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Everything posted by SusanNN

  1. Thanks for all the replies!! I have 2 questions - 1) Apologia Biology --- does it include specimen dissection and / or microscope work? If so, does everyone go ahead in invest in a microscope and/or dissection materials? 2) I second the question asked by Jennie: Would you still recommend Physics first, even if your child had completed Apologia General Science and Apologia Physical Science? In other words, if your child has already had a decent amount of physical science, would you still recommend high school physics (9th grade) prior to HS Bio, etc? Thanks!!
  2. Sonlight sells Home Instructor Guides which have all the answers for problems in both text and workbooks. I think the answers are the same for both the US and Singapore versions (I notice that occasionally both are listed - they will give "US" answer and "Singapore" answer - usually it is as simple as the 2 versions using different names in the word problems) I have found these guides very helpful!
  3. try googling "Christianbook coupon" ---if I have a few minutes I'll do it and if I find anything, I'll post it.
  4. I'm trying to figure out what kind of reusable water bottles to buy - one for each member of the family. What is the safest kind? Thanks!
  5. You can do a google search and listen to samples. It's basically science info put into songs - familiar tunes, some are quite clever/funny - we enjoyed them!
  6. Thankfully no one was hurt! We once drove our one vehicle into the open door of the other vehicle --Thankfully, the damage was negligible but we felt preeeeeeettttttty dumb! :001_rolleyes:
  7. How do I change the "Just Visiting" caption under my user name to something cooler? Thanks! :confused:
  8. What have you used and would use again? I would appreciate general (Apologia? BobJones? Something else?) or specific suggestions - thanks!!
  9. It's so OBVIOUS now that I see that little number! :blink:
  10. I say give it a try and if it seems frustrating for her, put it away till later. My boys were not early writers - even though they read well, the writing was VERY frustrating to them. I learned that it was OK that everything didn't develop in perfect harmony with every other skill --- and to not hold them back from what they WERE ready to do. So I say - if she wants to try, let her try! :)
  11. We haven't done SL7 or the upper levels yet, but we are doing SL6. In the Language Arts program, along with comprehension questions for the all the books, there is focus on literary analysis: imagery, characterization, dissecting poems, diagramming plot, symbolism, etc. Is that what you're talking about? It is not laid out for you for all the books individually --- but those things are taught and often the student is asked to incorporate the skill in a writing assignment. Check Sonlight's website and you can look at Instructor Guide Samples - I think you can view the "Schedule for Topics and Skills", which I think would help you see what I'm referring to. Hope that helped!
  12. and can they be on any of the WTM boards? (pretty new here!) thanks!
  13. I've heard Seventh Generation carpet cleaner works pretty well --- I never could find it in my local stores though! (wanted to because of the environmentally friendly aspect)
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