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Could you please post your fav. Science Curriculum for a 5th grader?


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Well, we are using Noeo for the first time this year and we like it. I'm also one of those rare birds that likes Sonlight's Science. We enjoy the DVDs and the science kits that they provide. I like that the courses have some variety. However, I've only used SL Science through Science 3. Sonlight is making some changes to their science courses. I'm eager to see what they are going to do. I guess we'll find out when the catalogs start arriving.

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I forgot to say that my oldest son, a fifth grader next year, will be using Classical Astronomy's Signs and Seasons course.





My youngest son (only a second grader next year) has started and will be using Winter Promise's The World Around Me (thanks Aunt Laurel! :thumbup1:). Winter Promise also has several new science courses in their new catalog. You may want to check those out. They look really good.

Edited by Donna T.
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I can't say this is my "favorite" since I've so far only homeschooled one fifth grader but this year we took our only divergence into Sonlight and are doing their fifth grade human anatomy course. It's very detailed and I am pleased with it but I was specifically looking for human anatomy. I don't plan to do Sonlight again next year as I do like so many other science programs but this has been good for fifth grade.

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Depends on what topics you want to cover. If I wasn't going to combine putting my own thing together with Apologia's new anatomy text coming out I would be using SL science 5 next year. We have used SL science 3 and the kids enjoy it(we are working through it right now at the same time as doing Apologia astronomy). I am also peicing my own curric together for weather to cover this summer using a DK encyclopedia on weather as my spine.


What exactly about the other programs did you not like?

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My 5th grader is using Sonlight's Science 5. She is enjoying it and learning a lot. What I like about it: she can do it mostly on her own; it has worksheets (matching, fill in the blank, etc. -- she hadn't had much experience with these types of activities) so she can't just skim through the reading without having to think about what she's reading; she has to write explanatory/descriptive paragraphs using specific scientific terminology.

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It was recommended on this board and we are currently doing it for 4th grade science. It would work well for 5th grade and up as well. It is very thorough and also inexpensive. Dd will end up with a very nice notebook at the end of the program that she will be able to hold on to for reference. If you are interested, here is the link.


Next year we are going to go with a homeschool outreach science course offered by a local graduate program at a Christian university. The course is outstanding, covering a broad range of general science with lab time. I thought that CGC would be a great one to use this year before she advances to the university's program.


You may also want to check with local colleges/universities in your area for similar homeschool outreach programs.




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Cindy, what didn't you like about those three? It will help in suggesting alternatives. The three you mentioned are very hands on, so you might want to try Abeka. We use it in 3rd, 4th and 6th. In 5th we use Apologia Botany and Astronomy.



Hi. Well, we didn't like Apologia because my daughter was bored with it, and felt it was "childish". (She is a sponge, and also a very good reader). NOEO was to choppy, but she did like picking out different books to read. And "I" didn't like that they suggested to buy the kits. And RS4K she hated because again, it bored her, not enough challenge.


I like a program that is hands on, but allows for living book choices as well. But I also want a book that gives the "meat". So I would LOVE LOVE Science Odyssey, but it only has level 1. I think she would be bored.


I am looking at CKE Earth and Space or CKE Chemistry. Maybe?

Edited by paulcindy
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Pandia Press' R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey is great. They just released their new Chemistry program, and my 4th/5th grade son is loving it!


See, I would LOVE this as we are going to do HO. But I heard that they might be releasing level 2 soon. I am not sure if the Chemistry might be to youn for her????

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What about CKE Earth and Space, have any of you used this one?




I have the Chemistry book, I made a schedule for that with Elements by McHenry and some fun readers including Tiners, The World of Chemistry(this isn't the fun one:). The Chemistry looks very well done. There has been talk of the other Christian Kids Explore...on this board, try a search, maybe there are some other reviews.

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I am using the CKE Earth and Space this year with my 5th and 6th grade dd's and they really like it.


Hijacking the thread, message for Fay (Pongo). I would be interested in your schedule for Chemistry. I was looking into using The Elements, but hadn't thought of combining it with CKE. Please pm me.

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I don't have a 5th grader yet, but I have used and plan to continue using God's Design Science. They now have beautiful full color books that include worksheets, quizes, experiments and even background pages about different scientists. This curriculum is also VERY easy to use with the WTM recommended schedule.

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