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Quick! Your favorite 2yo busy activity

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Maybe you could empty out your purse/diaper bag and put kid-friendly stuff in there, like a spoon and baby food jar to feed "baby", a diaper, some wipes in a baggie, a play cell phone, etc. and give it to DD to play with for awhile? Get out some of your shoes and clothes to put on?


I know my toddler and pre-school daughters love playing with my bags and shoes.



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Excellent suggestions. I just got back from floating leaves down the flowing storm drain- this was highly entertaining, but now I *have* to work with the older children.


I'm going to get all my purses out of my closet and let my 2 and 4 yodds go at it. This should hold them for a while.


Beans are on deck- but the mess factor might keep me from starting that activity.:D





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Playdough, messy but effective during times of desperation.


Stickers, I keep an inexpensive stack on hand at all times for little ones.


Science toys, do you have a big magnet and a couple of items for her to pick up with it?



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He learned how to pull the stool up to the sink himself, and just started splashing away one day! At first I was adverse to the idea, but he was so persistant, and when he was up there, he was content for quite a while. So I made sure there were no knives in there, and let him go to it! It made a mess, but nothing a big bath towel can clean up! A few plastic toys or cups in there help out.


If you don't like the idea of the stool and the sink, how about just letting him take a tub in the middle of the day while you and one of the other DC sit in there with him? You could do some school work on the bathroom floor while he splashes around!


Good luck! Right there with ya....:-)


ETA: Also, FYI, we don't fill the sink right away. What we do is stop up the sink, then let the water trickle into the sink. Eventually it ends up full enough, but he REALLY enjoys capturing the water in a cup or bowl as it's coming out of the faucet! Amazing how these little things fascinate them so much, and buy so much TIME! ha!


Also, another thing that DS2 loves lately (since the weather has been a little nicer) is going for a bike ride on the back of my bike. He did it a little last year before the cold weather, but I don't think he remembers. But now that's he's been reintroduced, he's HOOKED! Very cute, and keeps him happy for an hour at a time....

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The purses only worked on the 4yo. :glare:


My 2yo is killing me. Nothing is holding her. I even set up a tent under our school table with full darkness and a flashlight. It didn't work. I'm doomed.


The tub is looking like a better option. I might resort to a sprinkler later. Those are the "big guns" around here. It must be bad.....



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Shaving cream on mirrors or cookie sheets


My 2 year olds tasted the shaving cream, so I switched to store-brand Cool Whip.


I did this outside only and gave them little bottles of liquid food coloring too, and I hosed them and the table off before I let them back in the house.


My kids were never neat, is why this was a warm weather activity.

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Rice...in a clean container with measuring spoons and cups and various other items like muffin tin, funnel, bowls, etc.


I place it all on a freshly swept kitchen floor. It gets all over but it is easy to sweep up. If the floor is clean before you start, you can reuse the rice several times before it is too dirty.

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When dd was a toddler, and I needed to work in the kitchen I put a chair up to the sink, filled a quarter full with water and suds, then dumped the spoons in for her to wash. I'd generally get 45 minutes out of that most every night while I cooked dinner.

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Rice...in a clean container with measuring spoons and cups and various other items like muffin tin, funnel, bowls, etc.


I place it all on a freshly swept kitchen floor. It gets all over but it is easy to sweep up. If the floor is clean before you start, you can reuse the rice several times before it is too dirty.

She vetoed my beans, JoAnn! No way is she gonna go for rice...:D



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My 2 yodd is on my leg. Needy, needy, needy. She needs a fresh activity. Can you briefly tell me your favorite to spur my brain? I'm at a loss.





a clean, empty soda pop bottle with a handful of cheerios in the bottom. :D


Caution, only use in carpeted areas of your home if it's a glass bottle

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old school books and crayons

dry erase marker and board

big sister's basket of shoes

baggie with stuff in it she can take out-baby spoons, cookie cutters, medicine cups, etc.


little plastic animals



basket of clean washclothes and towels

basket of her laundry

some hot wheels cars

a couple of cups with a little water in them to pour back and forth

band-aids or clean, um, sanitary napkins if you are desperate. I have pictures of my oldest at that age with pantyliners stuck all over him!


I can't believe the 2 year old didn't go for the purse. My 2dd thinks my purse is the highest prize in the house. Anytime she sees it within her reach she runs for it and then runs from me when she gets it!

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