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She's doing it again......

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Dd has signed up to do the Penguin Plunge for the Special Olympics again. Last year, she was 10 years old and the youngest person to do it. Here's a link to some pictures of her, in the light blue bathing suit, jumping through a hole in the ice of our local lake into water over hear head and swimming for shore. Yes, through a hole in the ice. Thick ice. Into a frozen lake. In Connecticut. In early February. My friend took the pictures, as I was nearly in full cardiac arrest myself. But I have to hand it to her....she was far braver than I. She raised over $600.00, too!


It's positively frigid here tonight; hovering near zero, and I just can't believe that she's going to do it again this year.


But I"m really proud that she is!



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Good Night, Nurse! I have to totally rethink my views on the Special Olympics now. I had no idea they were into this kind of torture...!


Seriously, your daughter is amazing. She'll have some great stories, which will include the part about, "my mom was freaking out...!"

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Help this southerner. So is she swimming under ice?


No, (shudder!) the volunteer fire department dive team cuts a hole in the ice about 30 yards from shore (that's what she's jumping into in the picture) and then cuts a channel through the ice leading to shore. They jump in and swim for shore. Wearing bathing suits, sneakers and bow ties. When they arrive at shore they have to run along the beach to the warming tent where they strip down and put on dry clothes. Most plungers have a "pit crew" in the warming tent to help them get dried off and dressed. The tents are pumped full of warm air, and modesty goes out the window but there are separate tents for women and men.


Since Molly was so young last year (she was the youngest plunger) I totally bucked the "no crowd interference" rule and jumped the crowd-control barrier as she neared shore, scooped her up in a big cotton blanket as soon as she emerged on shore and half-carried, half ran with her to the warming tent. She was so cold when she came out of the water all should could do is repeat, "Oh Mama! Oh Mama!" over and over.


Today is about -12 degrees so I can't bear to even think about it now!



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