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On my 46th birthday my breast became very sore, I have a large painful hard lump near the nipple area. I was running a low grade fever but I do run one often anyway. The fever has gone but the lump hasn’t. My period ended three days ago. I haven’t nursed a baby for ten years could it still be a breast infection? I have done the massaging and moist heat. I called the doctors office they were too busy to see me until I told her the problem and now I have an appointment this afternoon. I am a little worried.

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I imagine you can get an infection at any time...even without nursing. Maybe soap got under your skin and caused an infection. I would call the Gyn and find out if they can see it. If you do get an infection...they get bad pretty quick and super painful. I imagine the faster you deal with it...the better off you will be.

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I am just getting over a bout with Mastitis and No, I haven't nursed anyone in 18 years! I had this before and recognized the symtoms right away. Soreness first, later that day I had flu symptoms. Fever, chills etc. Eventually red streaks developed..but they were kind of all over. Cellulitis was the DX.

I needed an antibiotic to get over it. And yes, I did follow it up with a physical and a mamogram since I had it twice in recent years.


Advil for pain and hot packs help. Wearing a constricitng bra helped too.

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I got this and I hadn't nursed anyone in 6 years. PLUS, I never got it when I was nursing. I was shocked by how painful it was and how cruddy I felt with it! I can't imagine trying to nurse a hungry baby while having mastitis! GO to the doctor! Antibiotics worked in about 24 hours. Wear a bra at night. Hot packs, for sure!

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Yes the doctor thinks it is Mastitis he has put me on two antibiotics but wants to confirm it with an ultra sound but the earliest they can fit me in is on the 24. I have had mastitis several times before while nursing my youngest now 12 but this time is different there is a red rash area it isn’t itchy at all. The infection is much closer to the nipple than it had been before. I didn’t know you go get mastitis if you’re not nursing. Thank you for easing my mind.

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Cherrie, I had a large red area, but more like streaks that didn't itch. THe antibiotic helped within 24 hours and the pain and redness was pretty much gone within 2-3 days. This was much more painful than anything I ever had while nursing.


Having said all that, there is a breast cancer that show up similiarly. So, please follow thru with your DR. if the pain and swelling don't go away in a few days.

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