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Mission trip to Ireland??

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Europe is definitely post-Christian. There are far more people there who are secular or of a non-Christian faith than those who are Christian. Church attendance is very, very low. I have a dear friend who is British (presently living in Scotland) who would say that Europe is Christian by heritage but that only a minority are actually Christian in belief and practice.

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Europe is definitely post-Christian. There are far more people there who are secular or of a non-Christian faith than those who are Christian. Church attendance is very, very low.


However, I think there is enough cultural knowledge about Christianity to allow people to seek out more information for themselves if they so desire.



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However, I think there is enough cultural knowledge about Christianity to allow people to seek out more information for themselves if they so desire.



But they aren't. That's why missionaries go there. It's a command for believers to go into all the world, not just to places where there isn't a cultural knowledge about Christianity.

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Yes, in Ireland, and in fact all of Europe, Christianity is in a steep decline. If you want more details, please pm me. I don't want to start any sort of big debate here.


fyi My husband and I are 'missionaries' in England. Before we came here, I was told (by a British Christian) not to say that we are missionaries because the British people don't want to be 'missionaried'. But we did move here 8 years ago to start a non-denominational Christian church.


So, if you want my perspective, feel free to pm me.




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However, I think there is enough cultural knowledge about Christianity to allow people to seek out more information for themselves if they so desire.




Not wanting to start a debate, or anything, but I have to respectfully disagree.


We have worked a lot with young people and their knowledge of anything Christian is very limited. I know that they are supposed to learn about Christianity, and other religions, in their RE classes, but either the instruction is extremely weak, or they're not paying any attention, because most that I have met really have no idea.


In addition, adults have a very skewed view of Christiantiy, that Christianity = Church of England. I'm not criticizing C of E at all because I have many wonderful, good Christian friends who are C of E. But C of E does not represent all of Christianity, and, more importantly, people pre-concieved beliefs about C of E (based on going a few times when they were a kid) are an even poorer representation of Christianity.




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But they aren't. That's why missionaries go there. It's a command for believers to go into all the world, not just to places where there isn't a cultural knowledge about Christianity.


Plus, a mission trip with an emphasis on prayer walking the area would be a definite plus, to remove the scales from eyes and to remove the spiritual darkness that is evidentallly covering many people in the first place. I know a lot of people who mentally know the gospel message but they need the prayer to open their eyes to see, their ears to hear, and their hearts to understand.

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I just have to add that being in the middle of a culture does not guarantee transmission of that culture--

Ds has been raised by two devout Christian parents, has gone to 9 years of Sunday School, and has been surrounded by Christian believers his whole life. I'm surprised by what he still doesn't know about Christian beliefs. It's pretty convicting, but I do know that part of it is his refusal to learn.

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