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Runners, etc. let's review our exercise achievements from the past week!

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Okay, gals (and guys IF any of them will finally dare to join us!), we've seriously slacked off since Cheryl's been away. Hopefully that slacking applies only to our posts; maybe everyone's been so diligent about exercising they haven't had time to talk about it here?;)


So here's my review of the past week:


Monday (January 19th) ~ went skiing instead of running; can't say I got a ton of exercise, though, since I was hangin' with the little guys


Tuesday (20th) ~ 6 mile run


Wednesday (21st) ~ 9 mile run


Thursday (22nd) ~ day off, as usual


Friday (23rd) ~ 3 mile run


Saturday (24th) ~ 19 mile run...WHEW! My first two hours felt pretty good and I enjoyed the trail system along the water and woods. As always, though, I ran too fast at a 8:30 min/mile pace. Between that and not drinking/eating much beforehand or during my run, my last 5 miles or so were way hard. Took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to recover, too.


Sunday (25th) ~ another day off


Your turn!:)

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Actually right now I'm only dreaming of building up to 10 km, which is the most I've run so far. Mind you I've only been running for one year.


Anyway, my week was pretty good because the weather was dry with the exception of Friday which was so blustery cold (it's cold here again) that my partner and I chickened out. We did go Saturday morning though under a gazillion layers!


Monday . . . 5 km, including a 1 km fairly steep hill

Tuesday . . . 6 km (we're working on increasing our distance)

Wednesday . . . 5 km

Thursday . . . 5 km

Friday . . . Weight training inside

Saturday . . . 6 km (in -13 C (8 F) temperatures with a big windchill factor)


Today we will probably do 5 km but it's even colder out. Sometimes when it's very cold we walk instead. It's too hard to breath in the cold air.


Happy Sunday.

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Way to keep at it, Rose; you're doing great! I love how you don't let the winter weather get you down. It's been so strangely dry these past couple of weeks and wouldn't you know I'm getting tired of it?:tongue_smilie: The mountains haven't had any snowfall in I don't know how long. This winter has been one extreme to the other; very weird. We were surprised we didn't have any northeast wind for so long, but it's definitely back with a vengeance now. I'm impressed you make it out in that windchill.


As for the 1 km fairly steep hill, if you ran up that you're a better woman than I. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I can't run hills so I just walk them ~ or avoid them altogether, which isn't too hard around here. In that whole 19 miles yesterday I hit one very short but steep hill and the rest of the route was pretty much flat. No wonder I tank when I run the hilly race course on Whidbey Island!

Actually right now I'm only dreaming of building up to 10 km, which is the most I've run so far. Mind you I've only been running for one year.


Anyway, my week was pretty good because the weather was dry with the exception of Friday which was so blustery cold (it's cold here again) that my partner and I chickened out. We did go Saturday morning though under a gazillion layers!


Monday . . . 5 km, including a 1 km fairly steep hill

Tuesday . . . 6 km (we're working on increasing our distance)

Wednesday . . . 5 km

Thursday . . . 5 km

Friday . . . Weight training inside

Saturday . . . 6 km (in -13 C (8 F) temperatures with a big windchill factor)


Today we will probably do 5 km but it's even colder out. Sometimes when it's very cold we walk instead. It's too hard to breath in the cold air.


Happy Sunday.

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We have serious ice issues around here right now, so in the interest of preserving my neck, most of my exercise has been indoors (elliptical machine) this week. However, my exercise partner and I did give it a try yesterday. We gave ourselves Tenacity points, but no Aerobic points. It was about 10 degrees with the windchill and most of the trail was literally glare ice....



waiting for it to snow or warm up or SOMETHING!

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I hit the pavement this past week for the first time in months and months(and months and months)! I only went 3 1/2 miles each time, only running 2 of that. My knees have decided that they don't like concrete and ache after each run. I am trying to ease back into it to avoid injury but it just feels good to be out again. It's so hard to walk after being a runner! :001_smile:


I ran my first full and half marathons in 2004 then went on to have a baby 9 1/2 months later and another 17 months after that. Since my youngest was born I just can't figure out how to get it all in - homeschooling, cooking, keeping the house, being a wife/mother/daughter/friend, AND running on top of that. I finally hit a wall this past week and determined that no matter what I had to get running again. Still not sure what has to go but determined to keep running.

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I've been exercising but I'm afraid it will be quite a while before I'm running again. This second injury seems to have done more damage than the first so I'm trying to be happy about being able to walk. i'm doing rehab exercises religiously so I have hope I'll be running some day. I really do miss it though.


I've been walking 3-4 miles daily and tomorrow I'll probably take a day off.

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Just as the tide ebbs and flows, so too does our exercise ...


I've slowly been rebuilding and trying to overcome an injury (plantars faciitis).


Mon - 1700m swim

Tues - rest

Wed - 6 mile tempo run

Thr - 2450m swim

Fri - rest

Sat - 4.5 mile run

Sun - nothing thus far.....


I have been debating whether or not to register for a marathon vs. half marathon in May. I just haven't decided one way or the other. It is great to see other ladies here for motivation... to see I'm not alone in the occasional struggle.


Kudos to all of us - where ever we are in the process. :D

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I'm with those of you who cannot run hills. We just don't have them around here - so I don't train on them. There is a VERY small hill around mile 5 of my runs and I do everything I can to avoid it!


Anyway, This past week has been VERY cold, so I've done some inside work.


Mon: 50 min with Tony Horton (Power X guy)

Tues: 50 min with Tony

Wed: 4 mile run

Thurs: off

Fri: 4 mile run

Sat: 4 mile run

Sun - nothing yet


I also learned a new ab routine that I'm working on. I do that every day.


Colleen - WAY TO GO on that long run! Sounds like you really could do a marathon soon.

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I ran on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this past week. I didn't do the Wii Fit on the other days, because I was feeling a little pain around my ankle and I attributed it to doing the Wii Fit barefooted.


I did 30 minutes on Monday and Wednesday which works out to just about 2.75 miles, then Friday was my '3 mile day' and I did it in about 34 minutes, which is a minute and a half faster than my 5K time back in December! I'm not purposely trying to go faster, it just seems like it happens. What also happens is that I'm SORE! LOL I'm not going to increase my mileage until April though. I want to get to the point where I'm running 3 miles each time I go out, and let my joints catch up and be able to handle it. Right now, I can jog for about a mile before I begin to feel winded!! I can't believe I'm the same person who couldn't run for 3 minutes in a row a few short months ago!


My next 5K is on Valentine's Day! :) I am looking at a 10K in July, but I will have to see how I'm feeling in March (the registration day).

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I'm with those of you who cannot run hills. We just don't have them around here - so I don't train on them. There is a VERY small hill around mile 5 of my runs and I do everything I can to avoid it!


Anyway, This past week has been VERY cold, so I've done some inside work.


Mon: 50 min with Tony Horton (Power X guy)

Tues: 50 min with Tony

Wed: 4 mile run

Thurs: off

Fri: 4 mile run

Sat: 4 mile run

Sun - nothing yet


I also learned a new ab routine that I'm working on. I do that every day.


Colleen - WAY TO GO on that long run! Sounds like you really could do a marathon soon.


I thought that running hills help build up your endurance so that you could build up distance. My partner and I want to build up our running distance and we want to get faster. How do you do this? Do you add sprints to your run? Tell me your secret please. And for what it's worth . . . I HATE running up that hill.

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I ran for 30 min. (with biking warm-up and walking cool-down of another 30 min.) on M-W-F and did strength training on the machines at the gym on T-Th. This week I'm going to try to incorporate some more core exercises and do strength training on Sat or Sun, too...I need ONE day off each weekend, though!


I am trying to rebuild my speed and distance after being away from exercise in general for about 5 months or so. Too much life going on. LOL :D

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Sorry about the ice issues, Anne. We dealt with that here throughout much of December and into January; not fun! Unlike you, though, I didn't do much of anything inside other than sit by the wood stove and drink hot toddies.;) Good for you for keepin' it up through the wintry weather!


We have serious ice issues around here right now, so in the interest of preserving my neck, most of my exercise has been indoors (elliptical machine) this week. However, my exercise partner and I did give it a try yesterday. We gave ourselves Tenacity points, but no Aerobic points. It was about 10 degrees with the windchill and most of the trail was literally glare ice....



waiting for it to snow or warm up or SOMETHING!

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I hit the pavement this past week for the first time in months and months(and months and months)! I only went 3 1/2 miles each time, only running 2 of that.


Hey, that's still pretty respectable given your long break.


My knees have decided that they don't like concrete and ache after each run. I am trying to ease back into it to avoid injury but it just feels good to be out again.


I hear you on the aches. I have a lot of joint pain thanks to running on concrete and pavement more often than not. Our bodies definitely aren't designed to pound pavement.


I ran my first full and half marathons in 2004


wOOt! Good job!


then went on to have a baby 9 1/2 months later and another 17 months after that. Since my youngest was born I just can't figure out how to get it all in - homeschooling, cooking, keeping the house, being a wife/mother/daughter/friend, AND running on top of that. I finally hit a wall this past week and determined that no matter what I had to get running again. Still not sure what has to go but determined to keep running.


Yes, it's difficult. Although when we think about it in the grand scheme of things, an hour a day four or five times a week shouldn't detract from the rest of our lives. The long runs do take over my life a bit, though. On Saturday for example, I spent three hours running and a ridiculously long time recovering. A run like that pretty much takes over a day. Running is important to me, but I don't want to be so obsessive about it that it eats away at everthing else; I hear you on that.

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That's a pretty hefty schedule for slow rebuilding ~ or it would be to us mere mortals, anyway.;) I live in fear of plantars fasciitis (sp?). Seems like so many runners I know have developed that at one point or another, and being sidelined from running would be a serious emotional challenge for me. I don't know if/how one can prevent it, though.


Good job getting back into the swing of things!

Just as the tide ebbs and flows, so too does our exercise ...


I've slowly been rebuilding and trying to overcome an injury (plantars faciitis).


Mon - 1700m swim

Tues - rest

Wed - 6 mile tempo run

Thr - 2450m swim

Fri - rest

Sat - 4.5 mile run

Sun - nothing thus far.....


I have been debating whether or not to register for a marathon vs. half marathon in May. I just haven't decided one way or the other. It is great to see other ladies here for motivation... to see I'm not alone in the occasional struggle.


Kudos to all of us - where ever we are in the process. :D

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I've been looking for you, girlfriend! Glad to see you again. And glad to have someone else who admits to avoiding hills like the plague.:D


I'm with those of you who cannot run hills. We just don't have them around here - so I don't train on them. There is a VERY small hill around mile 5 of my runs and I do everything I can to avoid it!


Anyway, This past week has been VERY cold, so I've done some inside work.


Mon: 50 min with Tony Horton (Power X guy)

Tues: 50 min with Tony

Wed: 4 mile run

Thurs: off

Fri: 4 mile run

Sat: 4 mile run

Sun - nothing yet


I also learned a new ab routine that I'm working on. I do that every day.


Colleen - WAY TO GO on that long run! Sounds like you really could do a marathon soon.

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You've made so much progress in a short time; congrats! I know you can do the 10K if you want to. Go for it!


I ran on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this past week. I didn't do the Wii Fit on the other days, because I was feeling a little pain around my ankle and I attributed it to doing the Wii Fit barefooted.


I did 30 minutes on Monday and Wednesday which works out to just about 2.75 miles, then Friday was my '3 mile day' and I did it in about 34 minutes, which is a minute and a half faster than my 5K time back in December! I'm not purposely trying to go faster, it just seems like it happens. What also happens is that I'm SORE! LOL I'm not going to increase my mileage until April though. I want to get to the point where I'm running 3 miles each time I go out, and let my joints catch up and be able to handle it. Right now, I can jog for about a mile before I begin to feel winded!! I can't believe I'm the same person who couldn't run for 3 minutes in a row a few short months ago!


My next 5K is on Valentine's Day! :) I am looking at a 10K in July, but I will have to see how I'm feeling in March (the registration day).

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Yeah, life has a way of getting in the way, doesn't it?;) My trouble is that I keep up with my running, but don't get in any cross-training. And the Core program book I bought a couple of months ago is gathering dust. It would do me a world of good to work on my Core; it was destroyed by all my abdominal surgeries over the years. I told myself I'd make that a priority in this new year, but so far...nada!


I ran for 30 min. (with biking warm-up and walking cool-down of another 30 min.) on M-W-F and did strength training on the machines at the gym on T-Th. This week I'm going to try to incorporate some more core exercises and do strength training on Sat or Sun, too...I need ONE day off each weekend, though!


I am trying to rebuild my speed and distance after being away from exercise in general for about 5 months or so. Too much life going on. LOL :D

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I thought that running hills help build up your endurance so that you could build up distance. My partner and I want to build up our running distance and we want to get faster. How do you do this? Do you add sprints to your run? Tell me your secret please. And for what it's worth . . . I HATE running up that hill.


Much as I hate hills, I'd run some if they existed around here. But my immediate town/neighborhood is flatter than a pancake (riverbottom), and I just don't have the time to drive a half hour or more to get to hills, kwim? So I don't get in hills, which I know I should. And I don't do sprints, which I also know I should. And I rarely cross-train or run on different surfaces or stretch or warm-up or cool down or...Well, you get the picture. I don't do any of the stuff "they" recommend. Which is why I'm probably destroying my body.:tongue_smilie: I just add a bit of distance every week or two.


My schedule is generally: Short run on Mondays, a bit more on Tuesday, mid-distance Wednesday, take Thursday off, short-to-mid-distance Friday, long run Saturday, and Sunday off. I tend to follow a coolrunning.com plan (more or less) all the time, whether or not I'm training for a specific run. Just helps me to keep on track.

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We have serious ice issues around here right now, so in the interest of preserving my neck, most of my exercise has been indoors (elliptical machine) this week. However, my exercise partner and I did give it a try yesterday. We gave ourselves Tenacity points, but no Aerobic points. It was about 10 degrees with the windchill and most of the trail was literally glare ice....



waiting for it to snow or warm up or SOMETHING!


Ugh. I hate the cold. I went out today and it felt great. I think it was 3 degrees. It was just insane. There's ice all over the place. The wind HURTS! So, I'm with you on waiting for it to warm up!


I hit the pavement this past week for the first time in months and months(and months and months)! I only went 3 1/2 miles each time, only running 2 of that. My knees have decided that they don't like concrete and ache after each run. I am trying to ease back into it to avoid injury but it just feels good to be out again. It's so hard to walk after being a runner! :001_smile:


I ran my first full and half marathons in 2004 then went on to have a baby 9 1/2 months later and another 17 months after that. Since my youngest was born I just can't figure out how to get it all in - homeschooling, cooking, keeping the house, being a wife/mother/daughter/friend, AND running on top of that. I finally hit a wall this past week and determined that no matter what I had to get running again. Still not sure what has to go but determined to keep running.


It's hard to fit it all in! I'm just totally impressed that you have run a full marathon! I hope to run my first next January at Disney.


I've had to work so hard to get the running in. I just make it a priority. When I get my run in, I have a much better day. Good luck!!!


I've been exercising but I'm afraid it will be quite a while before I'm running again. This second injury seems to have done more damage than the first so I'm trying to be happy about being able to walk. i'm doing rehab exercises religiously so I have hope I'll be running some day. I really do miss it though.


I've been walking 3-4 miles daily and tomorrow I'll probably take a day off.


Hey! I think of you as I'm out running in this FREEZING cold weather. I keep remembering back to last week when I was in Cozumel and it was 68. It felt COLD at the time, but I'd pay good money for that again!! (And, yes, I saw you wave back!!! BTW - my sis and Bil loved XCaret. But, they only had to pay for two!)


Just as the tide ebbs and flows, so too does our exercise ...


I've slowly been rebuilding and trying to overcome an injury (plantars faciitis).


Mon - 1700m swim

Tues - rest

Wed - 6 mile tempo run

Thr - 2450m swim

Fri - rest

Sat - 4.5 mile run

Sun - nothing thus far.....


I have been debating whether or not to register for a marathon vs. half marathon in May. I just haven't decided one way or the other. It is great to see other ladies here for motivation... to see I'm not alone in the occasional struggle.


Kudos to all of us - where ever we are in the process. :D


I didn't know you were dealing with that. I'm so sorry! Glad to see you back! I love reading about your running - you keep me motivated!


I ran on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this past week. I didn't do the Wii Fit on the other days, because I was feeling a little pain around my ankle and I attributed it to doing the Wii Fit barefooted.


I did 30 minutes on Monday and Wednesday which works out to just about 2.75 miles, then Friday was my '3 mile day' and I did it in about 34 minutes, which is a minute and a half faster than my 5K time back in December! I'm not purposely trying to go faster, it just seems like it happens. What also happens is that I'm SORE! LOL I'm not going to increase my mileage until April though. I want to get to the point where I'm running 3 miles each time I go out, and let my joints catch up and be able to handle it. Right now, I can jog for about a mile before I begin to feel winded!! I can't believe I'm the same person who couldn't run for 3 minutes in a row a few short months ago!


My next 5K is on Valentine's Day! :) I am looking at a 10K in July, but I will have to see how I'm feeling in March (the registration day).


AWESOME!!! Go for the 10K! I was scared when I signed up for it, but it was SO much fun!!!


I thought that running hills help build up your endurance so that you could build up distance. My partner and I want to build up our running distance and we want to get faster. How do you do this? Do you add sprints to your run? Tell me your secret please. And for what it's worth . . . I HATE running up that hill.


I started building my distance very slowly. I'd do a longer run just once/week and add 1/2 mile or so to it each week. So, it was slow, but not too painful. During the week I used to do 3 miles each time I was out, but I gradually increased those to 4 miles. now that I'm not training for a race in the immediate future, my long runs are typically 5 miles and daily runs are now 4.


I used to do a short 2 mile run for time during the week too. But, I hated it so much, I didn't continue. I just don't do sprints or fartleks or anything like that. Basically I just decided I like to run, but not work on speed and I'm okay with that. RunnersWorld.com has a ton of info on getting faster though.


I ran for 30 min. (with biking warm-up and walking cool-down of another 30 min.) on M-W-F and did strength training on the machines at the gym on T-Th. This week I'm going to try to incorporate some more core exercises and do strength training on Sat or Sun, too...I need ONE day off each weekend, though!


I am trying to rebuild my speed and distance after being away from exercise in general for about 5 months or so. Too much life going on. LOL :D


Great job! Getting back into it can be hard!! Keep it up!


I've been looking for you, girlfriend! Glad to see you again. And glad to have someone else who admits to avoiding hills like the plague.:D


Hello!!! I'm glad you're able to run again!!!

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I only dream of running since my hips and neck would turn a run into a nightmare, but I do love hanging out with you gals. You inspire me to keep up with my walking.


Gotta tell ya a neat thing that I discovered last week...I'm not a weakling anymore!


Normally after even part of a winter, when I hit the dirt to garden I discover my muscles are made of jelly. Gloppy, messy jelly...nothing firm at all. It takes weeks to get into 'gardening' shape. But this year, I've been working out.....


Last week, dh and I did some shrub transplanting. In the course of the day, I lifted several 40 lb bags of topsoil. AND I could do it!!!!!!! The bags were wet so I know they were heavier than normal. Plus, I could lift the shrubs with their heavy soil balls without dying.


All the walking, hiking, and ab work I've done since last April is paying off. I still weigh too much, but my over 50 body is stronger than it has been in several years.


Yippee! And let this be a lesson to all you younger gals....it is much easier to get into shape when you are twenty, thirty, or forty than it is to get that way in your fifties. Do it NOW!

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Now that my little guy is 2+ months, I started running on January 1st. I started at 1.5 miles and did that every other day or so. Last week I ran 3 times, 2 miles each. I feel good, and I've lost 6 lbs of my baby weight. Whoo hooo.


My son and I are going to run the Race for the Cure in May. One of his good friend's mom (one of my best friends) is fight b. cancer so it is significant.


Note to self, don't bring naturally in shape 10 yo son running with you when you have been running only 3 short weeks after a very long baby hiatus. It will make you feel very old. ;)

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I only dream of running since my hips and neck would turn a run into a nightmare, but I do love hanging out with you gals. You inspire me to keep up with my walking.


Glad to have you on board.:) I think we can all inspire one another, regardless of where we're at on the spectrum.


Gotta tell ya a neat thing that I discovered last week...I'm not a weakling anymore!


Normally after even part of a winter, when I hit the dirt to garden I discover my muscles are made of jelly. Gloppy, messy jelly...nothing firm at all. It takes weeks to get into 'gardening' shape. But this year, I've been working out.....


Last week, dh and I did some shrub transplanting. In the course of the day, I lifted several 40 lb bags of topsoil. AND I could do it!!!!!!! The bags were wet so I know they were heavier than normal. Plus, I could lift the shrubs with their heavy soil balls without dying.


All the walking, hiking, and ab work I've done since last April is paying off. I still weigh too much, but my over 50 body is stronger than it has been in several years.


Cool! Isn't that a great feeling?!


Yippee! And let this be a lesson to all you younger gals....it is much easier to get into shape when you are twenty, thirty, or forty than it is to get that way in your fifties. Do it NOW!


Thanks for the reminder. I see so many young women/girls who aren't taking care of their bodies. It doesn't bode well for their future health.

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Thanks for the reminder. I see so many young women/girls who aren't taking care of their bodies. It doesn't bode well for their future health.


One of my motivations is seeing my sweet, middle seventies MIL not be able to walk across a room because of her weight and condition. If only she had begun working out at my age...she might be able to live life now. As it is she is sorta stuck in her own body. Sad.


Every time I don't want to lace on my shoes, I get that image in my mind....

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Now that my little guy is 2+ months, I started running on January 1st. I started at 1.5 miles and did that every other day or so. Last week I ran 3 times, 2 miles each. I feel good, and I've lost 6 lbs of my baby weight. Whoo hooo.


Wow, starting out at 1.5 miles is pretty impressive! You go, girl!


My son and I are going to run the Race for the Cure in May. One of his good friend's mom (one of my best friends) is fight b. cancer so it is significant.


How far is the run? I haven't done a race with a purpose yet, but I feel like I should.


Note to self, don't bring naturally in shape 10 yo son running with you when you have been running only 3 short weeks after a very long baby hiatus. It will make you feel very old. ;)


Oh, tell me about it! I'm finally at the point, though, when I can edge out even my oldest in some races. Ha!:tongue_smilie: I imagine that won't be the case any more if he runs cross country for the high school team this fall.


Good job, Marie!

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