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Please... not today.

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So, I went to bed feeling crampy (ho hum, like that's something new), wake up around 4:30 having a few contractions (okay... whatever). About 5:30 I think, hmmm, maybe dh shouldn't go to work today (it would take him 2+ hours to get home). Instead, I tell myself, it's probably nothing.


So, here I sit, with 4 children -- nanny due in around 7:40, father visiting my brother in NC, mother with my grandmother in GA, brother on his way to work... praying NOT to have any significant changes in how I'm feeling right now (which I can say, the contractions have been increasing in frequency :tongue_smilie:)


But knowing, if this is still going on around 10:00am, I'm heading to northern VA as soon as the Nanny gets in. Oh -- and I'm really hoping nothing happens on the drive there (have to drive myself), because I do not want to be the interesting, funny, oh my goodness -- guess what happened on I-95 in northern VA today for the DC News stations.


Well, I'm going to get in the shower and see if that settles things down a bit. If it doesn't -- I need to pack a bag.


Really praying here that this is not the day.

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But knowing, if this is still going on around 10:00am, I'm heading to northern VA as soon as the Nanny gets in. Oh -- and I'm really hoping nothing happens on the drive there (have to drive myself), because I do not want to be the interesting, funny, oh my goodness -- guess what happened on I-95 in northern VA today for the DC News stations.


Well, I'm going to get in the shower and see if that settles things down a bit. If it doesn't -- I need to pack a bag.




My dh is lucky he wasn't a news story when he drove down 95 through a construction zone with his head out the window shouting, "Sorry! My wife's in labor!" Anyway, he had misunderstood my message. I just had to go L&D for observation for an hour.


Don't you have your bags packed yet?

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I called my husband, to let him know. My problem is, I seriously can not tell when I'm in labor and when I'm not... until, that is, it's too late to get anyone here, or get myself there (from Fredericksburg to Alexandria)


I don't experience painful contractions until the very end (15-30 min.). So "waiting around to see" isn't a good option either.


I'm only 36wks 5 days... so the standard of care isn't usually my planned "home birth."


It still could be nothing. I feel a tad better since I had my morning bout of illness... less crampy, and took a shower. My lower back, is a bit achy (which again, could be absolutely nothing, or it could be something).


I did this twice with #4... two false alarms in the 2 weeks from 36 1/2 to 38 1/2 weeks (when she was born).


As easy as deliveries have been (for which I am grateful), knowing the difference between false labor and early labor is like a coin toss for me. My mom was the same way.

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My dh is lucky he wasn't a news story when he drove down 95 through a construction zone with his head out the window shouting, "Sorry! My wife's in labor!" Anyway, he had misunderstood my message. I just had to go L&D for observation for an hour.


Don't you have your bags packed yet?


Oh my! I bet you still laugh over that one :D


Our birth plan is for a CNM-attended home birth, which can't happen for 1 1/2 days... so all of the baby stuff and my stuff is upstairs in the room we intended to use for birthing... so no bags are packed (for me or dh).

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Oh my! I bet you still laugh over that one :D


Our birth plan is for a CNM-attended home birth, which can't happen for 1 1/2 days... so all of the baby stuff and my stuff is upstairs in the room we intended to use for birthing... so no bags are packed (for me or dh).


Oh wow! I missed the home birth plan. I would have loved to not go to a hospital.


The nurses were nice and did their jobs for the most part, but being awaken every couple of hours for this and that drove me crazy! I couldn't wait to get home.:001_smile:

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I also don't know when I'm "in labor". And mine are usually the same feelilng as being very badly crampy (which most people would ignore as discomfort). We are 1/2 hour away from our hospital, and I was afraid of not making it! On my #2, we DIDN'T make it!! We were supposed to go to our community hospital and had to stop at a different (yet closer) county hospital right next to our house. Was quite the drama - baby was born less than 10 minutes after arriving....the staff didn't even know my name yet!


We had a lady here where we are now, deliver in the car on the highway a couple of weeks ago. The big story was that the police gave her a TICKET because her husband was driving in the breakdown lane, trying to get through traffic faster!! They got pulled over, I think she had to SHOW he pregnant belly (I guess people fake that excuse too often around here), and yet he STILL gave them a ticket!! She ended up having baby then and there! So if you are in an urgent situation, call 911 and TELL them that you are driving and they'll send someone to follow you instead of pull you over! ;-p


I like the idea of the nanny loading up the kids and bringing you. If you are in much discomfort (or actually in labor!) it could be so very dangerous for you and others to drive yourself. My water broke in the car, and I went from feeling "weird" to being on another planet within 1 contraction after that. Not a good thing if you're going 65mph....Luckily my DH was driving. Or...bite the bullet and pay a taxi or limo service. Maybe $100? How about calling a neighbor or friend? Please consider those options before driving yourself. It could be bad quickly....


Good luck and keep us posted! Were your other babies early?


:-) Stacey in MA

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Boy I can relate to that story in another way. A ticket no matter what! I was driving alone with my three month old son in the back seat. We were in a construction zone where the traffic was funnelled into one lane with cement dividers on either side. The contruction zone is going at 45miles per hour, bumper to bumper. I can almost see the end but before it comes, my kid vomits and starts choking, and turning blue. I can see the end of the lane, I exit like a bat out of hell and immediately pull over in less than 100 yards. I fly out of the car, leaving doors hanging open, pull my now blue baby out of the five point harnessed car seat and collaspe at the side of the road clearing his airway and starting CPR. I am oblivious to all else around. My kid starts to come around and finally starts to scream. I am greeted by a cop wanting my liscense. I'm covered in vomit, shaking and my kid is screaming. I asked him to call an ambulance, you guessed it. No ambulance, just every violation in Maryland he could throw at me. I nearly lost my license. A couple of the construction guys drove us and my car to the nearest hospital. Since I was an out of state driver and a new mother, the cop knew he could ring up a huge tab and I wouldn't be able to fight it unless I came back to the state and appeared in court.


I don't believe in heaven or hell, but there are some people in this world who deserve special attention. I hope karma bites that cop in the a$$.

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Boy I can relate to that story in another way. A ticket no matter what! I was driving alone with my three month old son in the back seat. We were in a construction zone where the traffic was funnelled into one lane with cement dividers on either side. The contruction zone is going at 45miles per hour, bumper to bumper. I can almost see the end but before it comes, my kid vomits and starts choking, and turning blue. I can see the end of the lane, I exit like a bat out of hell and immediately pull over in less than 100 yards. I fly out of the car, leaving doors hanging open, pull my now blue baby out of the five point harnessed car seat and collaspe at the side of the road clearing his airway and starting CPR. I am oblivious to all else around. My kid starts to come around and finally starts to scream. I am greeted by a cop wanting my liscense. I'm covered in vomit, shaking and my kid is screaming. I asked him to call an ambulance, you guessed it. No ambulance, just every violation in Maryland he could throw at me. I nearly lost my license. A couple of the construction guys drove us and my car to the nearest hospital. Since I was an out of state driver and a new mother, the cop knew he could ring up a huge tab and I wouldn't be able to fight it unless I came back to the state and appeared in court.


I don't believe in heaven or hell, but there are some people in this world who deserve special attention. I hope karma bites that cop in the a$$.


That is a horrible story. :( So sorry for you. What a nighmare....what a jerk of a cop!

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No real changes... the contractions aren't becoming longer or stronger. The baby hasn't "settled" down either -- still pretty squirmy. I'm still pretty uncomfortable, but hey, at this point, that's normal for anyone!


I've been lying down for a good 2 1/2 hours now. I still feel sick to my stomach, though... just the thought of eating makes me want to run for the toilet:tongue_smilie:. Sipping water, I have to leave in 2 hours for my normally-scheduled appointment. I'f I'm


The only things that have me concerned at this point, are my nausea and my loss of what little good humor God gave me to begin with.

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Boy I can relate to that story in another way. A ticket no matter what! I was driving alone with my three month old son in the back seat. We were in a construction zone where the traffic was funnelled into one lane with cement dividers on either side. The contruction zone is going at 45miles per hour, bumper to bumper. I can almost see the end but before it comes, my kid vomits and starts choking, and turning blue. I can see the end of the lane, I exit like a bat out of hell and immediately pull over in less than 100 yards. I fly out of the car, leaving doors hanging open, pull my now blue baby out of the five point harnessed car seat and collaspe at the side of the road clearing his airway and starting CPR. I am oblivious to all else around. My kid starts to come around and finally starts to scream. I am greeted by a cop wanting my liscense. I'm covered in vomit, shaking and my kid is screaming. I asked him to call an ambulance, you guessed it. No ambulance, just every violation in Maryland he could throw at me. I nearly lost my license. A couple of the construction guys drove us and my car to the nearest hospital. Since I was an out of state driver and a new mother, the cop knew he could ring up a huge tab and I wouldn't be able to fight it unless I came back to the state and appeared in court.


I don't believe in heaven or hell, but there are some people in this world who deserve special attention. I hope karma bites that cop in the a$$.



I would have contacted the local media. AND gotten the name of a few construction workers, for witnesses. ANd maybe waited for my court date. That is just UN freakin' Believable. And they wonder why people have such an attitude. considering your state of mind at that point, I do beleive that borders on harrassment, and NOT calling an ambulance? That was WRONG. Just. Flatout. Wrong. Wouldn't it have been great on his record if your child started vomiting again and turning blue?!?!? With people standing around watching? He was an A$$. Can you say QUOTA?!

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You do not want to be pulled over in Maryland... you do not want to be pulled over in Maryland. I've dealt with my share in Virginia (don't have a car accident on Christmas Eve and expect any type of investigation), but Maryland -- UGH!


That was just awful... can't imagine... no words.

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First, Dear Lisa,

That upset tummy says labor to me. I hope all goes well.



I would have contacted the local media. AND gotten the name of a few construction workers, for witnesses. ANd maybe waited for my court date. That is just UN freakin' Believable. And they wonder why people have such an attitude. considering your state of mind at that point, I do beleive that borders on harrassment, and NOT calling an ambulance? That was WRONG. Just. Flatout. Wrong. Wouldn't it have been great on his record if your child started vomiting again and turning blue?!?!? With people standing around watching? He was an A$$. Can you say QUOTA?!


None of that occurs to you in the situation. This was also in the days when cell phones were new fangled and still quite expensive. Yeh the construction guys coming off shift were standing around. I would have signed my own death warrant with that cop. I signed anything he shoved at me because he had cuffs in the other hand. The construction crew were extrodinary, seeing me though to the hospital and making sure I then was put in contact with the social services that would help with the emergency hospital stay. The cop disappeared execpt for the $800 dollar 4pt ticket plus additional $500 in fees and fines. The contruction crew drove me to the hospital, bought me a cafeteria dinner, and took my car to be gassed and vacuumed/cleaned. Like I said there are folks who disserve a little special attention in life. The crew in one way, the cop the other.


Oh and yes, I let a stranger take my car for gas in a strange city; he left me with the keys to his truck. :Angel_anim:

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Well, no baby yet (thankfully) -- No changes in progress -- So, we're still in the "anytime from now till about 2 weeks from now" stage. :D Told to go home, put my feet up, and have a glass of wine or a similar beveredge of my choosing :cheers2:


So, we finally made it home through traffic, picked up my 40th birthday cake from Maggie Moo's -- celebrated a little with the kiddo's -- and now we have some cleaning and getting ready for baby chores to do upstairs, and in our bedroom.


Yes, I'm still having contractions. My lower back still hurts. I'm still having bouts of nausea. And the baby is still pretty squirmy. If I'm still feeling this way tomorrow, dh will not be going to work (because I have NO help tomorrow).


Well, the children are heading upstairs with the cleaning supplies to clean the bathroom (KK's claimed the toilet, CK's claimed the scum buster, and JK's claimed the swiffer mop -- LK will be manning some wet wipes), so I need to go supervise :D

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Lisa, I found that the more children I have had, the more "pre-labor" I have had. With the last one, I thought I was in labor for TWO WEEKS before she came! I am afraid that this time I may not know when I am in labor until I deliver!


Renee (who is 36 weeks and 1 day with #7)


Yup... I know what you mean! Praying for a real "sign" here. Heading to bed... tomorrow is another day!

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