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About This Club

A place to discuss politics from any political viewpoint from any part of the world. Please remember that we don't all come into this with the same perspective. Here are the current rules: -Treat each respectfully. -No ad hominem attacks of other group members. -Do not tell other people how to vote. We are here to discuss politics, not the voting decisions of group members. -Don't bother SWB. -You don't have to read any thread that offends you, but feel free to present your point of view. -Posters whose comments do not engender thoughtful discussion may be removed from the group.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. This exactly. I think this is a bad idea for both parties.
  3. No, really, there is a skit from 2000 with Rudy in drag and DJT hitting on him at the perfume counter. Literally and seriously. (You might need brain bleach.)
  4. You know how Trump liked to be his own PR guy, John Barron? A reporter for Forbes found some old tape with a phone call of "Barron" trying to BS him into listing him on the Forbes 400 list of the richest people. The article has the audio and a long explanation of Trump's machinations to get himself on the list. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/trump-lied-to-me-about-his-wealth-to-get-onto-the-forbes-400-here-are-the-tapes/2018/04/20/ac762b08-4287-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html?utm_term=.3e7a4bd3e918 It's a shame that the news cycle is so crowded this probably won't pop. But it should. It's a doozy!
  5. I think Nunes expected Rosenstein to refuse to turn them over, thereby giving a rationale for firing Rosenstein. And Rosenstein called the bluff. Aside from the near-verification that in addition to Page's and Manafort's there was also a FISA warrant out on Flynn (and it was a DOJ choice, not to redact that), there's not much new there. So now the scramble is to find sound bytes that can be lifted out of context to smear Comey, or DT (who almost certainly did not read anything that long) can simply claim, preposterously, that they "prove" NO COLLUSION.
  6. Okay, so first there was the Nunes memo, remember that? It was going to blow up Bob Mueller and shut the whole Russian thing down. It was a completely stupid, 3-pager with gaping holes that any rational observer could drive a truck through. It didn't help Trump's case at all. Now, the Congressional Republicans threatened to impeach Rod Rosenstein to get their hot little hands on the Comey memos to blow up the Mueller investigation and embarrass Jim Comey on his book tour. Then, they leaked them in less than 3 seconds. I know that was the point, but seriously, these are supposed to be essential to an ongoing investigation and the Congress is supposed to be a serious deliberative body. But, the dumb memos don't really have any new information except the embarrassing hooker conversation with Vladimir Putin which, thank goodness, almost certainly didn't happen. It turns out that DJT just has a hard time remembering if he heard something live or on Fox News. There's probably a diagnosis in the DSM V for that...
  7. Just making sure everyone sees the link to the new group.
  8. Just making sure everyone sees the link to the new group.
  9. Here’s the link to the new, closed group. All posts will be private and I’ll have to approve any members. Lurkers are more than welcome, but I might send a pm if I’m not sure who you are (or just to get to know you better). I will keep this group open and we’ll decide later what we should do with it. Come join the new group!
  10. Okay, I’m going to create a new, closed group here. I know it’s not ideal, and I know that thus group might get back to normal, but after nearly a month of this group either being down or completely open, I don’t want to keep waiting. I know this is just more switching around which is a hassle, but we have so many people not posting here now because of the privacy settings. I’ll create the new group now and post the link in a new thread here and in the google group. The new group will be closed which means it will be visible in the clubs listing, but the posts will be private. You will be able to request to join and I can approve you.
  11. MAGA Making Attorneys Get Attorneys (Not original, I’ve seen that various places on Twitter)
  12. My only preference is not going back to the google group. It worked in a pinch, but the format here is better. Other than that I don’t care.
  13. I'm having a hard time getting used to the new format. Doesn't feel like home...
  14. I'm thinking Giuliani wants access to the evidence the various teams have on Trump so as to see how closely it's pointing in his direction.
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/giuliani-says-he-is-joining-trumps-legal-team-to-negotiate-an-end-to-mueller-probe/2018/04/19/b175fc10-4411-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html?utm_term=.cb5e338eddd4 If anyone deserves a client who puts their license to practice in jeopardy while stiffing them on their legal fees, it's Rudy.
  16. I vote wait a bit longer. I think migrating would lose a ton of people. There's no way to make this group private right now? That option still isn't available, huh? That seems to be the only hangup to continuing here. I vote to wait a bit longer in hopes of making it work. Maybe another week.
  17. What I wonder is if it might be a good idea to wait and see what happens with the clubs for a bit, and let them get the wrinkles ironed out.
  18. I'm OK with either option. I'm honestly surprised that my private group stayed private from the get go. I have no idea how I accomplished that. LOL
  19. I have just been only a lurker, but I keep telling myself that I ought to post here so I am grateful that you are willing to keep the lurkers :)
  20. You’re right, posts in a new club could just as easily disappear (although apparently our most recent batch of disappeared posts is sitting in a different club right now, so I don’t know how lost they really are). The biggest advantage to starting a new club here would be the privacy settings. I have no control over those settings, including whether people who aren’t even in the group can post here.
  21. Would a new group be here or somewhere else? If here, I don't see much difference than keeping this one and stuff there may vanish too as they tweak the groups. HOwever, I'm good wherever we land. :) Thanks so much Amira!
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