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Is there a difference between contentment and happiness?

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. . . one's attitude in the face of things one can't control, no matter how good or bad those things are.


Happiness refers to one's enjoyment of that which is truly good. (And sometimes what is truly good can have unpleasant elements to it, but, in general, the emphasis is more on a good person enjoying what is truly good.) It seems, to me, a little more active than contentment.

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Contentment is internal.


Happiness is external.


I like the way you said this.


I think of contentment as a quieter emotion and deeper, happiness can be much more temporary and, well, external is a good way to put it. It can be effected by things around you more.


I am content with my life but I am not always happy.

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If you feel like reading up on the subject of happiness, Aristotle's work, Nicomachean Ethics, is an excellent choice. I just read it a few days ago for my Great Books class. I think that defining the term is part of our problem in differentiating between happiness and contentment. I especially liked the commentary of the work found in the book, Great Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans.

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Happiness is an transitory emotion.


Contentment is a state of being.


I am content with my choice to home school, I am not yearning for something else. On any given day I might be happy, sad, frustrated, bored etc.


I was not content when I was working because I wanted to be home with my children. When I was working there days when I was happy and there were days when I was annoyed.


The concepts overlap but aren't mutually inclusive or exclusive.

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There was a poll/ tread about whether one could be content without being happy a little bit ago. You may find the responses helpful.


This was my reply there and I think it applies to your question as well, so I'll just cut and paste:

I think happiness is dependent more on circumstances. I find happiness in a joke, a movie, a hug... or even in a feeling of contentment.


Contentment itself is more of a peace that I am who and what I should be at any given moment. If I am enjoying a good meal and conversation with my family, I may be content in my happiness, love, company, and fellowship. If I am at the funeral of a loved one, I can be content in my sadness and mourning and the camaraderie of shared mourning.


I don't know if that makes even an ounce of sense to anyone else, but I'm content with it. ;)

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I think of contentment as a peaceful acceptance of life as it is, and a state of not wanting much- content with what I have.

Happiness is something that more comes and goes according to whether I get what I want or not, or am happy with what life brings me.

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I've got Nichomachaen Ethics on my bookshelf (I think. It may not have survived one of my "halving" bouts). I'll check it out.


I agree with what's been said here, but it is a tricky one, isn't it? And a lack of "happiness" can really trip up your "contentment".


I tend to be a great big ball of discontent, personally. I wonder if I could truly learn to be content.

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A couple of people have touched on the difference to me. Contentment is a state of being. Being at peace in you life. Happiness is more of a sense of joy. A rosy glow. You can have years of contentment without much happiness, but I am not sure that you could have years of sustained happiness.

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