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Stupid people do stupid things...

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Why must we search and search for the failings in the "system" when stupid people do stupid things?


Why are the police to blame when a looney stabs an innocent woman because he was in jail previously? Why couldn't they "see" he was a risk? How exactly were they supposed to see his future actions? And how would that have changed there actions? He served his time. He was unstable.


Why are co-workers blamed if someone goes off and gets drunk and gets a DUI. Should they have seen he was a problem and gotten him help? What exactly does that mean? What if someone knew he was a selfish jerk, with the potential to do something like drive drunk? What then? What if someone took him aside and talked to him, but he did it anyways? This happened to my dh.


Why do we blame others instead of the stupid person who made the stupid decision. I despise what I'm seeing. Accountability is important- but it is personal accountability that matters most- because there will always be people who chose to do stupid things, and not enough people to prevent it.





Edited by battlemaiden
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I don't know, I tend to think the stupid person does pay as well, and that it is dangerous to always look back and think the old days were nothing but good. And I also think we have a tendency to think others are stupid for doing something, but when we perform the same behavior we somehow have a way of blaming others.

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everyone is just looking to blame someone else for their stupidity, irresponsibility, etc. That is why things are so messed up. . .


:auto: I am out of here before I make a comment not welcome on this board. :001_smile:


Oh- and Jo-- this is my 1000th post. I am glad it was a reply to your thread. ;)

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Marie in OH said it. We (as a society) have become blame shifters. Selfishness, self-centeredness, and irresponsibility are rampent.


We do what we can. I try to teach my kids to think of others over themselves, to accept the consequences of what they do wrong, to ask forgiveness, to help where help is needed and to be bold when the situation calls for it. And when others are blamed undeservedly, try to encourage them, somehow, to continue doing right.



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everyone is just looking to blame someone else for their stupidity, irresponsibility, etc. That is why things are so messed up. . .


:auto: I am out of here before I make a comment not welcome on this board. :001_smile:


Oh- and Jo-- this is my 1000th post. I am glad it was a reply to your thread. ;)





Congrats girlfriend!



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I don't know, I tend to think the stupid person does pay as well, and that it is dangerous to always look back and think the old days were nothing but good. And I also think we have a tendency to think others are stupid for doing something, but when we perform the same behavior we somehow have a way of blaming others.


And if I implied the old days were nothing but good, I would agree with you.


I will also say that I do stupid things from time to time and I admit I am stupid for doing them. But I would hopefully correct someone for blaming my military upbringing, or my mother's dysfunctional family, or the size of my family, or the fact that it has been raining and I was feeling a little blue.... etc......


You make assumptions in your post of what *we* tend to do that I cannot agree with.

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First, I'd like to apologize because I am in a bad mood today and came off sounding more harsh than I meant.


When I said that about the good old days, I was referring to this, not the OP:

Yes, it USED to be an basic American principle to hold each accountable for themselves. NOW, everyone BUT the stupid person is at fault. I can't stand it.


Now, when I say "we" you say I am making an assumption, but I think it is also a false assumption to say that personal responsibility is in the past. I think it is generally a bad idea to romanticize the past, because we weren't there and there was a lot wrong with people then, too.


I do agree, we need to blame the drunk driver, and it is wrong to blame those who happen to be around the drunk driver before he gets into a car.


But lately I bristle at the notion that people do not take enough personal responsibility. Maybe because I personally have a very guilty conscience and feel responsible for everything that goes wrong. Maybe it is true, I don't know, but my perception is that there is still a lot of personal responsibility.

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Marie in OH said it. We (as a society) have become blame shifters. Selfishness, self-centeredness, and irresponsibility are rampent.


We do what we can. I try to teach my kids to think of others over themselves, to accept the consequences of what they do wrong, to ask forgiveness, to help where help is needed and to be bold when the situation calls for it. And when others are blamed undeservedly, try to encourage them, somehow, to continue doing right.




I blame Oprah. Well, partially. Wasn't it her show that started with the whole, "If your life is a mess, it's because your parents messed you up" thing?

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I know. I have turned into a paranoid freak over things like this. I won't let kids swing on our rope swing or play in our backyard when someone is swinging on the rope swing. We wouldn't let others play on our trampoline (when we had one). I have to remind the next door boy not to hang out in our yard when no one is with him.


The last thing I want is someone getting hurt on my property -- even if they were uninvited -- and then suing us.


We hate hiring people because idiotic people should not be operating Z-master lawn mowers. (yes, we have worker's comp -- ouch -- it's expensive!)


I would never dream of blaming someone else if I got hurt on their property unless it was clearly something negligent they did that could not have happened at my own property. A friend of ours has a special insurance in case someone trips inside their house. Tripping is something that can happen anywhere.


It seems if you fall down your own steps, it's your fault. If you fall down someone else's steps, it's their fault.


I never understood that.

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First, I'd like to apologize because I am in a bad mood today and came off sounding more harsh than I meant.


When I said that about the good old days, I was referring to this, not the OP:



Now, when I say "we" you say I am making an assumption, but I think it is also a false assumption to say that personal responsibility is in the past. I think it is generally a bad idea to romanticize the past, because we weren't there and there was a lot wrong with people then, too.


I do agree, we need to blame the drunk driver, and it is wrong to blame those who happen to be around the drunk driver before he gets into a car.


But lately I bristle at the notion that people do not take enough personal responsibility. Maybe because I personally have a very guilty conscience and feel responsible for everything that goes wrong. Maybe it is true, I don't know, but my perception is that there is still a lot of personal responsibility.


Sorry, but blaming is the name of the game now and it didn't used to be that way....IMHO. It's rampant and despicable. The worse thing is the second half of the equation - If it isn't your fault, you don't have to pay the consequences. I think this is to be our downfall.......

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others should pay for their ignorance. It IS a very frustrating situation. But hey, if we're placing blame, I blame lawyers. Too many of them have gotten rich making people pay for others' stupidity.


And, before you jump on me, I understand it isn't ALL lawyers. I've worked for quite a few.

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