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WAHOOO What a day!!!

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Youngest son competed in our state Science Olympiad competition today. He had 5 events and took a 1st, 3rd, 2 4ths!! His team, with mostly young kids who had never done Science Olympiad before came in 4th in the state out of 60 teams.


I thought the day couldn't get any better.


We came home to learn that my oldest (Junior) was awarded Honorable Mention in the US Institute of Peace National Peace Essay Contest. This is the science-kid who hates to write but had to write this essay for his AP English Lang course. Submitting it for the contest was optional. Wahooo!!!


Then we listened to our phone messages and one of the summer science institute programs he applied to wants to interview him. He hates talking on the phone. At least we now have a little warning that this phone interview is going to take place but


How do I prepare him for this?



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Wow, that's great! Congrats to both your boys!



Then we listened to our phone messages and one of the summer science institute programs he applied to wants to interview him. He hates talking on the phone. At least we now have a little warning that this phone interview is going to take place but


How do I prepare him for this?




Maybe he could do some "practice interviews" on the phone with an extended family member or friend of the family, just to get him a little more comfortable with thinking on his feet and answering questions over the phone.

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What a great day, indeed!


Regarding the phone interview, I read somewhere that when having an interview over the phone, one should sit in front of a mirror and watch himself. This supposedly increases excitement in the voice, and keeps one "tuned in". There were other positives mentioned (such as the brain processes questions better and faster when looking at a face, rather than into space, or something like that), but it had something to do with actually looking at a 'face' and sounding excited, and speaking loud enough. IIRC, there was also a benefit of looking at one's own eyes that helps one's confidence come through in the voice.


I've never tried this, but I filed it in the back of my head, because it seemed like a good idea. I believe it was an article written some time ago on job interviews via the phone. Maybe Googling 'telephone job interview tips' will turn up some other helps?


Good luck to your son, and again, congrats on all the good news!!

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Yay Carole, what a fantastic day!! Congrats all around - you must be one proud mom!


So neat about the English essay award. If my writing-allergic son had done that, I would have passed out with happiness- that PA Homeschool English class must really be working for him!


And that's great news about the summer science program,too. If they want to interview him, they must have liked his application! And isn't it always a relief when your mom-made transcript and paperwork first passes inspection?


We're also in the summer science/math program application process here. Tension, waiting,...:001_smile: No phone interviews, though - that would be tough for mine, too.


Your son's application showed he's got the background for the program; now they probably want to talk to him to determine "fit". So imagine what they might ask:


How did your background in this subject lead you to become interested in spending a significant portion of time this summer in Program X?


How does homeschooling science work?


What do you hope to get out of Program X?


What can you offer to Program X?


Name a good book you read recently outside of school and tell how it affected you.


These are some of the questions my dd had to answer on her applications so far...w/o knowing what program your son is applying to, it's hard to be more specific.


As for the telephone portion, mine would have been a bit nervous, so I would have had them write out some of these sample Q&A's on a piece of paper. Then we'd leave the paper by the telephone so it would be there for some moral support when the call came!


Hope it works out well for your ds!



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Thank you all for the congrats. It was definitely a proud-mamma day.


I've printed out everything we sent in with DS application---his transcript, extra-curr sheets and the two essays he had to write---so he can read them over again before DS calls this man. It's a great idea to have them at his fingertips during the conversation too. I'll have him put together a list of questions he should ask although he's quite good about that when he does a live-person interview.


Why didn't I think about the practice call? Great idea. I had one of those ahha moments when I read this. DH is constantly phone interviewing for his job (hiring co-workers or interviewing vendors...) and he is presently chatting with DS about this.



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Wow, that's great! Congrats to both your boys!




Maybe he could do some "practice interviews" on the phone with an extended family member or friend of the family, just to get him a little more comfortable with thinking on his feet and answering questions over the phone.


I was going to suggest the same thing. :001_smile:

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Update: DH spoke to DS for over an hour about phone interviewing, practicing questions, talking about the dos and don'ts.


DS and I went over his transcript and activities, I asked him questions such as 'describe to me what these fund raising activites were that you did in Science Olympiad'


He called the gentleman and spoke to him for over 30 minutes. DS thought it went well, time will tell. DS was the first hs'er this man had ever spoken to or interviewed. :ohmy: He wanted to know if DS had ever been away from home without mom or dad (I prepped him for that one :001_smile: ) and they spoke quite a lot about chemistry and how the program worked.


Thanks for the help!



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Hi Carole! I'm so glad to hear about your wonder couple of days! this is so exciting!


Which program was it? Was it the Drexel program by any chance? I know you were looking into it from our earlier conversations.


I'm glad the interview went well! He'll do great wherever he goes I'm sure!


Congrats to both of you!:w00t:

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The program is CIBA High School Chemistry Science Institute. We've been able to find news articles about the program but when we were told about it we could not find any application information on the web. We learned about it cause his Science Olympiad coach, also a PS Science teacher, nominated him for the program. I am praying hard that he is accepted. I know he would enjoy it, and I'm sure they would enjoy him too.


We haven't heard from Drexel yet. Should we call them? If so, when?



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