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What in TARnation? Laundry question. . . .

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Let's say that someone's dh sat in tar - sticky, farm tar over the weekend.


And the someone promised her dear, sweet dh she'd take care of it for him.


And let's say that someone's son put the tar-stained shorts through the washer & dryer before it was noticed.


What says the hive - any hope for the clothing?




Not that it happened to me. I'm just sayin.

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Let's say that someone's dh sat in tar - sticky, farm tar over the weekend.


And the someone promised her dear, sweet dh she'd take care of it for him.


And let's say that someone's son put the tar-stained shorts through the washer & dryer before it was noticed.


What says the hive - any hope for the clothing?




Not that it happened to me. I'm just sayin.


Hypothetically, I'd say there are some new farm rags in that person's future.


Seriously though, how would you have handled it before they were run through the wash/dry? How do you get tar out of cloth? I've never been successful.

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After they went through the dryer there's not much to do, but to chuck them. Sorry.


For the future though try "Goop". It's stuff that auto mechanics use to clean their hands. You just put some of this stuff on dry clothes, let it sit for an hour, then wash it as usual. That's the only thing that worked for us, and I've tried many stain removers. Got mine at Wal*mart.

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After they went through the dryer there's not much to do, but to chuck them. Sorry.


For the future though try "Goop". It's stuff that auto mechanics use to clean their hands. You just put some of this stuff on dry clothes, let it sit for an hour, then wash it as usual. That's the only thing that worked for us, and I've tried many stain removers. Got mine at Wal*mart.

:iagree:I would also check the dryer really good to make sure that there isn't any of the tar on the inside of the dryer. I have had this happen with crayon.:toetap05::toetap05::toetap05:

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Oh, yeah. Dryer on fire. I need THAT like i need another hole in my head. . . . .


I'm pretty sure the dryer's ok. It was a line of tar - I think he sat on a rail tie or something.


I"ll break the bad news, gently. It was one of his few good pairs of shorts. :glare:

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