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What is your scope and sequence for K?


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I have looked online and found so many scope and sequences and most state some of the same yet different in so many ways.


So, do you make up your own? Have a particular one you follow? Any suggestions would be great.


Also is ETC A,B,C with the wall chart preschool or K level in your opinion?


Thank you for any help.

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Be able to read easy reader books such as Go, Dog, Go!

Be able to correctly form most of the letters of the alphabet (some reversals okay).

Be able to copy a 4-5 word sentence from copywork.

Be able to sequence the letters of the alphabet.


Be able to retell 3 classic myths.

Be able to retell 3 classic fairy tells.

Be able to sing 3 classic fun kid songs.

Be able to recall 3 poems.

Be able to describe a favorite hike.

Be able to describe an imaginary place.

Be able to describe a favorite game's rules.


Be able to play "Go to the Dump" which is a RS card game using the Abacus to make tens.


Be able to identify the animals in our zoo - what they eat, what country they come from, if they are born alive or from eggs. (we go to the zoo weekly or more).



I made up my own. It is roughly based on the standards of the really expensive private school in town, plus things I pulled from CM. WTM, LCC, Waldorf, Montessori, and whatever else I have been reading though the years mixed with what I actually did with the other two and plan to do with the youngest. These are our goals and I choose activities and matierials and make plans that will fit into those goals. I think those ETC A,B,C books are good for when they are first learning alphabet sounds and if you are training littles to sit at the table while siblings are doing work. We are working through the first one as table work right now. I think it would be too late for many younger siblings of homeschooled kids to wait until K to start them.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Suddenly I feel very very unorganized......:D

Unorganized is good. K is mostly for play and story telling so my scope and seq. hides the fact that we tell lots of stories, go on lots of walks, and spend most of the time at the zoo or outside playing. It just looks organized and intimidating in a nice list. Reading, copywork, math games are our real work. MY sil is working on her PhD in educational methods. I like to keep all my chaos of homeschooling lookin' like something she is comfortable with so she still thinks I'm her cool big sil.

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Unorganized is good. K is mostly for play and story telling so my scope and seq. hides the fact that we tell lots of stories, go on lots of walks, and spend most of the time at the zoo or outside playing. It just looks organized and intimidating in a nice list. Reading, copywork, math games are our real work. MY sil is working on her PhD in educational methods. I like to keep all my chaos of homeschooling lookin' like something she is comfortable with so she still thinks I'm her cool big sil.


I've been thinking on your list since you posted it and I do think it's possible my kinder guys have done a lot of those things by the end of the year - I just never thought about it so specifically. I'm glad you posted - I have 2 more kids to go through kinder (one starting in the fall) so you've given me some thing to think about.


What I've been doing for kinder has been:


Ordinary parents guide for learning to read combined with ETC books (1, 2, and half to all of book 3)

MUS primer + math games

Reason for Handwriting book K

Lots of reading from FIAR books, storybooks, library books, Sonlight prek & K books etc This is random and fun, nothing scheduled.

free art time daily (construction paper, markers, glue, etc)

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The particular level of ETC depends on the kid. For us A, B and C were preschool, but reading is her strong point and both her grandfather and father were very early readers, so I was expecting that. Since I have only one child, wall charts have not been part of our experience.


Overall, we worked on ETC as she felt like it, which meant a page some days, 5 pages some days, none others. We did Singapore Earlybird Math and a bunch of what I guess would be described as unit studies. We went on fun field trips with the homeschool group and individually, did things related to the various holidays, talked and read about basic American history (basic symbols, key folks, why we have the holidays, etc), read about science topics of interest, did crafts. My overall goal was to get her doing reading and math pretty consistently, the rest was just exposure and having fun.


For us, that year happened to include two large trips, one to Disney/SeaWorld and one a long driving trip to several states. My primary focus was to pull info on things related to those so that the trips would be more meaningful. We read about the kinds of animals we would see at Sea World, read through DK's book on a child just like me (can't remember the exact title) in prep for Epcot, things about the history of various places we planned to stop on our trip.

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Well my son will be an older kinder with a birthday in December, but we have actually been doing a lot of kinder material this yr for prek although I'm not calling him kinder til next yr. What We are doing now is in my siggy. Here is what we are doing next yr for our official kinder.


Bible: A child's Garden of Torah

Math: Horizons 1 with Rainbow Resource's manipulatives kit and math u see Beta

Handwriting: Pentime 1A

Spelling:All About Spelling 1

Grammar:First Language Lessons 2

Writing: Write Shop Primary A

Reading: Sonlight readers and Elson Primer

Science: Sonlight Science K and 1

History: 1st Semester: Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans, The American Story, The Pioneer Sampler, The Child's Book of America, Little House on the Prairie.

2nd semester: Easy Classical's State History

Art: Harmony Fine Arts 1

Music: God Made Music K

Geography: 1st 7 weeks: Kingfisher Young Discoverer's Maps and Mapping,Me on the Map, The Once Upon a Time Map Book,There's a Map on My Lap, My Town, Ways to Find Your way. Rest of the Year we will do A Trip Around the World.

Health: Abeka 1

Character: Lights Along the Path - Jewish Folklore Through the Grades k-6th

Spanish: Springboard to Spanish and Play and Learn Spanish

Hebrew: Bilingual Baby Hebrew and Sarah and David Hebrew

Jewish Studies: What's So Jewish About Butterflies?

Money: Financial Peace Jr


So ours is a mix of k and 1st.

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I don't have anything official, just general guidelines:


Writing: Be able to legibly write all letters in capital and lowercase

Reading: Be able to sound out short-vowel CVC words

Math: Understand 1-1 correspondence, understand concepts of addition and subtraction, count easily from 1-10

P.E.: learn to swim


We've actually already attained what I wanted, so now we're just going with what our curriculum covers. :001_smile:

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My son has already hit my marks for K:


Be able to sound out CVC and CVCC words and read some sightwords

Be able to spell CVC words correctly

Be able to listen to and retell facts from a story

Identify all letters and their sounds

Be able to sequence letters

Be able to write all letters, upper and lower case.

Be able to write full name correctly

Know name, address, and phone number


Count to 100 without visuals

Basic addition, subtraction, and understand "number bonds" (Singapore)

Know number words one through ten

Know how to tell time, measure with a ruler in whole inches, and understand opposites


Basic foundation in science - know what it is, know what Sceintists study, basics from Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.


Basic social studies - jobs/what people do/why it is important, presidents (major), holidays, etc.


Know seasons of the year and which months make up which seasons

Days of the week, months of the year

Today, yesterday, and tomorrow



I still consider my son a Kindergartener even though he has met all of my criteria for a successful year. Now, we are just moving above and beyond. :)

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Ours is simple:

Learn to read.:001_smile:


We do other things, but that's all I care about in Kindergarten, learning to read, and then progressively getting better. In first grade my goals are, write legibly, become proficient in reading, and simple addition and subtraction.


ETC ABC is Kindergarten to me, but if your child is struggling with writing, and writing is not one of your goals, you could go with a workbook that only requires circling, matching with lines etc. We use A Beka until 1st grade because it's bright, colorful and my dd doesn't have to write to complete the exercises.


If you want a great read, Ruth Beechick's books talk about goals like this. I don't know which book it was, but she talked about how children use to learn by being with their mothers. They would "play house" and other things, learn numbers and letters from everyday life, and most would learn simple reading because their parents would read to them. There was no Kindergarten because there was no need for it. Kindergarten was invented because mothers were working outside the home. I only bring this up to explain why our goals are what they are.



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I like your list Rebecca.


I really like have the scope and sequence be a list of goals to attain instead of books to complete. It gives you more flexibility and can serve more as a tool. It allows to you know what you are working towards and helps you to be able to evaluate materials. It also lets you succeed without finishing every page of every book because learning to read and learning math are more important and more complex than finishing a book or a curricula.

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