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Baby Question

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My baby has strep throat(we have no idea how he got it) and is on an antibiotic which is making him have very loose stools. His bottom is so sore and so far butt paste and bag balm aren't doing anything to help him.

Going without a diaper really isn't an option since he is crawling around a lot and wouldn't stay on a towel.

He needs cleaned now so I'm taking him to the tub to rinse off instead of using wipes.


What else can I use or do for him?



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Guest Alte Veste Academy

This might sound like an obvious question so forgive me if it is... When you apply the diaper rash cream (Boudreax's, I guess is the butt paste), are you SLATHERING on a ridiculously thick amount? I know a fellow mom who rubbed it in, kind of like lotion. Then it didn't offer protection for baby's tush for the next bowel movement. When I had this problem, I would apply a VERY thick amount and that created a barrier between skin and poo so that if I immediately got him changed, the poo didn't have time to burn his skin again.


Also, this was my favorite cream for the worst rashes. I only pulled it out when things got really bad (like for loose stools, as you describe) because I prefer the more natural approach in general.




Good luck! I'm having flashbacks of the bad diaper rash cry.

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This might sound like an obvious question so forgive me if it is... When you apply the diaper rash cream (Boudreax's, I guess is the butt paste), are you SLATHERING on a ridiculously thick amount? I know a fellow mom who rubbed it in, kind of like lotion. Then it didn't offer protection for baby's tush for the next bowel movement. When I had this problem, I would apply a VERY thick amount and that created a barrier between skin and poo so that if I immediately got him changed, the poo didn't have time to burn his skin again.


Also, this was my favorite cream for the worst rashes. I only pulled it out when things got really bad (like for loose stools, as you describe) because I prefer the more natural approach in general.




Good luck! I'm having flashbacks of the bad diaper rash cry.



The cry makes us feel bad, we don't like that cry.

We do slather it on thick.

I think I have some of that Desitin, I am gonna dig that out right now and slather it on.

He has no diaper on right now letting him dry for a few seconds.

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A friend of mine had a child who had persistent and severe rashes. They tried everything and finally took her to the doctor. It was yeast. So instead of the diaper rash ointment the doctor told them to use Chlortrimazole (sp?) - the stuff used for athlete's foot. I keep a tube of that stuff around now. When the diaper rash doesn't improve after 24 hours of diaper cream (zinc oxide based like desitin), I pull out the Chlortrimazole. That clears it up everytime for us.

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and our Ped told us to use a liquid antacid like Mylanta (spelling doesn't look right). Worked like a charm. Cooled that little bottom down immediately. You have to keep putting it on every few hours. Also, let them sleep without a diaper, too. Put MEGA towels under them once they are asleep, so that you can just remove the first layer if anything "comes out" when they are asleep. (saves you from having to move them to put more clean towels under them.) I have found these two things clear up their bottom in a day or two. Just keep it up until everything has "firmed up" so that they don't get rashy again.


Good luck.

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You can try soaking their bottom for a bit in oatmeal or baking soda to help heal and sooth them. I also use a thick paste (Butt Cream) and make sure it is very thick over the irritated area's. I sometimes put a layer of powder on as well to be more drying. Usually it will clear up within a day.


You do have to change the diaper as soon as they poop and I just use paper towels (wet) instead of wipes so that the soap does not irritate them more.

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When my girls were babies and would have loose stools for whatever reasons and develop horrendious diaper rashes, I would take some corn starch and Mylanta and make a paste with it and apply it to their bottoms and by the next morning it was amazing to see the difference! It always worked. My mother-in-law was the one who told me about it and I was so desperate to try anything that worked that I did give it a try and was very thankful for doing so. Home remedies are the best!

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It's not looking like a yeast infection, is it? If not...lots of Aloe Vera seems to help (No food coloring or scents..) THICK... and no baby wipes...just something else... I used to just rinse under sink when my babies had a rash...then pat..not rub...dry...and I bet that if need moisture...Crisco would work. Crisco..works great for excema...Hmmm



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My kids have lots of problems with diaper rash. If his bottom is just very red, it's not yeast (yet) and I recommend using resinol. It is OTC, but you have to ask for it at the pharmacy counter. In the next few days, if it doesn't clear up all the way and starts to have red spots, then it has turned into a yeast infection. Then you need to have your Dr. call in a RX for nystatin or use the cream mentioned that is normally used for athlete's foot. If it is yeast, be sure to use the cream 2-3 times a day for a full 10 days. The yeast goes deep in the skin and even though it looks like it's gone, it's not.


Can you tell how often I've dealt with this? :D HTH!

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A friend of mine had a child who had persistent and severe rashes. They tried everything and finally took her to the doctor. It was yeast. So instead of the diaper rash ointment the doctor told them to use Chlortrimazole (sp?) - the stuff used for athlete's foot. I keep a tube of that stuff around now. When the diaper rash doesn't improve after 24 hours of diaper cream (zinc oxide based like desitin), I pull out the Chlortrimazole. That clears it up everytime for us.


My doctor had me use vaginal yeast infection cream on my baby's butt. There are also baby probiotics that you can get at the natural health store. And after using the yeast infection cream for a while... plain (no added anything, especially sugar!) organic yogurt works well on the skin as well. I would also feed this to him instead of yobaby yogurt which is no better for babies at all... it has added sugar and is in a smaller container.


Olive oil is a great idea too! It inhibits the growth of yeast.


Finally, when baby gets a bath you can add some peroxide or grapefruit seed extract to the water to help kill any yeast or bacteria in the bath and on baby's skin.

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Flander's Buttocks Ointment is what the dermatologist recommended when my littlest one had persistant rashes that burned the skin right off her behind. We are supposed to use that inbetween uses of a steroid/antifungal ointment. Flanders is made in SC so I don't know if it is a local product unavailable other places or not. You have to ask the pharmacist for it but no Rx is needed.

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