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Book A Week in 2009 Week 13

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Howdy, ladies. It is the start of another book week. We are on Week 13 of our quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. It is time to start book # 14.


To recap the rules:




  1. Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks
  2. Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009
  3. School related books don't count (unless you want them to.



You may post your reviews, thoughts, reactions to the books you've read here or on the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Blog. You can actually join in anytime and this past week we have another newbie join.


Let's welcome Julie Aka Jujsky.



I finally picked another book to read after binging on War and Peace. My review is on both my blog and 52 weeks. Once I finished it, I couldn't even think of reading another book for a while. I just start reading an Advanced Reader Copy (courtesy of Shelf awareness) of "Long Lost" by Harlan Coben. The book was just released on March 31st. Coben is a first time author read for me and I have to say I'm enjoying it so far. This is book # 42 for me.




What are you reading this week?

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Thanks for the welcome :001_smile:. I checked my Shelfari list, and this is what I've read so far this year. I've actually read more than 13, but I have some in my TBR pile that may take a couple of weeks and even out the score. A bunch of what I've read were in Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Series, and those were just 1 or 2 day reads.


1. Club Dead by Charlaine Harris

2. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris

3. The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory

4. Dead as a Doornail by Charlaine Harris

5. Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris

6. All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris

7. A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer (excellent book!)

8. A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass

9. Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr (hated it!)

10. The Virgin's Lover by Philippa Gregory

11. Here's the Story by Maureen McCormick

12. The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman

13. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See (excellent!)


Currently reading:

14 & 15: A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole and Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. I had to put Confederacy of Dunces aside for a bit because my friend talked me into joining her book club, so I have to read Under the Banner of Heaven by Saturday morning. It is a great book. It tells about the history of LDS and the darker history of FLDS. It's a very interesting read, and for a non-fiction, I'm moving through it quickly.

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Finished #16 - "The Greatest Generation Speaks", by Tom Brokaw, the first sequel to "The Greatest Generation" - about WWII vets and their lives, values, and families. Currently reading Brokaw's second and final sequel called "An Album of Memories: Personal Histories from the Greatest Generation".


Taking a weekend trip to visit my mom, so I may take very light reading with me - maybe "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks - not sure yet.

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If you're the kitchen witchy type (meaning you like to read stuff like that, not that you actually are a kitchen witch) you'll LOVE this book: Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen It was so gorgeous I almost ate it up.

Also read Wild Fermentations and Fresh Air by Charlotte Vale Allen, and thoroughly enjoyed both. Can't wait until I have money again so I can buy Wild Fermentations.




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Just looked up Garden Spells on Amazon and it sounds wonderful! I'm adding it to my list of future books.


I went on a binge this last week, though it wasn't with anything as epic as War and Peace. I read about 5 of the Janet Evanovich books, binging on them the way Stephanie Plum binges on doughnuts. What can I say? I just couldn't figure out whether I like Ranger or Morelli better and had to keep reading...

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Week 1: The Nice and the Good by Iris Murdoch

Week 2: The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

Week 3: The Book and the Brotherhood by Iris Murdoch

Week 4: The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie

Week 5: The Moor's Last Sigh by Salman Rushdie

Week 6: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Week 7: Shalimar the Clown by Salman Rushdie

Week 8: Paper Towns by John Green

Week 9: Eva Trout by Elizabeth Bowen

Week 10: Saville: David Storey

Week 11: The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald

Week 12: Offshore by Penelope Fitzgerald

Week 13: The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt





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Well, I am way behind on a book a week and am still on my Chaim Potok fest. This week: My name is Asher Lev.

Also, finished up Mrs. Piggle-Wiggles Farm last night and made it through 4 of the Littles books in the past couple of weeks. Hey...between my eled read a louds and my own, I might be on book #14...:001_smile:

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Well, I'm still not quite finished with the two books I was reading/listening to, and I've now added a third. I'm about 90 pages from the end of the second Allison Weir novel, though, so I guess we'll "count" that one for this week.


14. The Lady Elizabeth

13. Innocent Traitor

12. The Book Thief

11. Q & A

10. The Virgin Blue

9. Larklight

8. Assassination Vacation

7. Before and After You Get Your Puppy

6. Queen Bee Moms and Kingpin Dads

5. Sense and Sensibility

4. Sister Carrie

3. Joy in the Morning

2. In Cold Blood

1. Bel Canto


I'm also getting close to the end of The Jesuit and the Skull audiobook. And I started One Nation Under Dog last night.

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Hmm, you all are reading some great books and will have to add a few to my wishlist. I finished "Long Lost" and the review is up on the 52 books blog. I have found a new to me author that is enjoyable to read. He gives stuart woods a run for the money.


I'm about to start reading "The Mystery of Grace" a new book put out by Charles De Lint. One of my favorite fantasy writers.


Did you all know this is poetry month? I found some great links and put them up on the 52 books blog.


Have a great weekend!


Happy Reading!

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Missed this thread last week again! I need to get on the ball!


Here's my list so far (most recent reads bolded):


1. Nine Days a Queen

2. Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist

3. Driving Over Lemons

4. Father Arseny: A Cloud of Witnesses

5. Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

6. Grandma's Wartime Kitchen: World War II and the way we cooked

7. Vanity Fair

8. Spiritual Counsels of Father John of Kronstadt

9. Les Miserables

10. Macy's, Gimbels and Me by Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

11. The Middle Ages by Morris Bishop

12. The Scarlet Letter

13. Our Hearts' True Home, Virginia Nieuwsma, ed.

14. Introducing the Orthodox Church by Anthony M. Coniaris

15. Model Behavior by Jay McInerny

16. Readings in Christianity, compiled by Robert E. Van Voorst

17. Married to a Catholic Priest by Mary Vincent Dally

18. Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive by Robert B. Cialdini

19. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert

20. Gold Rush: A Literary Exploration by various authors (reading now) Really enjoying this one - great first-hand descriptions of the Gold Rush era in California.

21. Navajo Silver: A Brief History of Navajo Silversmithing by Arthur Woodward

22. Baghdad-by-the-Bay by Herb Caen

23. Encore Provence by Peter Mayle

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Just finished Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales, currently working on How Not to Die by Jan Garavaglia. List so far:


Week 1: The Templars

Week 2: End of America

Week 3: Kluge

Week 4: Spook

Week 5: Panic in Level 4

Week 6: Killing the Imposter God

Week 7: Journeys to a Mythical Past

Week 8: Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blonds?

Week 9: When Men Become Gods

Week 10: The Score

Week 11: More Harm Than Good

Week 12: The Unthinkable

Week 13: Deep Survival


I have 16 books in que and a few on hold at the library as well. I have no idea how I am going to get through them all in a reasonable amount of time but I am trying. :)

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