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If You Wouldn't Mind Sending A Thought/Prayer...

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Tazzie, my 4 yo is still sick. He's had the flu of some sort since Mon afternoon...fever, vomiting, coughing...and now he says he hurts all over. He gulped some flat ginger ale his Daddy gave him this am, and promptly threw it up, so now its all I can do to get him to take a sip of water every half hour or so, because he's terrified of vomiting again. I'm scared of swine flu of course, but even more so, of him dehydrating since I can barely get fluids into him. He's urinated x2 yesterday, and not at all today that I know of.


So, if you wouldn't mind sending some thoughts and prayers for my son, I'd greatly appreciate it.


ETA: Obviously, I'm more panicked than I realized...forgot to add that we're off to the Dr in about an hour.

Edited by Impish
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My ds had the flu at 4 and it was so terrible. It wasn't swine flu, it was H3N2 (Fujan strain), but OMG. I will never forget it! The good news is that he did recover and is fine now. So, swine flu or regular flu...just keep pushing fluids. More than likely, your little guy needs a shot of phenergan to stop the vomiting so he can keep down meds and fluids. This is what ds had to have...then we had to do suppositories of phenergran for a few days to keep him hydrated, but it did work like a charm!

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First of all, thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!


Turns out that Tazzie doesn't have any flu or virus at all. :001_huh:

Its severe tonsillitis. I never had a clue that tonsillitis can mimic all the symptoms of the flu, but now I do, and so do you! Its what caused the fever, which in turn was responsible for the vomiting, chills, muscle soreness, etc.


What I *don't* get is why when asked, Tazzie denied that his throat hurt. :confused:

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First of all, thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!


Turns out that Tazzie doesn't have any flu or virus at all. :001_huh:

Its severe tonsillitis. I never had a clue that tonsillitis can mimic all the symptoms of the flu, but now I do, and so do you! Its what caused the fever, which in turn was responsible for the vomiting, chills, muscle soreness, etc.


What I *don't* get is why when asked, Tazzie denied that his throat hurt. :confused:


Aha! Yay! - well, um, you know what I mean. ;)


Actually - his throat may not be "sore" at all. Ask him if his throat feels "lumpy" or "tickley" and see what he says. I've had tonsillitis quite a few times and more often than not, it didn't really "hurt" ...it was more of an uncomfortable, lumpy, weird feeling... y'know what I mean? Made it difficult to swallow and felt strange, but it didn't hurt like a raw throat does...


Very glad they sorted that out. :D


(I don't s'pose kiddo can gargle with salt water eh? Prolly too young to do it without swallowing and then he'll be throwing up again cuz it's gross to drink... if he *can*, it's one of the best things for tonsillitis. Not making that up, doc told me so.)

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(I don't s'pose kiddo can gargle with salt water eh? Prolly too young to do it without swallowing and then he'll be throwing up again cuz it's gross to drink... if he *can*, it's one of the best things for tonsillitis. Not making that up, doc told me so.)

Actually, he can. Problem is, I can't get him to stand up for any length of time without feeling like he's going to fall over. He's just way too sick yet to give that a go. A few doses of antibiotics, and I'll add it to the regimen though!

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Actually, he can. Problem is, I can't get him to stand up for any length of time without feeling like he's going to fall over. He's just way too sick yet to give that a go. A few doses of antibiotics, and I'll add it to the regimen though!


Awesome. :D (that he can do that, I mean - not that he's falling over!)


My 12 year old gags and spits and pulls a lovely drama queen when I try getting her to do it for inflamed throats and she's eight years older! :tongue_smilie:

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First of all, thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!


Turns out that Tazzie doesn't have any flu or virus at all. :001_huh:

Its severe tonsillitis. I never had a clue that tonsillitis can mimic all the symptoms of the flu, but now I do, and so do you! Its what caused the fever, which in turn was responsible for the vomiting, chills, muscle soreness, etc.


What I *don't* get is why when asked, Tazzie denied that his throat hurt. :confused:


Oops. Now that I've read the rest of the story, I'm relieved, but still thinking of you.


Hope he heals up quickly.



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What I *don't* get is why when asked, Tazzie denied that his throat hurt. :confused:



I had tonsillitus all the time as a kid, and never once had a sore throat. My throat wasn't sore with strep, either. Even now, the only way I know if my throat is infected is if I look at my tonsils and they look disgusting!


I hope your little one feels better soon!



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