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Fires in Australia - it's so unbelievable

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I'm sitting here, watching the news - it's so terrible - just unbelievable.


In Victoria, fires over the weekend have claimed the lives of at least 84 people. They have not yet gained access to many areas, and so the death toll is expected to rise. Over 750 homes have been lost, with several small towns completely wiped out.


It's so hard to grasp the enormity of the tragedy. We were on bush-fire alert all weekend as well, with temperatures nearing 50 degrees Celcius, and high winds (we are in South Australia), but it was Victoria where the fires raged.


And, they've just announced that they believe several of the fires were deliberately lit. How could someone do that, knowing the terrible conditions?


Strangely enough, in the north of the country, in Queensland, it is covered in water - 2/3 of Qld has been affected by flooding - so much so that they are dodging crocodiles in the streets. They believe that a 5 year old has been taken by a crocodile, as they played by the edge of a river.


And much of the rest of the country is experiencing it's worst drought in many years.


Not much of an advertisement for our beloved country, am I? This death toll has really rattled me - I just can't even imagine the horrors people have gone through the past 48 hours.

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they tried to escape in their cars....



That's usually a significant contributor to the death toll in bush fires. You can't drive faster than a fire so you have to leave WELL before or stay put. Many of those people would have survived if they stayed home. That's the really sad thing.



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