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There you go! We have a solution! WWJD? Jesus would have washed their feet!


(ok-I'm being a little silly now. I find this thread very amusing. Maybe I need to go to bed before my sillies get out of hand.)


Yeah, he would have. And he would have washed the feet then let the people either put their shoes back on or leave them off. He loves Denise regardless of what she asks her guests to do. He loves me even if I get snarky at times. :tongue_smilie:

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Really, no idea at all. Hmmm. Perhaps I read differently from my screen. Seems there is always some sort of...yes, fight or verbal attack around here. Not saying this is YOU per sey...I wasn't directing it at anyone particular. It just seems that there is defintely not an "agree to disagree" attitude on this board. It is more..."LISTEN TO ME, I AM RIGHT" kind of stuff. Just interesting to observe from a distance... I would say it does look totally different to someone on this inside looking out. From my vantage point (the outside looking in), it looks utterly ridiculous... very Mountain/Mole Hill if you will. :glare:


oh, there's always someone ready to make a mountain out of a mole hill in any number of threads. Some posters have issues about heated threads getting lengthy and will post several times about the thread itself or the verbal banter. ;)


But- In the ones where i don't really care about the issue, that's exactly what it looks like to me too :D

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I think the reason we all respond to the shoes/no shoes threads is that we all clearly have an idea of what we like best.


In the democrat vs republican type issues, there are so dang many issues and many shades of gray that it can be hard to take a firm stand on anything without at least a little wavering.


However, we all clearly know whether or not we like shoes in the house. It's a nice black and white issue. So, we all have fun spouting off our opinions about it.

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Is it customary to call the fire department when you suspect a gas leak inside your home?


I turn off the gas to my house and call the appropriate repair company. I would not call the fire department- they have actual fires to put out.


Now, if I had been gone for a while and came home to an overwhelming smell, then I would turn off the gas and call 911.

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If you aren't supposed to call the fire department for that won't they tell you, "We don't cover those types of situations. Turn the gas off and call the Utility company."?


I suppose it depends where you live and how busy or bored they are when they get your call. We once got two fire engines and twelve firefighters in the house because I called to ask about a burning smell coming from my computer. :lol: (I didn't use the emergency number)

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I suppose it depends where you live and how busy or bored they are when they get your call. We once got two fire engines and twelve firefighters in the house because I called to ask about a burning smell coming from my computer. :lol: (I didn't use the emergency number)


As far as I know when your Carbon Monoxide detector goes off you should call the fire dpt. They are supposed to have manual detectors but this co. did not.


If it was a house w/gas, I would call the gas co. first. But its kind of scary when its carbon monoxide.

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