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Does anyone have Geico for auto insurance?

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We love Geico. We have never had a problem. When our neighbor backed into dh's car a couple of months ago everything was taken care of right away. Adjuster, repair work, return of the car -all done quickly and with a smile. There was even a follow up call about their service and did we have any complaints.

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Well, back at the blasted library and bored to death waiting for dc to finish things, so here I am again. May as well post a few things, eh?


I've used GEICO for over 30 years. Never had a problem. Good service, fast, dependable. My father even used them when I was growing up and he was an excellent judge of things like that (insurance, mechanics, home repair things, etc.). Very thorough. He never bought a car without scouring Consumer Reports ratings, test driving everything, talking to his trusted mechanic ... that kind of thorough.

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I used to be with Geico, never had a problem with them at all. I ended up switching, about 12 years ago, to Allstate and they were a nightmare. For the past year, we were with Progressive (because of the Allstate nightmare, which prevented us from being underwritten by other companies) and just switched to Liberty Mutual, who also saved us about $100 / month. LM has a number of discounts for various employment situations and for alumni of a number of universities (ours is from my husband's IAFF membership).


I would urge you to call numerous places for quotes and ask if they offer any association discounts. Traveler's also had a really good rate (from an online quote) but I had no idea there was that type of discount until I was doing the online quote request through LM and they were asking all sorts of questions about my husband's employment and education (like whether he was employed by any of a list of fire departments and which university he graduated from, not general stuff) - when I mentioned it to him, he dug out a card he had from a union conference for our local agent.


And thus concludes my long winded way of saying - speak to humans and ask. ;)


(But, yes, GEICO is a perfectly decent company)

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We just recently switched to Gieco. We saved a bunch of money, but since it was a recent switch we haven't had a claim yet, so I don't know about help, etc.


It's couldn't be any worse than Allstate though, and we were paying top dollar for poor service & compensation for our totaled van.

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We are thinking of switching from our current provider and the quote we got from Geico is @ $100/month less that what we are paying now. Can this be for real? If you do have Geico have you been happy? How long has it taken to get help when you had a claim?


I had Geico ages ago (like 15+ years) when I still lived in the US. Their prices were truly the bargain basement, but the service was good.


I only ever had one claim (another car backed into mine while parked in a lot). I don't remember there being any hassle with the claim, and I think it was pretty quick to settle.

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We've been using GEICO for a couple years now and I am pleased with them. They're much cheaper than State Farm was.


Their claims service has been excellent. I've been in two accidents since going with them. One where a lady sideswiped my car and then took off. Their "hit and run" coverage took care of the damage and the rental car. Then three weeks ago, I was rear ended by a driver who also had GEICO. They were very prompt about following up, have returned all of my calls quickly. They're paying to replace all of our car seats because of the accident.

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