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Best grammar refresher course for me!


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I have decent grammar skills but am keenly aware that I am still severely lacking in the "finer" points of grammar.


What is a resource that I can work through at my own pace? I need something user-friendly and not too complicated or advanced - a grammar refresher course if you will.


Thanks so much!

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I am right there with you. :) I actually just bought myself Junior Analytical Grammar for this purpose. I'll probably use it later with the kids as well but the primary goal was for me to work through it myself. And yes I got the Jr. not the regular AG because I am *that* grammar challenged. :D I thought I should take baby steps.....

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This is one of my favorite things about homeschooling...filling in the gaps of my own education. My weak spot is geography. And world history. And any science beyond middle school. :tongue_smilie:


I have more weak spots than strong spots. I am blessed to have The Hive to spur me on. The folks on the high school board have lit a flame under me to self-educate.


Here's a big shout-out to SWB for showing me the light 2 years ago. The Hive has fanned the flame. I am blessed!

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Will Harvey's help me with the finer points of punctuation - when and where to use commas and why? Also things like staying in the same verb tense when writing?


I am glad to know there are others in the same boat as me! :blush:


I just found this for puncutaion when I was looking for Jensen's that was mentioned here, Jensen's Punctuation... I have not used it, but thought you might want to check it out. Maybe someone else has used it and will comment.

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I could have written (or is it wrote?) this myself. I have recently realized my grammar is horrible. I just checked out the book "Nitty Gritty Grammar". (See, now I don't know if I should have put that period inside the quotation marks or not.) Anyway, it is a nice, easy read that highlights some common mistakes. The book is meant for professional, seemingly well-educated people who make many common grammatical mistakes. I would recommend it as a starting point.

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I learned a whole lot from this book:



which I found at Goodwill. They also have one for Latin and several other languages. I made flash cards as I read, and increased my grammar vocabulary about 900%.


Consider getting a book in this series for a language you speak or are going to teach the kids.

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I could have written (or is it wrote?) this myself. I have recently realized my grammar is horrible. I just checked out the book "Nitty Gritty Grammar". (See, now I don't know if I should have put that period inside the quotation marks or not.) Anyway, it is a nice, easy read that highlights some common mistakes. The book is meant for professional, seemingly well-educated people who make many common grammatical mistakes. I would recommend it as a starting point.


This looks great. Thank you!

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I could have written (or is it wrote?) this myself. I have recently realized my grammar is horrible. I just checked out the book "Nitty Gritty Grammar". (See, now I don't know if I should have put that period inside the quotation marks or not.) Anyway, it is a nice, easy read that highlights some common mistakes. The book is meant for professional, seemingly well-educated people who make many common grammatical mistakes. I would recommend it as a starting point.


I just reserved this through my library. Thanks for the recommendation!

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