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Do you re-read read-alouds?

Guest 4boys

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Guest 4boys

What I mean is, the books you read to your dc in, say, Grade 2...when the next one gets to Grade 2, do you re-read them? Or are you constantly picking new books?

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Sometimes. I've read Ramona the Pest twice now, but DS#2 wasn't as into it as my first, so we didn't re-read all of Ramona. We're re-reading Charlotte's Web, and I will be thrilled to read it again to my youngest, too. So, yes, but only the best ones.

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Yes, I've been reading the books I read to my older son to my younger son. I don't reread books to the same child, except picture books when they were little. I think I've read Goodnight Moon 50,000 times. But I didn't think you were referring to picture books.

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My girls are only two years apart so they listened together to our read alouds. The ones we really liked I'm having DD2 read independently now that she's older. Since DS1 is 3 years younger and DS2 4 years behind him, there are plenty of books I plan on rereading. Basically, as long as I enjoy it, I don't mind reading it again.

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What I mean is, the books you read to your dc in, say, Grade 2...when the next one gets to Grade 2, do you re-read them? Or are you constantly picking new books?


I re-read them. If they were good for the first to hear aloud, then they're good for the others as well. First of all, I have to buy all my books - horrible library. So if I've got a good book for a time period on a shelf, I'm not going to leave it there and go buy another. Besides, there aren't really that many really good books out there. At least not from what I've seen. I even sometimes have a dc read a book on his second go-round the history cycle that I've read as a read-aloud on his first go-round.

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If my kids were far apart, I would reread the very best books to the younger child.


I don't reread the same book to the same child though.


I just finished reading Hugo Cabret to my six year old, and when I closed the book and said "The End" he jumped up and said "READ IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!"


:glare: no. (ETA: I did get him the audiobook from the library. :) )

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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A book truly worth reading is worth reading again. I think I've read Charlotte's Web four times already - and I know it will get read again!! When I am re-reading read alouds to younger children I notice that even my olders will sometimes make sure they can hear or will be making comments about the book when they are 'supposed' to be doing something else :). Also, they don't seem to mind having a read-aloud that they have already read themselves. I guess there's just something about sharing a book together that makes a book special. :001_smile:

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A book truly worth reading is worth reading again.


.. Also, they don't seem to mind having a read-aloud that they have already read themselves. I guess there's just something about sharing a book together that makes a book special. :001_smile:


:iagree: My oldest enjoys hearing the books again.

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One thing that I like to do is get the audiobook from the library if my kids really like something that I've read aloud to them. Like, Charlotte's Web, I love that book and so do my dc so after I read it and they asked for it again, I got the audiobook for them.


I just really don't like rereading chapter books but I do like reading great picture books over and over.

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I just finished reading Hugo Cabret to my six year old, and when I closed the book and said "The End" he jumped up and said "READ IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!"



That's exactly what happened here when I finished The Twits -- the first time both of my kids have actually enjoyed Roald Dahl. I moved on to something new, but I know we will be re-reading that one in the near future.

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My daughter is 11 and we still read together every night. We seldom read the same book aloud again, just because we have so many books and there is always something else she is wanting to read together. She does re-read some of our read-alouds to herself though.



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