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I dont want to start school tomorrow.....whaaaaaaaa!!!! (needing advice)

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I cant delay it a week, or even a few days....I just need to do it! But, I cant even muster up the motivation to just plan for this week. How do you do it when you are just not mentally or emotionally up for it?? It doesnt help that the kids arent into it either. DOnt get me wrong, I am glad and feel blessed to homeschool....and have seen the benefits but, I am a little jealous of those moms that get to ship their kids off tomorrow and spend those free hours getting their lives and houses back together from the holidays and who get to emotionally rest :glare:


Help me be excited to homeschool!!!!

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I cant delay it a week, or even a few days....I just need to do it! But, I cant even muster up the motivation to just plan for this week. How do you do it when you are just not mentally or emotionally up for it?? It doesnt help that the kids arent into it either. DOnt get me wrong, I am glad and feel blessed to homeschool....and have seen the benefits but, I am a little jealous of those moms that get to ship their kids off tomorrow and spend those free hours getting their lives and houses back together from the holidays and who get to emotionally rest :glare:


Help me be excited to homeschool!!!!


I went to your blog and saw how old your kids were. They are young enough that a week off to recharge would be fine. If none of you are ready and you absolutely want to start then do your core stuff, reading, writing, math, etc. It might be better with those ages to start back slowly anyway then you can add more next week. :grouphug:

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Well, we can't take a week off and I do NOT want to get back into it.


The first few days are always rough--why do the kids have to fight me the first few days? They always do. Any ideas how to make it different this time?


Those first few days back are a bear. I'm cringing here, too. We've been doing core work all of December and only took off a handful of days. Tomorrow we start back with everything. The only thing I know to do is keep a positive attitude and not react to my kids' bad attitudes. My kids know that they don't get free time until their chores, schoolwork, and music practice is done. I give consequences based on what will affect an attitude change for each child (what hurts the most to lose). I'll hear some moaning and groaning tomorrow, too. Stay strong and don't let it bother you and it will stop sooner. :001_smile:

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I went to your blog and saw how old your kids were. They are young enough that a week off to recharge would be fine. If none of you are ready and you absolutely want to start then do your core stuff, reading, writing, math, etc. It might be better with those ages to start back slowly anyway then you can add more next week. :grouphug:



....good advice.....I may hold off on History stuff....

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When my kids were younger, we would spend the first week doing just math and reading. The next week we added grammar, and the next week we added the rest. It seemed to help them get over the transition, and gave me some extra time to get my head in the game.

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I'm with you...simply don't have the motivation to plan or start back up tomorrow. My plan is to do all core subjects, play a Geography game (we're doing MFW ECC this year) and write some thank-you notes for Christmas gifts received from relatives. Start slow. Ease back in to full swing. Don't stress. :)

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We will start with "rotations". The kids rotate from activity to activity. I have one with me always, while the other two are busy doing something - Rosetta Stone, wii fit or vocabulary game. I come up with three different sets of rotations - math (mom), wii fit, Rosetta Stone; grammar (mom), wii - vocabulary - quiet reading; Latin (mom), computer math game, drawing or project work. This eases us into the "real" school day. We even did two rotations today - on Sunday to help us deal with the 9th day of rainy weather.

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I cant delay it a week, or even a few days....I just need to do it! But, I cant even muster up the motivation to just plan for this week. How do you do it when you are just not mentally or emotionally up for it?? It doesnt help that the kids arent into it either. DOnt get me wrong, I am glad and feel blessed to homeschool....and have seen the benefits but, I am a little jealous of those moms that get to ship their kids off tomorrow and spend those free hours getting their lives and houses back together from the holidays and who get to emotionally rest :glare:


Help me be excited to homeschool!!!!


I'm going to be terrible and mean. Get back to school. It doesn't have to be fun. I went to work today - it was no fun. My brother is flying to FL tomorrow to go to school and teach high school math on Tuesday - it will be no fun. It does not have to be exciting and fun to get done. Get the work laid out before you go to bed. Put it in the middle of the dining room table. Get the coffee pot ready. Make sure the kitchen sink is clean. Go to bed early. Start the day with a big cup of coffee and a big smile. Read a nice story together after breakfast. Get the math and the reading and the writing done. Take a break for a nature walk or play outside time. It will be okay. Get your groove going. The excitement will come from a job well done.

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