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Homeschooling for medical reasons-anyone else do this?

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It wasn't my primary reason to start out but over the years it has turned into the primary reason. Every time I think about putting a child or children in school, they get major medical problems. I am so amazed by all of you who have healthy children with no issues, and no dental problems. I am just getting tired of it all but know we have to continue. My life revolves around doctor and dental visits- over and over again. We have had three visits (two for me) so far this week and if dd12 isn't over her injury by Thursday, we have to have yet another. I haven't even scheduled some visits yet because I am so overwhelmed with problem after problem. Between the three females, we must have about 12 doctors and dentists we visit.

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My kids don't have dental problems(though my 9 year old is in desperate need of braces), and physically they are healthy, but my oldest 2 have mental health issues that certainly contribute to my decision to continue homeschooling them. It actually was one of my main reasons to start homeschooling and now it is still one of the reasons though not necessarily the main one. Between peds appt's and shrink appts, extra assesments etc I do feel like it is non-stop.

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My son has some major medical issues and a chronic illness that keeps him out of public schools.


He does have at least one operation a year with a 4 to 6 week recovery period. It just seemed unfair to him to have surgery every summer and spend his entire summer break recuperating and then only get well in time to go back to school. So we ditched school altogether and we homeschool year round and just construct our schedule around my son's medical condition.


That was the original reason I began home schooling, but we have continued because we like it and and frankly cannot imagine life any other way.


So, I guess, at this point, it's a mixture of reasons.

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One of the many reasons why I hs my DD (6 1/2) is due to my DS (4 1/2) haveing major medical issues. I need to have the ability of just picking up my handbag and children and going to the hospital or doctors etc appointments at no notice. For the last couple of months we have had some type of medical appointment or hospital stays every day. Its tiring but its life. I think we are lucky - you get to see some truley terminally ill children that have to live in the hospital...its heartbreaking. I consider myself fortunate - at least I get to take my child home most of the time.


Best wishes


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My dd in in K this year. While it is not my main reason, my dd's health issues played a part in the decision to hs. She has celiac disease and is on a gluten-free diet. With her at home, I do not have to worry about her eating something that will make her sick. She also has a lazy eye and has been having to wear an eye patch since July. I'm so glad that she hasn't had to deal with the ugly teasing of other children. Her friends at church and co-op asked about the first time or two they saw it on her, but after that it was a non-issue.

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It was one of the original reasons we did but it's become even clearer lately that the medical issues would have made things so difficult for our son. He has lots of food allergies which I know many work around at schools but he has a ton of environmental allergies and a closed school (like ours nearby) would be a nightmare experience for him. Well, and a horrendous experience for his teacher too!


We're not at the doctor as often as some but for the last three months have had at least one appointment every two weeks and it's 2 hours each way, so we lose a day each time.


Our younger son will need a half dozen surgeries (and has already had four) before he's fully grown and each one has a recovery period.


So, we didn't start off thinking the medical issue was the top of the list but it's definitely much higher on the list than I thought it would be!

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It isn't the only reason, but it is a big contributing factor for us. My DD is quite healthy but does have a peanut allergy we have to account for.


My DS also has a more severe peanut allergy, terrible teeth, is pretty small and weak with not just flat feet but clinically flat feet. He also has major dust allergies and asthma, extreme shyness (to the point of being asked if he is working on all cylinders), and is currently battling encopresis.


He's a great kid, and does like other kids and to make friends. But he also gets overwhelmed so easily. Homeschooling really is the best for him. He spent 5 months on his private school Kindergarten year battling pneumonia, accidents from too much pressure, and one peanut allergy attack. I am so glad he is home.

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I'm beginning to wonder if I'll have to continue to homeschool my 13 yo in High School. I was planning on sending her to a private school, but if she continues to struggle with abdominal migraines like she has this year, I would probably keep her home just for that reason. Things are looking a little better just the past couple of weeks though.


My heart goes out to you others with more serious or numerous medical problems in your children.

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