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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. What are your best sources for the Italian Renaissance? Thanks in Advance
  2. I am looking for your best links and study guides for the following topics- Thanks in Advance (4th-6th Grade) Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Pompeii
  3. I am glad that you have the museums.. because I was thinking "where is the art and the cooking and the fun stuff....Looks like a great schedule to me.
  4. I had listed a bunch on my blog back in Jan- http://www.luxetveritasacademy.org/Site_7/Blog/Entries/2008/1/21_Education_Tip-_Audio_Books.html#comment_09F6137F_0117_1000_885B_5A13DE33D5A9
  5. Some one said 10 Thumbs and we loved that too! I should mention that they let you type lyrics from iTunes, so my kids were typing Jonas Brothers constantly!
  6. I am not kidding- my daughter turns 14 this week....I am in a panic, she is a great girl...I know her friends are starting to show interest, she hangs with good girls (from public school, so I believe the interest is quicker than homeschoolers)...but I dread the day.......can't she stay young forever;) Homeschool has kept her young and pure...How much longer do I have....
  7. Any creative ideas on how to work your merit badges or requirements into your program?
  8. How did you do it- With a ladder? Any suggestions on the pole? Did you use an extension or did you just give up like me and almost hire someone?
  9. I have been in the same thought process as you. I am just selecting books my daughter wants to read and buying the http://www.enotes.com for each book. This gives her a lit packet, plus study guide, lit terms etc for each book. This way I can go at her own pace and pick things she wants to read.
  10. We did full blown American History for 7th at this house last year, my daughter loved it and she was a great age for it. (1600-1850) This year we will do the same years but focus on European History.
  11. I loved it and thought it was wonderfully done. I cried in the last episodes- the sacrifices many made were amazing. Don't miss it- I think it is a must own! I let my 14 year old watch it minus the tar and feathering and the fully clothed loved scene and we are strict about PG 13 and never allow R movies in the home. We are huge history people here and New Englander's, so John Adams is a part of the landscape at our home. We did American History but were way past John Adams, by the time it aired- but I insisted, and she insisted on watching it. Since I dvr'd it, I could edit before hand.
  12. Hey Beth- I just posted about my Tudor fascination on my blog, with my must see flicks http://www.luxetveritasacademy.org/Site_7/Blog/Entries/2008/6/18_My_Fascination_with_History.html Just in case you are interested in going Tudor Crazy!
  13. http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/home_learning/planbook.html One of the things I like is that you can attach websites they may need to visit, they can click on it from the planner. Upload assignments if needed. I think I am going to freak out - this is exactly what I am looking for!
  14. This is awesome- tell me what you think- You can upload, attach, print etc...yeahh for free! http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/home_learning/planbook.html
  15. Since, Rome is one of my favorite places on earth- I would suggest the teaching company (like the above poster) said, and I would also do the Michealanglo course from teaching company.
  16. She has been missing in action, since her post in France- I emailed her- no response...I am concerned!
  17. I just can't get excited about reading this with my kids? Is it me- is it him! I understand the value, but every time I open it up- I shiver. Does anyone have a schedule have their year with Plutarch?
  18. Welcome- I hope you enjoy the boards- You will learn a lot from the group! I have!
  19. Tell me about your experiences with WP-
  20. My friend just used the CAT on her 7th grader. I borrowed it and quizzed my daughter. She didn't miss a thing on the random choices of questions that I selected informally, which surprised me (or I am doing a better job then I thought I was)- I think I would go Iowa or SAT. The CAT seemed, well to me...just to easy!
  21. Actually when I was in HS, I took two courses and didn't take the exam- I did it for the transcript.
  22. If we have 20 chapters left at the end of 5/4 and our year is up in two weeks ,and the kids leave on a two week vacation, do I need to finish the book or start 6/5 and do the first 30 chapters? Which I would probably skip if we had finished the book? Make sense?:confused:
  23. We just copied a poem everyday and I don't think it was very effective! I am interested in this thread, because I am feeling like the original post!
  24. So for instance if you didn't finish your entire curriculum, do you move on to the next grade level when your year is up....or do you finish and then progress naturally?
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