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For those who might be following the autism/vaccine debate....

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I don't know if you've seen the news about the recent settlement of one of the cases. I think it raises some interesting points on potential mitochondrial disorders:








I'm reading Evidence of Harm right now. And this was a pretty telling attempt by someone, somewhere to influence legislation that would be a protection from liability. This really perked up my "something's not right here" meter when I read about it. (And to tell you the truth, I did not know they pulled the stealth addition. I thought it had passed into law, though I'm not sure where I thought I read it.)

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Thanks for the story, I have a few friends that will be interested in this article. I am always glad that we didn't vax our dc. The only vax we gave 1st ds was for polio, because at the time they were vax with live polio from monkey cells(if I remember correctly), and you could catch polio from a child that had just been vaccinated. But oops, that wasn't such a good idea so they don't do that anymore. hummm. :mad: Many of the vax they recommended for our first ds they do not do today for various reasons, but at the time it was unheard of not to do those vaxs, but it is o.k. not to do them now, because they have better information, etc. End of beginning of rant.


I heard the CDC just announced all children should get the flu vac. The old recommendation was up to 5yrs. Now up to 18yrs. My first thought was how much money that would make for the pharm co.s. Pretty good news for them. No thanks.

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Though I fully understand and support (to some degree) the government's "need" to protect us from rampant illness, this just goes to show that the vaccine lobby and the feds are really more about covering their own you-know-whats than worrying about how are children are potentially damaged from the onslaught of vaccines.


I'm not 100% on either side. We pick and choose some vaccines, but give them much later than recommended (12yods had his first full-blown vaccine 6 months ago).


What I AM on the side of is the TRUTH! I want the government to be 100% honest about vaccines. I want doctors to err on the side of caution, and on the side of the patient instead of the billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. I don't want babies injected with disease before even leaving the hospitals. I don't want babies/toddlers to be given 7-in-1 shots like puppies (I don't even do that to my puppies).


This has gotten completely out of hand!

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I found this quote most interesting:


And of course, if vaccine injuries can aggravate Mt disease to the point of manifesting as autism features, then what other underlying disorders or conditions (genetic, autoimmune, allergic, etc.) might also be aggravated to the same extent?



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The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out almost $2 billion to American families whose children have had adverse reactions (and worse?) to vaccinations. Why would they be paying up if there weren't a very real potential for harm? For crying out loud, I wish they'd just fess up. LOL


The equivalent of this compensation program in Great Britain has paid out millions to its citizens, too.


This is an interesting story--thanks for posting!

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Here's a link to an add that ran in USA Today a couple of weeks ago. It's from an Advocacy Group called Generation Rescue. It's a pretty powerful picture of the contrast between mandated vaccines in past and what we have now. Note the numbers in parentheses are months of age......


A friend of mine recently pointed out to me that before all this push started, in 1983, there were 5 vaccines mandated by the CDC for prior to or at 6 months of age. Today, there are 21 mandated for that same time period......



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