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Ow! Ow! Ow! Anyone here have TMJ issues?

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Augh. On Christmas I was eating a candy at my parents house and I suddenly felt the right jaw joint "slip" (for lack of a better description) and had sudden excruciating pain. I could barely close my mouth.


I've had TMJ issues before - clicking jaw (same side) and mild pain - and use a bite guard at night. Lately I've been under a lot of stress, so dh thinks this sudden pain thing is related to the stress. It could be, but I've never, ever had anything like this before.


Since Christmas I've had the same thing happen about three times. My right jaw joint and lower molars hurt.


I've googled and all I've found is that muscle relaxants (I've got Flexiril) and NSAIDs, along with cold packs, are the suggested treatment.


Suggestions? Similar experiences? Will this get better?



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Augh. On Christmas I was eating a candy at my parents house and I suddenly felt the right jaw joint "slip" (for lack of a better description) and had sudden excruciating pain. I could barely close my mouth.


I've had TMJ issues before - clicking jaw (same side) and mild pain - and use a bite guard at night. Lately I've been under a lot of stress, so dh thinks this sudden pain thing is related to the stress. It could be, but I've never, ever had anything like this before.


Since Christmas I've had the same thing happen about three times. My right jaw joint and lower molars hurt.


I've googled and all I've found is that muscle relaxants (I've got Flexiril) and NSAIDs, along with cold packs, are the suggested treatment.


Suggestions? Similar experiences? Will this get better?




Flexeril is lovely, lovely stuff. Hang in there. It will get better. Sorry you're hurting.


Are you still using your little biofeedback machine? Might be time to pull it out again.



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When my jaw slips out like that, my chiropractor fixes it for me. It's better right away but can take a day or two for the ache caused by swelling in the area to go completely away...especially if I had to wait a day or two before I could get in to him.

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Suggestions? Similar experiences? Will this get better?


Mine did -- but it took years. It just resolved itself. Not that I recommend doing nothing about it -- it just wasn't feasible and I was *really* glad when I realized I didn't have the problem anymore.


Mine wasn't due to candy -- it was because of a right cross. So I don't know if that would make a difference or not.

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Do you clinch your teeth when you are stressed? I do, and don't even realize I am doing it. I have had TERRIBLE TMJ for years now. One of the best things I have found to help is physical therapy. I can do two or three sessions and it feels a million times better. My chiropractor referred me. They use an ultrasound machine to rub in a medicated gel and then they use the little electro pulse thingies (bio-feedback??) for about 15-30 minutes to finish the session. I swear, two or three times and I feel so much better.


I would first see a chiropractor to make sure your jaw is in the correct place - sounds like it really isn't. Then you may want to try the pt. :) Good luck!

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I don't have TMJ now, but I do get my jaw worked on by my chiropractor. It used to click out of place sometimes starting when I had head gear, but hasn't done that for a good decade or so, and I can only attribute it to the chiropractor because I haven't sought any other treatment for decades.

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For any of my "clenching" issues, including TMJ, magnesium is my friend. I use Natural Calm mag. supplement and I find it to be a great muscle relaxer.


I also do some facial massage which helps: Drop your lower jaw a little so that your upper and lower teeth aren't touching. Massage the (outside) part of your cheek where the top and bottom back molars are apart. (I hope I'm describing this in a way that makes sense!) For me, that's where a lot of muscle tension is held so it always feels kind of tender/sore when I start but helps to relax those tight muscles.


Here's another facial exercise that I found at a website ELaurie recommended awhile back. I'm doing this with my dd to help with a facial tic, but it says that it can help with TMJ also so I've added it to my own routine! http://www.handle.org/activity/facetap.html


I hope you can get some relief soon...from the stress and the pain! :grouphug:

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