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Grocery prices have shot through the roof this month!

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Have the prices on groceries gone way up this month where all of you live? I'm floored by how much more I'm paying in January than even just a month ago. I buy some packaged/prepared foods, but almost everything in my cart is fresh fruit/veggies, milk, meat, bread. I'm not buying anything different from what I've always purchased. And yet, at checkout, the total is at least $20 - $30 more than just a month or two ago. It's not like I'm getting lobster, or expensive alcohol. These are basic groceries, not cleaning supplies or toiletries.


Is it the same where all of you live? I'm in Los Angeles county, not exactly the cheapest part of the country to begin with.

Michelle T

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Dairy has come back down here, but nothing else. I'm paying way too much for meat & pantry items.


I read an article this week by General Mills and other cereal/convinence food companies that they are all going to jack their prices in the very near future.

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I'm not noticing any increase or decrease, seems stable to me. Our meat, fish and produce were consistent.


I read today that for the first time since the "recession" began last year, NYC recorded a drop in real estate prices ~ 10% according to the WSJ.


Other than NYC, due to Wall Street, I don't think the east coast is being hit as hard as other previously more rapidly expanding areas like CA and FL. We'll have to wait and see, though.

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In general, yes, I see grocery prices going up and up.....except.......for peanut-butter!


The PB we usually purchase runs $3.59 a jar, and is on sale this week for 99cents per jar. Oh baby, I am stocking up!


Actually, I have been shopping and stocking on sale items like this for the last several months and it is paying off now. And, I only pick up exactly what we need or have run out of. No extras.


But, the total at checkout is still way, waaayyy higher than it should be. Yep.:glare:

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In general, yes, I see grocery prices going up and up.....except.......for peanut-butter!


The PB we usually purchase runs $3.59 a jar, and is on sale this week for 99cents per jar. Oh baby, I am stocking up!


I wonder if that has anything to do with the salmonella scare and the recalls?



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Our prices are pretty stable in Houston. I did discover a great deal courtesy of my mom. My Dollar Tree stores sell Nature's Own whole wheat bread and buns for $1. In Williamsburg, VA my mom has even found raisin and rye breads at her Dollar Tree. My DT is right next to the Super Walmart I shop at so it's easy and very worth my while to stop and get the bread products first.

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Our prices are pretty stable in Houston. I did discover a great deal courtesy of my mom. My Dollar Tree stores sell Nature's Own whole wheat bread and buns for $1. In Williamsburg, VA my mom has even found raisin and rye breads at her Dollar Tree. My DT is right next to the Super Walmart I shop at so it's easy and very worth my while to stop and get the bread products first.


I bought a loaf of this bread (for $3 and change) yesterday at Wal-mart. Has it shrunk again?!!!! It seemed awfully small.


I haven't noticed price increases this month locally.

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