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I want to do the dumbest thing in history - talk me down?

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So, bank the severance payment. Hope that DH gets a job in less than 4 months, then use that extra month (or more) of severance to take a trip. We have a large family too. Yes, traveling is expensive with our 6. So we don't much. Except that annual yurt camping trip. Grandparents come to us. It's just the reality. And I don't resent a single, tiny moment of it when I look at my 4 yummy children!



It may not be thrilling, but nothing is less thrilling than a financial crisis. Especially in this climate where many families are having difficulty. Keep to the fundamentals of what is really important and what will allow all of you to live a good life. A trip to Sweden might be fun and even "educational," but most of the benefits - especially of a one- or two-week tourist vacation - would be fleeting. The benefits of teaching your children to be financially responsible and careful will not be fleeting.


:iagree: My dh and I have never gotten to travel because of our lifestyle and number of children. While I would love to do so (British Isles for me, please!), in your situation I would hang on to the money. No trip is worth the lost sleep at night that may follow. All I have to do is think about how I would feel if no new job was forthcoming quickly, and all that would entail with 11 kids to clothe and feed.

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:) yes, life is short. to give a bit of history... on my perspective of the "do it after the kids are grown". Everyone I know saved every danged penny in the hope that one day they'd sit on the porch swing together or travel or retire to that boat on the coast or whatever their dream of growing old together was.


And you know what? It never happened. The wife died of cancer, the dad had a heart attack, there was a car accident, and so forth.


I know exactly ONE couple that actually retired. One. And even so, you know what grandpa said? He'd have been happier doing it when he was young enough to enjoy it fully and with his kids before they grew up and got so busy with their own lives that he only gets to visit with them once a month or even once a year.


I don't mind being responsible and paying what needs paid for. Really I don't. Heaven knows I'm used to doing it by now.


But I don't want to scrimp and scrape for decades in the hope of a day that never comes, kwim?


Oh and going with only the olders simply is not an option.

We have no family to watch the kids, even half of them is still 4 or 5.

And the youngest will only be 6 months old, not old enough for me to leave her with anyone for more than a couple hours.


I know.. it's all pipe dream anyway.


By the time we get enough money to go we'll be so old that we'll have to live through the kids doing it while we watch the grandchildren.


oh well grandchildren are some decent compensation I hear tell.


You make a good argument for going.


My family travelled a lot when I was young. My father was very unhappy living in New Jersey. He disliked the weather. When I was 7 years old, my parents sold our house, two cars and put everything in storage. They purchased a van and a travel trailer and took me out of 1st grade. We travelled across the United States with my two younger sisters for 6 months. I have been to almost every state except for about 5 of them.


Upon returning to New Jersey, my parents decided that they liked Az best. Keep in mind that we were only to the Grand Canyon. We opened a map of AZ, blind folded my mother, spun her around, and gave her a pencil. It landed on Tuson, Az. So, we moved there.


My most happiest memories as a child were from this trip as well as others. Since then, I have made it to Europe. It is okay, but it cannot compare to the beautiful sights and the friendly people in the United States. Our National Parks are the best. IMHO:D

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There is a ton of things I'd like to do and places I want to see....However, there is no way I'd even think about fulfilling any of my dreams if my dh was unemployed. And since we have kids...no way.


I do have dreams of travelling, but to me it would assume first that I have the monetary stability and second that I did not have young ones at home (as in really young ones). My dh is not a traveller or an adventurer so I envison travelling with my teens. It's a dream, but it might be viable.


I might be older, but I chose kids for now so that's my first priority. Their health and safety. My own self is not toally on hold for now, but whatever I wish for has to mesh with our family's well-being (long-term and short-term).



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I'm posting this w/reservations because I wouldn't want to be responsible for pushing you guys into poverty. :001_smile:


But if it were me, I would GO GO GO. Life's short.


I thought the idea about only taking the older kids was brilliant, though. The younger ones won't remember a thing. If you can parcel them out to friends and family, even if it means taking a shorter trip, you'll save money and hassle. You have never been through a nightmare until you've taken a flock of small children through customs and passport control.




P.S. I will probably die in the poorhouse on the next bed over from Jenny in Atl.


Make sure there is a bed in there for me.


The summer my twins turned 2, we spent a month in southern France. I was able to find cheap flight on British Airways, but it meant changing from Heathrow to Gatwick in London on the going and Gatwick to Heathrow on the return (that involves claiming baggage, a long bus ride and long layovers). We brought the carseats on the airplane. When we arrived in Marseille, our baggage cart looked like the Beverly Hillbillies' truck (dh does not understand packing light). We traveled around the southern parts of France seeing all the Roman ruins with our girls.


I would not trade that trip and all the hassles involved for any amount of money. The memories are wonderful. My girls are now seasoned travelers, in large part because we are not afraid to take them along and go with the flow. They are excited about seeing foreign places and hearing other languages.


I think travel is one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids. Go for it.

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"Take what you like and pay for it, says God."


In other words, if you're willing to deal with the consequences, you have a whole lot of good options in life that don't fall under the heading of "wrong."


When I was 7 years old, my parents sold our house, two cars and put everything in storage. They purchased a van and a travel trailer...


My most happiest memories as a child were from this trip as well as others.


The summer my twins turned 2, we spent a month in southern France...


I would not trade that trip and all the hassles involved for any amount of money. The memories are wonderful. My girls are now seasoned travelers, in large part because we are not afraid to take them along and go with the flow. They are excited about seeing foreign places and hearing other languages.


I think travel is one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids. Go for it.


You people are so inspiring.......dh and I would dearly love to travel more with our kids and maybe even unhinge ourselves from a mortgage and make a few lifestyle changes....we both used to travel a lot and loved it.


Martha, let us know what you decide! Only you can really figure out what to do with your family!!

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Just once I don't want to be smart and responsible!:crying::001_unsure:


I wanna take myself and my kids to see Sweden with their pa!

I wanna throw caution to the wind and give my kids a once in a life time trip to remember!

I wanna see the world!

I want to see the mountains Heidi was written for!

I want to be a totally irresponsible selfish idiot.


can anyone understand?



I haven't read the whole thread, but I saw YOU go with your dh and leave the kids at home. It will not cost much extra for you to go. You should do this. Your kids have t heir whole lives to travel if they so choose.

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My dh and I have this mindset when it comes to finances. We have paid down a lot of our debt and have a lot left to pay. We keep telling ourselves that we are working toward the day when we do get that 10K bonus and don't use it to pay off bills...a day when we get that 3K tax return and can save it for a vacation. The day will come, but that day is NOT today. That day is in the future. We had our haydays - that is how we ran up the debt to start with. Now, we have to be smart and secure the future and THEN we can enjoy the fruits of our labors.



Sweden will still be there when you have the money to go.

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