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How long does 1st grade take?


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I've been doing a lot of planning for 1st grade this fall. K takes us about 1-1.5 hours a day. I know 1st will take longer. About how long does 1st take for you/your dc? I have to plan some of our day around ds taking a nap and I'm wondering how much we can plan to get done while he sleeps.

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1st is taking us between 1-2 hours for the basics (math, reading, copywork/spelling and lit/history). Dd spends time each day reading on her own and doing other projects, but we don't really consider that as part of her "schoolwork."


Take care.



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I have two hours of homeschooling scheduled for my 6 year old son in the morning and then another 1 hour or so while my daughter naps. The morning time is more independent work, with assistance from me when needed, whereas the naptime homeschooling is where I work with him 1:1. This time frame includes some buffer time, to allow for distractions, occasional dawdling, etc. In addition to the homeschooling time, we also strive to read-aloud for two hours a day, but that time is spread throughout the day, with some happening before bed, by Daddy. :)

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For us, we plan on around 2 hours of sit-down work a day. Like Suzanne, that doesn't count lots of other extra reading time or playing games that go along with the things we're studying. The 2 hours usually includes math, spelling, language, science (only once a week usually), history and daily devotions.


HTH! :)

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For us it takes 2 1/2-3 hours daily, but I have two students (my son is in K but does math, history, and science with my 1st grader) AND that time includes 30 minutes of me reading literature out loud to them and a 15-minute snack break in the middle of school. We do literature, history, math, science, phonics, reading, and WWE, but not each of those every day.



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I don't have my WTM book out to verify this, but I think this is what TWTM recommends in the earlier edition (I don't have the new edition). I had typed this out in a checklist format for days per week, minutes per day, and the task to do. Sorry if the formatting doesn't come through.









M T W Th F Mins/Day Day Task

qqqq 10 M-Th Spelling Workout A - Seatwork

qqqq 15 M-Th First Language Lessons (Grammar)

qqqq 30 M-Th Read to Mom & make notebook page

qqqq 30 M-Th Read to self – fun books - afternoon

qq 10 M/W Write notes to relatives &/or friends

qq 10 Tu/Th Copy short sentences – Bible or History









qqqq 30 M-Th Math-U-See Foundations, Alpha or Beta









qqqq 45 M-Th SOTW CD, Narration, Notebook Pg









qqqq 30 M-Th Animals, humans, plants – Notebook Pg









qqqq 15 M-Th Listen to Bible Story









q 60 F Drawing with Children, Picture study









qqqq 15 M-Th Listen to classical music

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Our first grade boils down to about 2 - 3 hours a day, 4 days per week. In the morning we have an hour to an hour and a half for math, phonics, spelling, any geography review to go with our history, and about 15 minutes for dd to read aloud. In the afternoon we have about another hour to cover history or science. Music and art are included informally along the way in the afternoons. I do a literature read-aloud at bedtime for another half hour or so.

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Wow, you all spend a lot more time than we do! My oldest just finished 1st, and we spent just under an hour most days, maybe up to 1.5 hr if there was a really involved project/experiment. That was for spelling, history, science, religion, math, Latin, writing/grammar, and sometimes art. We do a 4-day week, and she does lots of reading on her own plus a read-aloud when I remember to get one from the library.

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My son takes about 3 hrs. a day: Bible, math, handwriting, language/spelling/phonics in the morning; then some lunch and playtime. In the afternoon, he and his brother do science/history/fine arts together for about 45 min. Then more reading and more playing for the rest of the day. We often do more reading together after supper--just for fun! We all take turns choosing:).

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Here's the amount of time my 1st grader spends per subject:



Math - 45/60 min, M-F

Grammar - 10 min, M-W

WWE - 10/15 min, M-R

Spelling - 10/15 min, M-F

Religion - 15 min, M-F

Reading - 30+ min, M-F

History - 30-60 min, M, R, F

Science - 60 min, T,W

Piano practice - 10 min, M-F

Cursive - 5/10 min, M-F

Art - 30/60 min, 1x/week

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I've been doing a lot of planning for 1st grade this fall. K takes us about 1-1.5 hours a day. I know 1st will take longer. About how long does 1st take for you/your dc? I have to plan some of our day around ds taking a nap and I'm wondering how much we can plan to get done while he sleeps.


2-4 hours, depending. LOTS of play time--this is broken into 3 segments. (I guess you can call it "1st" as well as anything...)


This includes EVERYTHING.

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Ours was different than most posted here because Mon-Wed were heavier days and Thursday and Friday were very light. I did this by design because I'm an up and at 'em person on Mondays but as the week goes on, I knew I wanted a lighter schedule.


We did about 2-2.5 hours Mon-Wed. By Thursday, we only did about an hour. Friday we didn't do any (or would make up work missed earlier in the week).


Mon-Wed we did Handwriting, Spelling, Language Arts, Science, History, Math, and reading. By Thursday we only had to do Spelling Test, Math, and a small bit of Science or Health. By Friday, we were finished with all our schoolwork.


Friday was our library day. We followed what is recommended in TWTM for library books. My dd was able to check out as many as she wanted to check out on her own but I also had her check out many (if not all) of the history selections recommended in SOTW Vol. 1 as well as books on animals, sea life, etc. Today (in 3rd grade) my dd is a voracious reader and I credit those weekly trips to the library early on when she was first grabbing on to reading.


Also, Friday was often our field trip day: the zoo, aquarium, science museum, etc.



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