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? for those of you who lean towards natural health remedies...

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We generally avoid most forms of antibiotics and quite a lot of more orthodox types of medication, but my DS8 recently was found to have a middle ear infection (in both ears) and the doc prescribed antibiotics. Because he was in so much pain & in tears (this guy is normally my little Rambo), I decided to go with the antibiotics. (Also, I worry a lot about ears & eyes ...don't ask me why)

I'd like to know how the rest of you deal with these type of more acute infections if you normally go for the natural remedies.

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However, there are certain illnesses that I don't like to mess with. One being strep, the other pneumonia. My boys have both had these and if I suspect either of these, I don't hesitate to bring them to the doctor and put them on antibiotics if needed. Neither of my boys have had any ear infections, however, so I can't address that specific issue.


Right now we are recovering from the flu that is going around. Both boys have had it, but I believe that because we have been diligent about eating right, getting lots of Vitamin C, fruits and vegetables, water, and some immune system-boosting "stuff," that their cases were a lot less severe than others'.


If my boys do have to go on antibiotics, I make sure they eat plenty of yogurt and drink lots of water. That seems to help them with side effects like tummy upset, etc.




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I'm with Nancy in that we try to use natural things to cure illness before it needs traditional meds, but will use abx if necessary for the biggies (strep, etc.)


In the future, if your kids show signs of ear infection/earache, try putting garlic oil drops in their ears. Warm the bottle by putting it between your arm and your side, then have the child lay on his side on a towel-covered pillow. The ear that hurts should be "up," and the non-painful ear on the pillow. Put a dopperful of the garlic oil in the aching ear, then have him stay there for a bit to let the oil work its way into the ear. Put a bit of cotton in his ear if you want to keep the oil in longer after he gets up.


Garlic oil is soothing and antimicrobial. If you catch the infection in its early stages, it can stop the infection from getting worse and from needing antibiotics. We use it at the first sign of ear pain/tenderness.





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Agreeing with the others and adding:


We use Hyland's Earache Tablets. They can be used on toddlers and adults. They dissolve under the tongue and really do help. My kiddos didn't like the oils. We tried oil from the doctor and we tried Wally's Ear Oil. I think the noise in the ear is what my kids disliked, but they didn't get any immediate sense of relief from it. I know that some kids do though. And past the immediate relief, it helps to heal it as well.


The earache tablets only mention relieving pain, but my Naturopath says they also relieve pressure and help heal. He also recommends rubbing behind the ear in a downward "C" shape and down the neck.


One more thing, when we suspicion any type of infection, I add about 5 drops of "Wisdom of the Ages' Natural Advantage" to their grape juice. It's basically GFS extract.


But that said, if my little one was in obvious pain like that, I'd probably have gone ahead and taken the antibiotic as well. Just be sure to give plenty of probiotics too!

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As others have said, I won't hesitate to give antibiotics for strep or pneumonia. I was going to say that I've actually given antibiotics for ear infections for one of my children a couple of times -- nothing else I was doing (garlic mullein ear drops, grapefruit seed extract ear drops, tylenol, ibuprofen, warm washcloth on the ear) was providing any relief at all *and* she couldn't hear -- but in thinking about it, every time she has had an ear infection that was that bad, she has also had strep...


Those "alternative" treatments seem to work for the rest of us just fine -- but dd has more trouble with her ears than the rest of us anyway.


But I already have one child who developed an autoimmune response to untreated strep (I had taken him in to the dr four times in two months because something was really wrong, but the symptoms were atypical and she just told me there was nothing going on -- even as he lost 10% of his bodyweight off an already skinny 6yo frame!), and the more I've read, the more adamant I am about treating strep immediately and completely.


Anyway, I'd say I'm certainly reluctant to use antibiotics when they may not be necessary... But *if* I've done everything else for a child, and she's still in significant pain and none of the alternatives seem to be providing any relief and our pediatrician (who is appropriately stingy with antibiotics) thinks they're the best choice, I'll give antibiotics for an ear infection. In dd's case, when it gets to that point, it's always in both ears and (as far as I can recall), has always been accompanied by strep. Sigh. Poor babies. :(

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She is somewhat prone to pneumonia, and though I am a pharmaceutical-phobe, I don't want to mess around with something like that.


I felt the same way when the kids developed ear infections as toddlers. I'd wait it out, treating as best I could for pain and for the actual cause of the infection, that being a cold. Sometimes we'd "win" and get along with abx., other times, we'd do the drugs. I once got fussed at by a pediatrician when I admitted that I never filled a prescription for abx. -- :eek: -- but mostly we've had pediactricians who were fully supportive of our preference to delay prescription treatments.



But *if* I've done everything else for a child, and she's still in significant pain and none of the alternatives seem to be providing any relief and our pediatrician (who is appropriately stingy with antibiotics) thinks they're the best choice, I'll give antibiotics for an ear infection.


It's sometimes a tricky call. You don't want to wait too long and have the situation get worse, thereby taking longer to cure. We are, after all, lucky to have the option. So many people died years ago due to infections that might have been treated with our modern medicines. It's just a shame that we've come to a place of feeling like we're making the wrong choice to use them at all.



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We generally avoid most forms of antibiotics and quite a lot of more orthodox types of medication, but my DS8 recently was found to have a middle ear infection (in both ears) and the doc prescribed antibiotics. Because he was in so much pain & in tears (this guy is normally my little Rambo), I decided to go with the antibiotics. (Also, I worry a lot about ears & eyes ...don't ask me why)

I'd like to know how the rest of you deal with these type of more acute infections if you normally go for the natural remedies.


I always did antibiotics for ear infections because I was worried about possible scarring. Also, children who experience chronic fluid congestion behind the ear drum often have difficulties with speech articulation and reading later on. I have never regretted those antibiotics, but now I would always supplement with a good probiotic -- the refrigerated kind found in supplement stores and the organic section of some grocery stores -- to eliminate the possibility of gut problems.


Preventing infection is important, but my dd had a short eustachian tube so she was much more prone to acute ear infection than most children.

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The wonderful thing about this book (they have one for adults, too) are the various recommendations in treatment: homeopathy, holistic, herbal, conventional. All listed.


Once, my dd6 woke in the middle of the night with ear pain. After opening my book I could see my only option -- w/out having to drive out in the mid of night -- was olive oil and garlic; both of which we always have on hand. 15 min later, she was asleep again. THe next morning all was well! It helped, I'm sure, that this all took place in the night, but....


This book has saved us from more than a few "premature" trips to the doctor by its reassurances for me.


Couldn't help but second this recommendation!

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