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Everything posted by SusanNN

  1. Thanks for all the responses -- it really helps to hear experiences of those who have gone before!! It seems the consensus is: try to do both micro and dissections, unless budget really doesn't allow it. I'm off to start the search for used microscopes!! :001_huh:
  2. I'm trying to budget for next year's supplies. My 9th grader will study Biology - probably Apologia (it could change but that's what I think at this moment). How necessary is it to 1) Buy a microscope and all the slides, etc? 2) Buy a dissection setup and materials? Please rank: Essential Very Important Somewhat Important Good if you can Optional Not necessary at all Thanks!!!
  3. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE San Diego!!!!!!! Congratulations of your new situation!
  4. LOL! Just joking ---- this was ME as a young person! I still am not great with the phone for inexplicable reasons. I am fine in person and writing. My advice is to not feed into avoidance - it will only get worse and more overwhelming. As with any phobia-type fear (sorry if that's too strong - mostly talking about myself!) - the way to grow is by exposing yourself to what you're afraid of - if necessary, incrementally. The advice re starting with "unimportant" calls was good. Practice, practice and then the "important" calls won't seem so full of pressure.
  5. Sounds like you all have enough going on without the added pressure of "perfect homeschool"!! It will be FINE! Keep them reading - maybe encourage them to delve into different genres (nonfiction, historical fiction) Don't forget books on tape! How about science programs on TV or video? Historical programs too. Moving itself is a learning experience - all the things that go with a new place. Maybe they could do some geography by looking up your route on a map, doing research on the geography of where you'll be living (mountains, bodies of water, etc) --- there are a million things they can research - history of your new state, landmarks, calculating mileage, etc..... Best wishes!!!
  6. We got one of those plastic tables from Staples - good price, good quality. To solve the "bumpiness" thing --- my kids use laminate "lap boards" under their papers when they need a smooth surface. Both my kids are avid drawers and the boards are portable - bigger than a clipboard (approx 12 X 14 inches) but the same idea (no clip though - just a flat smooth surface). They use them while I'm reading aloud, on the coach or on their beds, on the carpet..... they are sturdy and easy to clean. I think you can use dry erase markers on them if you want to actually write directly on them. We use these boards ALL day EVERY day!! We purchased them years ago from Rainbow Resource for like $3 or $4. We also have one that is recycled from one of those breakfast in bed trays (it was wooden with laminate top - we just removed the laminate tray part). :001_smile:
  7. There are tons of really helpful articles --- helped me understand trans fats, cleansings, etc. Also the little videos of exercises...... I gotta get back there!!
  8. I think it's a GREAT site!!!! I got out of the habit of tracking my food ---- I read that statistically it helps people lose weight. I have to start doing it again - thanks for the nudge! I like that they calculate your protein/carb/fat percentages so I know whether I'm in the right range. I found I needed to eat more protein and wasn't as bad on fat as I thought.
  9. Whenever I start significantly cutting back on my intake of food, I experience headaches. I am headache (migraine) prone to begin with. Basically I have learned I have to: 1) do it gradually --- there will be no quick weight loss for me! 2) learn to have healthy snacks -- A lot of people say this, but I really do HAVE to have small meals, can't go too long without a little something to eat, etc. The best things for me (to snack on in between meals) are a few almonds or mini carrots and hummus (something with protein - NOT crackers or pretzels). I have always needed to eat frequently - what I had to learn is to eat much LESS at actual meals so I could continue small snacks. I don't know how to avoid the grumpiness!!!!! Exercise maybe?! :glare:
  10. Hi, My husband wants me to ask you about the handling in the snow/ice --- how is it? Thanks!!! (he is REALLY researching this vehicle!!)
  11. Congratulations!!! That is great timing! What color did you get? :001_smile:
  12. We have had our eye on this vehicle for awhile - watching the prices, etc. The main things drawing us to it are the 2nd row captain's chairs (with the cool storage) and the ability to fold up or down the back row for extra seats. We like the size and style overall. Plus the overall price and reliability and safety and all that seems good. Everyone in the family gives it a thumbs up (not a frequent occurrence to have total agreement!) OK, the negatives --- you're saying it is quite noisy - didn't notice that on the test drives. And that jerky thing does not sound good!! What is it with the tinted windows? All the advertising show it, but it doesn't seem to come standard! Hmmmmmm, we have to think about it more.
  13. Thanks for your detailed reply! One more question-- what ages do you think it is geared toward?
  14. When I all of a sudden find myself with free time (a rare occurrence!!!!) I have no idea where to start. So my advice - just start somewhere! And try to balance "work" (floors, etc) with some "play" (library,etc). You need some fun too! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Their website and catalog describe their focus really well - you can see if it fits with what you're looking for.
  16. Is this harder on the Moms, so you think?! Best wishes to all!!!!!
  17. It's a possibility we could be moving there (Syracuse area) down the road. Lots of HSers?
  18. We are thinking about buying one --- reviews?
  19. My husband however is a neat book shelver - and forget about piling books in front of other books!:001_smile:
  20. I'm curious - how are the prices on these websites? I've never bought fabric online before and am often frustrated with the local store's selection. Thanks!
  21. I stumbled upon this thread -- have a right brained ds and need all the info I can get!
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