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6th graders..where's the Logic and the Greek?


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I'm reviewing what everyone's using for 6th and not seeing much logic or greek (or modern language).


What's the consensus? What's the program for logic? I feel like I need to begin both logic and greek this year having done NOTHING prior to this.

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Calvin studies Latin, French and Mandarin. His younger brother studies Greek, but Calvin has no interest, so I'm not pushing it.


We have a slot once a week which we use to cycle through various thinking skills subjects. Currently we are studying RE (largely a philosophy course). We sometimes use that slot for philosophy, sometimes for logic. There just isn't time to do them all every term.



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We are using Art of Argument for Logic in 6th. We are finishing up Logic Liftoff this summer.


Our plan was to add EG1 next year as well but we are holding off one more year. We will only be in our second year of Latin. We did Greek Code Cracker this year and he enjoyed but expressed some frustration with all the steps to translate. He is mildly dyslexic so I'm going to give him one more year to mature before starting Greek.

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We start Latin & Greek early in our homeschool. Both of my older boys have worked through the Greek Alphabetarion and the Elementary Greek 3-volume series. This year they finished the first third of Machen's NT Greek for Beginners.


I start Art of Argument when my boys are in 7th grade. Prior to that I read aloud and discuss with them The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel Bluedorn. In addition, I have the boys work through the Mindbender CDs by the Critical Thinking Company.



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We'll be using Critical Thinking Book One for 6th and will do a more formal logic program (still debating a few options) in 7th. Ds will be doing Elementary Greek (finishing 2, doing 3) as well as Latin Prep 3 this fall. I didn't list Spanish on the other thread, but we'll continue with some low level exposure (La Clase Divertida, Salsa, other supplements)... And similar with some French as well. Yes, I'd rather both of my kids were getting regular tutoring with a native speaker and becoming truly bilingual, but that's just not going to happen. So I'll go for exposure for now, and they'll study a modern language more closely later on.

Edited by abbeyej
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Now I'm feeling inadequate! Oh well, we'll just go on from here. I think I'll use Elementary Greek next year, and for logic, I'll probably just buy every book out there and see what works for us. In fact, I'll probably end up doing this with the Greek too.


We did Latin Prep 1 in 4th grade, then I enrolled dc in an outside class that did Cambridge Unit 1. It slowed us down a bit, but maybe it was for the better. In 6th we'll do Latin Prep 2, and keep up with the reading in Cambridge.


BTW, Laura, I'm still thankful to you for introducing us to Latin Prep!



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BTW, Laura, I'm still thankful to you for introducing us to Latin Prep!




Calvin is half way through book 3, and I start on book 1 with Hobbes in the autumn. I know I couldn't have taught to this level without Galore Park.



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For sixth this upcoming year, I'm doing Thinking Toolbox and Fallacy Detective. One each semester. He's done Mind Benders this year. I decided that I wanted to cover informal logic before getting into more formal logic, so I'm waiting to start Intro Logic in seventh grade (unless something better comes along, LOL). He's going to start playing around with algebra this next school year, so I think he'll be well ready when we get into more formal logic.


For Latin, I'm using Latin Primer II. He's done Primer I this year. I'm using this series because I'd already used it with an older son and so have all the TM's, videos, etc. And it's an okay and inexpensive series. Some of the new ones might be better, but I'm happy with this.


For Spanish, I'm using Spanish for Children. My son also participates in a once weekly, hour long class with a native speaker and she assigns homework for them from a workbook they use. Next year will be his third year with her.


We've been playing around with both Spanish (various things) and Latin (Minimus) since first grade. My son was in a Montessori school for K and he did Spanish there with them, too.


We've been doing a little Greek memory work this year, just getting acclimated to the letters. He'll be doing the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker (Classical Academic Press). I don't have time to really add in more than that.

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who don't recommend Logic/ Critical Thinking til 7th. I tend to agree with that so we aren't doing it next year. Modern Language here starts after 3 full years of serious Latin so that would be 7th for ds and 6th for dd. Greek will only be if seminary is in the future.

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We do Latin, Greek and French by 6th grade. But we will not be doing formal logic until somewhere around 9th grade. I do have workbooks on hand such as the Logic Countdown series and the Safari Logic books for the kids to work on in the car.

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