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Tell me what your 5th grade schedule looks like


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I'm trying to get things ready to order books in about 2 weeks. I had the grammar stage worked out to a T, but the logic stage is starting to intimidate me some.


Things that work and I'm sticking with are MUS, WWE, AAS and history and science as recommended in TWTM.


I really want some kind of literature study, critical thinking skills, grammar (which I have another post out for) and I'm thinking I'm going with Memoria Press's Latin.


So tell me what you are doing (or have done) for 5th grade.

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This is what we did this year.


Beautiful Feet Ancient History- lots of good books are included so I let this be our literature this year too.

Singapore Math 5A and 5B I also supplemented with Harcourt Math 5 because I got it for free and it taught graphs.

Prentice hall Science Explorer Life Science

Latin Road to English Vol. 1

Everyday Spelling

I have a free reading book and we have done some of it too I forget who it is by but it was a public school book.

Mindbenders which my son loved

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I'm trying to get things ready to order books in about 2 weeks. I had the grammar stage worked out to a T, but the logic stage is starting to intimidate me some.


Things that work and I'm sticking with are MUS, WWE, AAS and history and science as recommended in TWTM.


I really want some kind of literature study, critical thinking skills, grammar (which I have another post out for) and I'm thinking I'm going with Memoria Press's Latin.


So tell me what you are doing (or have done) for 5th grade.


We use Mindbenders for Logic. Completed books A1 through A4 - not sure what to do after this, possibly go onto B1, or leave it until next year.


We use Memoria Press's Latin - if you haven't done any Latin before, then you could start with Latina Christiana I.

If you go with this program, then do get the flashcards, they really help with memorizing the vocab.

we use the DVDs and find them very useful.


I see you are going with WTM history. We started off using Kingfisher, but found the content was not indepth enough. It does work for others, but we have switched to DK History and ds is much happier with this book.

I am waiting to see what the new recs will be for history, as apparently KHE will be going or has gone OOP.


ds started off writing data on the timeline, but have since switched to using Homeschool in the Wood's timeline figures. ds and I are much happier with this.


I would also highly recommend you use the Outlining book by Remedia that WTM recommends.

It is invaluable for teaching outlining - a new skill you will use in history.

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This is what I have for 5th grade. I just pulled my daughter out of a cyberschool so we are kind of starting over but not. Wether we accomplish all of this is up in the air. But we'll try.


Chrisitan Light 5th for reading ( my daughter wanted it . I just wanted to do living books but she felt strongly otherwise).

Chrisitian Light 4th for math , the last half of fourth. We could of started with 5th but their last half of fourth has square roots something she hasn't done yet, and I wanted her to have plenty of practice with that.

Christian Light 3rd for grammar. She is WAYYYY behind in grammar. The cyber we were with didnot focus very much with this nor did they have much practice with it. So third was as low as I would go.

For writing she will be finishing Writing Tales 1 and I would like to get her into WT2 soon.

For spelling I may or maynot use our 5th grade spelling book I have from Calvert. Or I just may use what is in the 3rd grade LA from CLE because her spelling isn't the best.


Those are our major subjects.

I did buy the Time Travelers from Homeschool in the Woods for history because my daughter loves history and is a madatory thing in my home with my history buff husband.

and she chose Apologia Swiming Creatures of the 5th day or Zoology 2 , with a lapbook to go with it.

I also bought a cheap geography book from Seton because my daughter likes this subject too.

I also would like to finish our Prima Latina and get into LC1. I agree with the other poster the flashcards are very helpful but you could easily make your own. I've found that not all of the words are in the flashcards. The DVD's are a must to me though if you have no knowledge in teaching Latin. They are a life saver.


Now wether we get all of this accomplished in the next 5 months I have no clue. But whatever we don't get done I will just carry over into the new school year.

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My 5th grader is dyslexic, so her LA schedule is heavier than my other kids had for 5th grade.


20 minutes silent reading from book of dd's choice (daily)

one section from Daily Math Practice 5 (M-Th)

3 sentences from Winston Grammar Basic (M/Tu/Th)

proofreading exercise from http://www.spellingconnectionsonline.com (W/F)

5 minutes Daily Grams 4 (daily)

one page in Rewards Reading (M-Th)

Sequential Spelling (daily) - but we're doing just 15 words/day instead of 25

20 minutes reading out loud to me from book I assign (daily) - I usually give her 2-3 books to choose from

Scholastic Study Jams science (M/Tu/Th) - but she's almost finished all of this

human body studies in science co-op (W)

SL Core 3 readaloud (daily) - I read this to the kids

20 minutes Singapore 5A (daily) - we stop when the timer beeps

Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales for writing (M-Th)

SL core 3 history (daily) - I read this to the kids

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I really want some kind of literature study, critical thinking skills, grammar (which I have another post out for) and I'm thinking I'm going with Memoria Press's Latin.


What we're using this year for those specific areas:

Literature: SL6 (ancient) history readings

Critical thinking: Various resources including some Mindbenders & lots of the Dandylion Press books

Grammar: Growing with Grammar

Languages: Spanish (La Clase Divertida); Dutch (outside class); we've been up & down w/ Latin this year (a little bit of Lively Latin, a little bit of listening in to younger brother's Song School Latin, and a little bit of EftRU)


Other items/categories to toss out there as ideas (that we're using):

Vocabulary: Vocabulary Cartoons for elem. level

Poetry: IEW Poetry Memorization (this, surprisingly to me, has been a big hit)

Geography: Study of our state & Trail Guide to US

Spelling: Spelling Wisdom (CM style)

Arts: Variety, incl. outside classes, Handle on the Arts, Mark Kistler's online drawing lessons, etc...

Typing: Free online program from BBC Kids



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Here are our plans for next year:


Classically Cursive (because he has atrocious penmanship)


SWO F (if we don't drop spelling altogether)


TOG Yr. 1 (units 3 and 4) and Begin Year 2


Singapore Math 5a/5b


CW Poetry and begin Homer


LC 1


R&S Grammar if needed, but we will see.


Science ?????





P.E. - Flag Football, Soccer, and Basketball at the YMCA

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This is my plan (I think):


Saxon 7/6

Rod & Staff English 4

Latin for Children B

Imitations in Writing Aesop

Mystery of History

Mind Benders

Spelling Power


I'm leaning towards RS4K for Science, and am considering doing something more formal with reading (lit guides of some sort).

He'll continue with piano lessons and Judo, and we'll continue with memory work.

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Thanks everyone.


This is my plan (I think):


Saxon 7/6

Rod & Staff English 4

Latin for Children B

Imitations in Writing Aesop

Mystery of History

Mind Benders

Spelling Power


I'm leaning towards RS4K for Science, and am considering doing something more formal with reading (lit guides of some sort).

He'll continue with piano lessons and Judo, and we'll continue with memory work.

Let me know if you find any good literature guides. I could use something there too.

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Here's what we're doing.


Math - University of California open access Algebra 1

Science - Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way with supplemental reading and hands-on projects from Ancient Science (Jim Wiese)

History - WTM-ish approach using the Parragon Atlas of World History as a spine, supplemented with CHOW and Learning Through History magazines and other resources

Literature - Book list to coordinate with history

English/Grammar/Vocabulary - Galore Park English Prep book 2, Word Roots software, CW-inspired writing assignments

Greek - Hey Andrew book 2 and the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker

Spanish - The Learnables

Latin - Yeah, not so much.

Geography - Florida Virtual School

Art (1st semester) - Florida Virtual School

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My twins are 5th graders this year. Here's what they are using.


Bible, Geography, Science, Art (My Father's World)

Grammar and Composition (Rod and Staff English)

Poetry (Harp and Laurel Wreath) We have been slack with our poetry lately

Math (Math U See)

Spelling (Spelling Wisdom)

Foreign Language (Latina Christiana I)

Logic (Mind Benders)

Music (Piano and Guitar lessons, Music Theory in co-op, our composer and picture studies)

Character (Boyhood and Beyond)

Reading: Library Books

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This is what I'm doing this year:


Bible - Memoria Press Christian Studies


Math - MUS and Singapore


Spelling/Word Study - Spelling Workout and I've used various workbooks during the year for word study, dictionary skills, etc.


Writing/Handwriting - Getty Dubay Italic and some followup copywork; I started out the year using some miscellaneous writing skills books, including outlining and summarizing, and then moved into Wordsmith Apprentice (this is my reluctant writer).


Grammar - Abeka and tests.


Literature - I'm using worksheets and info that I pulled from online for studying literary elements this year, along with some "spines" that cover the basics of mythology.


Geography - I'm using a couple of the Holling books, along with BF guides this year. I'm filling in with some other books for those few states in the eastern US that will not be covered by the Holling books. I'll do the same with the western states next year. I do geography on M,W,F and Logic on T,Th, using Mindbenders this year.


I'm alternating Latin and Spanish this year. I'm using Latin Primer just because I already had it, but do like the Memoria Press programming, too. I'm using Espanol Para Chicos y Grandes at home for Spanish this year. He's also doing an outside weekly class that uses a workbook.


Reading is linked to our history/lit studies and is comprised primarily of mythology and legends this year.


I'm using WTM recs and loads of living books for history and science this year.

Edited by mcconnellboys
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This is what we have planned for Gr. 5 next year.


Math--finishing RightStart Level E, moving on to MUS, not sure what level.


Grammar--Mother Tongue--finishing Bk I and moving on to Bk II


Writing--Classical Writing Homer A and Poetry for Beginners


Latin--LC II




Science--using a mish mosh of resources for Life Science


Classical Studies--Bullfinch's Age of Mythology

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This is my boy's 5th grade schedule for this year:


Math: Rod & Staff 6

Spelling: Writing Road to Reading

Grammar: Rod & Staff 5

Writing: IEW Ancient History

History: History Odyssey, Ancients level 2

Science: BJU Science 5

Art: Artistic Pursuits (Harmony Fine Arts)

Music: Story of the Orchestra (Harmony Fine Arts)

Logic: Mindbender CD

Latin (will be starting in about two months): Latin Prep-most likely, dh still would rather start him on Spanish, hence we haven't started anything yet.

We also have a typing CD that he does twice a week.



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