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Baby Bottle Confusion...

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The vast majority of time, I BF -- but this time around, I need to pump a good supply ahead of time and store for use when I have surgery this March and then again in May (gee, aren't I lucky?).


So, I find myself needing baby bottles for the first time in 9.5 years (I had emergency surgery when my oldest was 3 weeks old... couldn't nurse and hadn't pumped).


It's all so confusing.... other than knowing I want a slow-flow nipple, I don't know what to do (I'm drawn to the ones with the liners for cleaning ease... but I don't know).


So, if you've BTDT, are there bottles/nipples you'd prefer. My pump is a Medela Pump In Style... and I'll be pumping straight into the storage bags... so I'm pretty much open to anything.


Thanks in advance.

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The Playtex One-Step. Worked well, from what I recall. I didn't pump much with my twins and these weren't available when their sisters were young. Anyway, they have an adapter that fits the PIS and their own seals and then you just thaw and drop the liner into a Playtex nurser with the nipple of your choice.


I have no advice on nipples. They've changed them between all of my kids, it seemed.

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I used Avent; I had to use a faster nipple because that's how my milk flows. You can use the liners with the seal like a ziplock type closure. (and warmed in warm milk...not the microwave.) I put them flat in a rubbermaid container in case my milk spilled. I was able to have many bags in the freezer in case of emergency. I would suggest starting the bottles from the beginning so they'll take it. I've started with both of my babies early and switched back and forth and had no nursing problems....(Nursed until they were 3 and 5:-)


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I prefer Playtex with the liners. For one thing they don't have the chemical which I can't remember the name of. I found the nipples very easy for my bf son to use, they're easy to use, easy to transport, just easy all around.


I did try Avent and didn't like them at all.


With my bf son, we used the faster flow nipples...they worked for him. For my second baby, he still uses the slow flow nipples. When you're feeding the baby with the bottle, the milk shouldn't be dripping out of his mouth...if it is your nipple is probably flowing too fast.

Edited by chaik76
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I think I ran through all of the brands with my kids in an atempt to get them to take bottles. Personally, I didn't like the ones with liners b/c there were just too many pieces to mess with. Esp. with a crying baby in one arm. My best friend doesn't use anything else, though. You may want to buy 1 or 2 of several different kinds and see what you like best. At one point I bought the expensive Medela bottles with orthopedic nipples (really odd-looking). They weren't worth the money. In the end my favorites were the cheap Gerber ones with silicone nipples. Stay away from the brown nipples, they get all yucky with time.

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We used whatever we had handy, and they were all fine. Mostly we used Avent bottles with slow-flow silicone nipples, but both my girls were just as happy with whatever else we tried. You may want to consider looking into the BPA issue with bottles, though, if you're concerned with that sort of thing. Some companies are now making BPA-free bottles (Born Free, and Avent too, I think). The FDA is now re-examining into the safety claims surrounding BPA, since it's used in so many kinds of packaging.

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I don't have any bottle advise for you but just wanted to ask if you are sure you will need bottles.


When I had surgery, I only had to avoid nursing for a few hours. The general anesthesia wears off pretty quickly and my doctor prescribed pain killers that were ok for nursing. I was pretty much able to nurse right after I woke up enough to function.

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I'm having extensive oral surgery... I've had it before, and need the pain meds, which I know go into the breastmilk -- I know there are some that aren't "as bad" for the baby... but I'd feel better knowing there was a completely safe, healthy alternative.

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I would definitely check out the main management options in the Hale forums. There are a number of good options that are safe. Or, depending on your doctors / comfort level, get a copy of Medications and Mother's Milk to bring with you so you can collectively decide what the best route is.


Like you, I prefer to be prepared for every possibility. :001_smile:

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