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If you take your kids to hear a Presidential Candidate speak,

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have something for them to read to the crowd of people waiting, lol.



we went to UNT in Denton, TX to hear Ron Paul speak on President's Day. As people were just standing around waiting for him to show up, I was telling 13yos [who was killing time reading his pocket constitution] that he should go up and see if they would let him read The Declaration of Independence to the crowd.


They did! He did!! he did an awesome job!


He read it strong and slow. he enunciated every little word plainly and made sure he paused at all the right places.


It is such an emotionally-laden document as it is. He has already seen National Treasure a bazillion times and had a bit of an expectation as to the response it would garner, but there's nothing like hearing a thousand people hoot and holler their support and agreement to what you are reading. The thunderous applause as he finished and leaped off the stage was intoxicating.


I am so not a sentimental kinda gal, but I almost eeked out a tear watching him standing up there reading and cameras clicking and rolling.


I am sooo glad dh kept the 4yo and 2yo at home, lol. that would have been Really. Tough.


take care!

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there were a couple of cameras rolling and lotsa others clicking, but we are south of dallas --if it made the local news, I didn't see it. And there's NO WAY the bigger media will give any attention to RPaul, lol.


we'll hit the Obama appearance on Wed too. i wonder if he can do it there as well.....hm......

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. . . you'll have to bring along something for him to read to the crowd.


Since you're a homeschooler, you'll bring the Declaration of Independence.


He'll read the Declaration of Independence. While he's reading, you'll get teary.


You'll reach for a tissue. . . . . while you're reaching for a tissue, you'll find your pocket Constitution from the Heritage Foundation. You'll pull it out.

* * * * * * * *


OK, this could go on, a la "Give a Mouse a Cookie" - but I'm out of ideas?! Anyone?!:D

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have something for them to read to the crowd of people waiting, lol.



They did! He did!! he did an awesome job!


He read it strong and slow. he enunciated every little word plainly and made sure he paused at all the right places.


It is such an emotionally-laden document as it is. He has already seen National Treasure a bazillion times and had a bit of an expectation as to the response it would garner, but there's nothing like hearing a thousand people hoot and holler their support and agreement to what you are reading. The thunderous applause as he finished and leaped off the stage was intoxicating.


I am so not a sentimental kinda gal, but I almost eeked out a tear watching him standing up there reading and cameras clicking and rolling.


I am sooo glad dh kept the 4yo and 2yo at home, lol. that would have been Really. Tough.


take care!


Oh that is just so awesome. I sure wish we could hear RP speak, but it is not likely he will be touring CA anytime soon. Huzzah for your boy!




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I would love to hear Ron Paul speak, and I bet your son did a wonderful job! Good mama! :)


My tip: When you bring kids to hear the President speak (we went to hear President Bush speak during his re-election campaign), plan extra time... especially if you have to bring a doctor's note explaining that your son will probably set off the metal detectors because he swallowed a quarter a couple days before and hadn't yet passed it. Trust me, that note is gonna get passed down the ENTIRE line of Secret Service agents... a couple times. :D

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And for you.


Last round of presidential elections, I hauled my kids (then 9,7,4,2) about 1/2 hr away from here to hear a candidate (who shall remain nameless :D). While there, we talked about so much having to do with the upcoming election. How primaries work, what we would be studying that week as a result of the questions coming up, what we thought of the warm-up guy up front (very cool). Teachers standing nearby asked if I was a homeschool mom. I beamed back. We had a great conversation about education and resources. It. was. awesome.


The weirdest part was the adamant and rude folks. I couldn't believe that people holding signs about family values would talk like that in front of a mom towing kids. Maybe it was the adrenaline of the moment. Shrug.


Anyway, back to topic: Peek, that is so very cool. Give him a high five from here. :)

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My 12 year old would have the guts to read it, but he is somewhat lacking in the read-aloud department! Imagine sentences in monotone with apparently no punctuation. He reminds me of my 6th grade teacher, who told us, that when you read poetry you should have no emotion. Really. I remember being so confused. She might have been limiting the rambunctious reading of some of the boys, but still, no emotion?


So, I am proud to "know" someone who's kid can do that! good job peek!

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now why didn't I think of that???!!!


ok, i checked youtube --no kid reading ;)


BUT -- i found *me* in the crowd --




If you wait till it reads about 4-5 seconds, the guy at the podium will holler something then back off. In that split second, you can see me: i was beyond his head. I'm wearing a peach shirt. I have a backpack strap on my left shoulder and a camera strap running diagonally across my torso. In fact, if you watch fast enough you'll see my ponytail right before I turn my head :) My kids are in front of me, but too low and close for the camera to see them clearly.


anyway, there's the CROWD he read to, lol.


thanks for the reminder about youtube!!!

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