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Am I the only one who bought stuff because of lead law?

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Not that I needed another excuse, right? "My name is Tammi, and I am addicted to curriculum and books!"


Seriously, I am concerned for many of the small, family run homeschool companies, like Queen Homeschool Supplies. So many of them couldn't survive having to pay for the testing that is going to be required, unless the bill is modified. So, I placed a big order today with Queen's.


Am I jumping the gun? I know there have been a ton of threads on this lately, but I had to stick my 2 cents in.:D

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I have been, Even though I am in Canada most of my curric is from the states, and I don't want to be stuck without what I need or prices skyrocketing because of the added cost of testing, so I order 75% of my books for next year on monday, the rest I will order on the 20th. THis is my wealthiest month to do that as I got my term 2 funding, plus get a tax rebate for being a working parent in my province, so I have more $$ than normal this month allowing me the freedom to buy what I want/need. I also am still buying what I needed for this term so the totals are high but at least I will not have to worry about it.

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I am another Canadian who buys curriculum mostly from the US and I am planning on buying all my stuff for next year in the next couple days just in case. I really hope that law will be amended and it won't be as bad as we all think. But I'm going to order now anyways.

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For curriculum items that are mostly paper, couldn't they just sell them as downloads,if it really goes through that is. Everyone could just print them at home. That would be a royal pain but perhaps they wouldn't have to shut down. :confused:


I haven't begun planning next year so I don't want to buy now and make a mistake and then not be able to return or sell it.

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For curriculum items that are mostly paper, couldn't they just sell them as downloads,if it really goes through that is. Everyone could just print them at home. That would be a royal pain but perhaps they wouldn't have to shut down. :confused:


I haven't begun planning next year so I don't want to buy now and make a mistake and then not be able to return or sell it.

My husband suggested this as well. PDF files are certainly doable for a lot of curriculum that we don't want to lose!
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