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Book suggestions for 10 yr old daughter

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and myself.

She is struggling with homrones, etc. No physical signs yet, but what I am learning on these boards the hormones kick in a few years before the full transition.

I need a book that we can read together or that I can read and talk to her about the basics. The order of things, etc. What we all should be expecting. I know in a way; after all I went through it; but I think there is a lot I don't know and I did not have someone to walk me through. It was just all about period...none of the other issues (especially emotional) were ever discussed. I would love to normalize this for her (and us).

Thanks so much.


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http://www.amazon.com/Care-Keeping-You-American-Library/dp/1562476661 I loved this book very scientifically sound, not too graphic and availible at any large bookseller. It has clear drawings of body structures that were most helpful when discussing the proper use of tampons. I generally do not like American Girl fiction, I find them trite so it was a stretch for me to take this suggestion and look at the book. I really thought it was just right for dd at the time. FWIW she found it informative without being cutesy. Just common sense information with a minimum of commentary.

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I second The Care and Keeping book by American Girl. I, too, don't care for most American Girl stuff, but this was just right for my dd. I asked her if she'd like to hear everything from me or if she'd like to read a book and then ask me questions. She chose the 2nd, which I knew she would. The book has a positive, matter-of-fact tone that I appreciate.

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My daughter started the emotional stuff at ten and actually started her period the month after she turned 11. We never read a book, but had lots of talks about what she was and would be experiencing - both emotionally and physically.


Good luck!

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There is no reference to s*x in any form in the book that I can find beyond a blurb that says your body is yours and yours alone and tell to an adult you trust if anyone touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.


Here's what is covered in the Table of Contents:


Body Basics

The Basic Facts


Heads Up

Hair Care

Hair Scare







Sun Sense

Body Talk: Skin







Body Talk: Breasts

Belly Zone

Shapes & Sizes



Eating Disorders

Body Talk: Food

Big Changes

Pubic Area


Body Talk: Period

On the Go




Sports Safety


Sleep Troubles

Body Talk: Sleep

The Girl Inside

Your Feelings

The Whole You


If you want to know what is covered in a specific section, let me know. I have the book easily accessible.

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