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If you're hypothyroid and have lost weight, did med dose change?

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I've lost 20 pounds by exercising and doing WW. I was settled in a dosage and was feeling great.


I'm starting to feel like I could be mildly over medicated.


Digestive system is going a little fast. Which seems to be a primary indicator for me. Not like when this stuff all started (I went hyper and then settled into hypo), but not normal.


I'm feeling little episodes of weirdness in my breathing. Not severe or all that frequent, but just like things are "catching" in my lungs.


My weight is still falling easily, even though I'm not staying strict to the WW program. Losing consistently 1.5-2.5 pounds a week.


Whatcha think?

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I had a thyroid that would alternate between hyper and hypo. It went very hypo one year and my endo said it was dead so I went on replacement. When I got pregnant I had it checked every month. At 8 months pregnant, she said she didn't want to see me back until the baby was 3 months old. I felt like I was going hyper at 4 weeks postpartum and called her. She said that my thyroid was dead or severely damaged so she was not worried. At 6 weeks, it was obvious that I was very ill. It was the worst feeling I have ever had and I had been hyper many times. It took almost a month for the synthroid to get out of my body enough that I could walk around w/o thinking I was going to pass out or have a heart attack. I should have never listened to her, I should have demanded a blood test. My thyroid has been completely normal ever since and it has been 3 years. The only change i made was to go on a celiac diet, but that might have just been a coincidence!


So my advice is to get it checked before you get really sick from too much thyroid. It is not fun!

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It does sound slightly hyper - even small changes in thyroid levels can make a big difference. I vote you get a blood test. I have the opposite problem: I've been comfortably on medication for hyperthyroid for 8+ years and last fall began experiencing slightly hypothyroid symptoms and had to lower my dose.


A friend of mine was undiagnosed hypothyroid for over ten years. When he finally got treated he eventually lost 80 pounds. He found he needed his medication adjusted after that.

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