ever we are working on. I want to create environments that teach compassion and develop leadership. I want to get rid of the negative that surrounds us, and focus on the positive. I want to surround myself with people who have a like minded vision of things I want to accomplish. I want to create experiences, lots of experiences that create inner wealth. I am all about experiences. I want to stop acquiring “stuffâ€. I want to develop more gratitude.
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