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Decluttering feels good

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I haven't been on the computer much lately because I am on a roll decluttering my home like crazy. I simply cannot stand all of the stuff anymore. (My home isn't a total pig sty, but it *is* cluttered and it is not the way I envision my home sweet home looking.) I have finally realized some things about myself, which I thought I'd share here with the hive:


1) I am a packrat because I am hopelessly sentimental. I find that a large portion of my "stuff" is memorbilia. Nevertheless, I am determined to purge most of this "stuff". Not sure what in the world to do with all of the greeting cards I've saved over the years OR all of the Christmas photo pics I've saved from friends and family over the years. Do I chuck these? Do I save some? I'm not sure?


2) I am not really a scrapbooker. I thought I was, but I'm not. I have all of the scrapbooking "stuff", but I rarely make time to organize my scrapbooking "stuff" or pursue the hobby. (Homeschooling and parenting have trumped scrapbooking.) With this in mind, I'm ready to let most of my scrapbooking stuff go. Sigh. I am reading a book called Find More Time by Laura Stack and she recommends photo boxes for photo organization. I also have found simple photo album scrapbooking quite doable. All I need is a bit of cardstock, some stickers, an archival marker for simple journaling, as well as a pocket photo album. Very doable. (Think Becky Higgins Project 365 style. Love it!) One more thing...I'm considering not taking so many pictures. Sounds crazy, but all of the photos are overwhelming!!


3) I have been overwhelmed by the thought of having to sort through so much stuff, so I've been avoiding it big time. I closed my blog almost two months ago and I drastically cut back on visiting forums gradually over the past couple of weeks. This hasn't been easy, BUT I have accomplished so very much in my home that it has been worth it. I now realize just how much this online stuff cuts into my time.


4) The more I declutter, the better I feel.


I hope this post helps another sentimental packrat who is trying to find more time and live with less clutter.

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I hope this post helps another sentimental packrat who is trying to find more time and live with less clutter.


Hey i fit this description!!


I"m planning a major purge of "stuff" in the coming months. There is wayyyy to much stuff around here. But i'm not getting rid of my scrapping stuff :D


Keep up the good work!!!!

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I haven't been on the computer much lately because I am on a roll decluttering my home like crazy. I simply cannot stand all of the stuff anymore. (My home isn't a total pig sty, but it *is* cluttered and it is not the way I envision my home sweet home looking.) I have finally realized some things about myself, which I thought I'd share here with the hive:


1) I am a packrat because I am hopelessly sentimental. I find that a large portion of my "stuff" is memorbilia. Nevertheless, I am determined to purge most of this "stuff". Not sure what in the world to do with all of the greeting cards I've saved over the years OR all of the Christmas photo pics I've saved from friends and family over the years. Do I chuck these? Do I save some? I'm not sure?


2) I am not really a scrapbooker. I thought I was, but I'm not. I have all of the scrapbooking "stuff", but I rarely make time to organize my scrapbooking "stuff" or pursue the hobby. (Homeschooling and parenting have trumped scrapbooking.) With this in mind, I'm ready to let most of my scrapbooking stuff go. Sigh. I am reading a book called Find More Time by Laura Stack and she recommends photo boxes for photo organization. I also have found simple photo album scrapbooking quite doable. All I need is a bit of cardstock, some stickers, an archival marker for simple journaling, as well as a pocket photo album. Very doable. (Think Becky Higgins Project 365 style. Love it!) One more thing...I'm considering not taking so many pictures. Sounds crazy, but all of the photos are overwhelming!!


3) I have been overwhelmed by the thought of having to sort through so much stuff, so I've been avoiding it big time. I closed my blog almost two months ago and I drastically cut back on visiting forums gradually over the past couple of weeks. This hasn't been easy, BUT I have accomplished so very much in my home that it has been worth it. I now realize just how much this online stuff cuts into my time.


4) The more I declutter, the better I feel.


I hope this post helps another sentimental packrat who is trying to find more time and live with less clutter.


Way to go! I'm inspired!


What is type of album are you using?


Thanks so much!

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2) I am not really a scrapbooker. I thought I was, but I'm not. I have all of the scrapbooking "stuff", but I rarely make time to organize my scrapbooking "stuff" or pursue the hobby. (Homeschooling and parenting have trumped scrapbooking.) With this in mind, I'm ready to let most of my scrapbooking stuff go. Sigh. I am reading a book called Find More Time by Laura Stack and she recommends photo boxes for photo organization. I also have found simple photo album scrapbooking quite doable. All I need is a bit of cardstock, some stickers, an archival marker for simple journaling, as well as a pocket photo album. Very doable. (Think Becky Higgins Project 365 style. Love it!) One more thing...I'm considering not taking so many pictures. Sounds crazy, but all of the photos are overwhelming!!


I do need to finish my 2nd dd's baby album. Her sister's is done. But, why do I need to be a scrapbooker?


Especially, when I never actually get around to scrapbooking. I just hoard the supplies.

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I do need to finish my 2nd dd's baby album. Her sister's is done. But, why do I need to be a scrapbooker?


Especially, when I never actually get around to scrapbooking. I just hoard the supplies.


I love light bulb moments...


If only I could remember them and follow thru...

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But, why do I need to be a scrapbooker?


Especially, when I never actually get around to scrapbooking. I just hoard the supplies.


Now *that's* what you call an epiphany! :lol:


I'm the same way with sewing stuff. My trash guy has been a little busy these last couple of weeks. I used to sew for business purposes and accumulated some items in bulk that just do not keep well, or that I will never use in ten lifetimes. Did you know elastic has a shelf life?


I'm not sentimental, but the problem here is all the things laying around that do not seem to have a place where they belong. I have a lack of closets and decent shelving. I've been making up for it with cabinets but they're getting full of things I need to cull. I also need to get some bins and create a cold storage area *somewhere* for curriculum that I must keep, but won't need for a year.


I have been making some progress though. I just wish the sun would come out. Gloomy weather (Michigan :glare:)doesn't make me feel motivated.

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Hey i fit this description!!


I"m planning a major purge of "stuff" in the coming months. There is wayyyy to much stuff around here. But i'm not getting rid of my scrapping stuff :D


Keep up the good work!!!!


Me, too! (I will also not be getting rid of my wool, but I do actually knit, so..)


We have, literally, spent the entire month of March decluttering so that my dad can visit (he arrives this evening). Our poor garbage men must be so confused - we usually have, maybe, one partially full can out there, but we have presented them with four overflowing cans every week recently. I should make them some muffins or something.




Suddenly, our space feels like it really was intended for human occupation, my bedroom (but for the giant laundry pile we're working through) is nicely arranged and peaceful, the guest room is lovely and functional, and the kids can actually PLAY in the their playroom! YAY!


And, now, I can re-start Motivated Moms and not have to skip half the chores because I can't do them without dealing with all the "stuff" first!


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Me, too! (I will also not be getting rid of my wool, but I do actually knit, so..)


We have, literally, spent the entire month of March decluttering so that my dad can visit (he arrives this evening). Our poor garbage men must be so confused - we usually have, maybe, one partially full can out there, but we have presented them with four overflowing cans every week recently. I should make them some muffins or something.




Suddenly, our space feels like it really was intended for human occupation, my bedroom (but for the giant laundry pile we're working through) is nicely arranged and peaceful, the guest room is lovely and functional, and the kids can actually PLAY in the their playroom! YAY!


And, now, I can re-start Motivated Moms and not have to skip half the chores because I can't do them without dealing with all the "stuff" first!



That is so cool!


And OT: I love your avatar! That is you, right?

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I do need to finish my 2nd dd's baby album. Her sister's is done. But, why do I need to be a scrapbooker?


Especially, when I never actually get around to scrapbooking. I just hoard the supplies.



Ah, this is me too. My first daughter's is almost done. I haven't even started on Caitlyn's though. She's been a much more high needs baby than her sister was, so I have trouble finding the time.


Of course if I followed OP's (and my husband's) suggestion of going on forum's less maybe I'd have more time to do the hobbies I love, like my modified version of scrapbooking.


My real 'hobby' that I keep trying to start, have tons of supplies for, but never really 'get around' to is crocheting. I have a big bin of yarn, a bunch of hooks and books on how to, and I never do it. It's been years. Maybe I should give up the idea for now...

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I know what you mean. I cannot get rid of my scrapbooking stuff because I do scrapbook and make cards, but I know I will do lots of it when my boys are grown.


I have pared down everything else though. Kitchen gadgets were top on the list. Also, more simplistic cooking. I aim to cook my meals from scratch and have a nice supply of regular items. I've chosen to accept that I will never be a gourmet cook -- I aim for healthy and simple. My life will not be spent in a kitchen.


I also got rid of two tall bookshelves full of books.


I got rid of bags of clothes last fall.


I also aim to stay on top of papers and mail. Phone numbers are entered into address books immediately. Coupons are clipped and sale papers dealt with. I have one folder of things that are current -- delivery confirmation for shipped items, receipts I may need for a return, etc. I try to purge this monthly.


When we renovated, I took down lots of framed photos. I'll never need those 8x10 and 11x14 as I have smaller ones I will scrapbook. So they were trashed. I sold all of the frames for 25 cents at my yard sale. I decided if I want a frame in the future, I'll buy one. No more holding onto things just in case.

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Yep, I spent some time this weekend decluttering. Mainly in the playroom, but also some curriculum/school things too. I think we ended up w/ about 8 or 9 paper grocery sacks full of toys to donate.


Even though there is still a lot I could do, what I've done so far does feel good!

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I used to be a packrat. Now I am the total anti-packrat. My dh and I won't even buy cards for each other anymore because I throw them away minutes after I read them. A really special one may be cut apart and tacked to my bulletin board for a week or two before being thrown away.


This started for me when I was married to my ex husband and we moved about 9 times in 5 years. I just got to the point where I couldn't hang on to things any longer. And do you want to hear sentimental (maybe CRAZY better describes it)...When I went through my last purging stage, I was 24 years old and I threw away a piece of chewed gum from a boyfriend I had when I was 14. I also threw away ....uhem...HAIR...from a guy I dated all through the end of highschool and some of college. Yes, we were together for 4 years. Yes, I loved him as much as you love someone when you are 17, and yes, I kept his cut and braided HAIR for 7 YEARS. I don't mean a lock of hair. I mean hair that was down to his sholders that he cut into a crew cut and he braided the hair and gave it to me! My ex husband actually requested that I throw away S's hair. LMAO!


Anyway, decluttering is wonderful. I like simple, not cluttered. I could never go back to cluttered.



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I read in a baby magazine about the top addiction of SAHM is the internet. Literally, there are mothers who were taking drugs so they could stay on all night long. There was a list of symptoms and wow! They say it's because SAHM want interaction with others who feel like they do and who can relate. It makes sense. There were other mothers that were leaving their children completely ignored to be online all the time! Sad :(

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MommyJo, I'd love to read that SAHM/Internet addiction article. Do you remember where you read it and what issue date it was? Limiting online time is definitely a challenge for many of us, isn't it?


Unsinkable, I'm using Pioneer Pocket Photo Albums which hold 4x6 photos. It's style # MP-46 and you can find them at Longs, Walgreens, etc. They are inexpensive, archival, and often on sale. Love them!! For simple scrapbook photo albums just use one of the pockets to insert a piece of cardstock (which you can decorate easily with cute stickers) and journal on it. Wham! Bam! Done! Love it! Very doable.


Snickelfritz, light bulb moments are wonderful, aren't they? I'm not getting rid of ALL of the scrapbooking stuff, just most of it. I'm finding that my stash falls into the "clutter" category. {{Shiver}}. When I was young I clipped pics of teen heart throbs and stuff like that and kept them in a simple scrapbook. No major thought process...No paper punches...No stencils...No fancy scrapbook paper. It worked well and back then I wasn't considered a scrapbooker. That's what I'm trying to get back to. Just a simplified way of containing my photos without all of the drama (aka "stuff"). Photo preservation has just gotten ridiculous and far too expensive, IMO. Again, I LOVE Becky Higgins Project 365 style. That's how I define my style now.


I've enjoyed all of the responses to this thread.

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