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Surgical procedures for "female problems"

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I have had really heavy periods for about 8 years now. Sometimes the bleeding makes it so I'm confined to my house for 2-3 days per month. I have been anemic on and off for that time, I take iron pills daily.


So, I have a new doctor (who I really like...) who is recommending removal of polyps/fibroids with this system, followed by an endometrial ablation.


Does anyone know of a reason I should not have these procedures done? Has anyone had these procedures done? Are you happy with the results?


Any & all feedback appreciated!

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I had it last fall. Overall, I'm very pleased with the procedure. My experience was similar to the other posters. For the first time in over 30 years (other than during pregnancies) I'm no longer taking Advil for several days each month. Yes...no more cramps.


As with any procedure, I'd just make sure you're going to a doctor that has performed the ablation procedure many, many times.


The only con I can think of is that this is an elective procedure that requires undergoing anesthesia.


Also, my doctor did a D&C before the ablation. You may want to see if your doctor will do that, as well. You know, just to make sure you're fully informed.

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I had ablation done 7 years ago, and haven't had a drop since. The doctor says it is rare to have nothing, but I don't and am Very, very happy about it :D:D:D:D:D.


I recommend it all the time. It was the best thing I ever could have done. The first couple of months are like the months after a baby while your body heals, and then like magic, it all went awwwwway. :auto: :D

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My sister had it done and it didnt help her any. When I started having problems too he suggested I have it done. I soon got pg and after the birth I had a uterine prolapse... so we decided to go with a hysterectomy. I had the laparoscopic hyst, and I kept my ovaries and cervix. It was soo easy. My periods were worse than the surgery was. I checked myself out of the hospital within 3 hours of checking in for surgery. I had no pain...just a lot of bloating.

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Is this procedure just to give lighter periods or does it also help with the emotional swings as well? I would have a surgery in a second if it got rid of that!


It doesn't affect the hormones. It only scars the inside of the uterus, making the sloughing of the cells impossible in the scared areas.


This is why every one gets different results. For my procedure (one of the first methods-not necessarily the same on they do now) a balloon is inserted in the uterus, filled with water, heated to a very hot temperature, cooled, removed. The super hot water wounds the uterus, when your body heals from the burn over the next few months, a scar forms inside the uterus. Since not all uterus-es (uter-i ? lol) are shaped like a balloon (heart shaped is also common) the areas that the balloon didn't touch, won't be damaged/scared. The healthy tissue that is left can still slough, and a normal cycle will ensue, but usually be very light because there are fewer healthy unscarred cells. Some people's bodies don't form a scar after the procedure, and don't get any relief at all.


The hormones and other organs are all left in tact, untouched.

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