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Have any of your kids shared a room for a year or more?


Have your children had to share a bedroom for a year or longer?  

  1. 1. Have your children had to share a bedroom for a year or longer?

    • yes, they have had to share (or will have to in the future)
    • No, they don't have to share (or will not have to in the future)

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I wonder whether it's a socio-economic thing, or values, or what, that is causing the drastic difference between the results of this poll and the informal poll of parents of freshman every year...?



I'd put money on it being a combination of economics and values, with the former (many homeschoolers are also living in single income families) tipping the scales just a bit toward smaller homes thus the need for room sharing.

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Sharing a room is the norm here; I wouldn't want it otherwise. We have five children divided (not literally:tongue_smilie:) among three rooms. The baby always had a room to himself but Kai is of course no longer a baby. To that end, I'm probably going to use the third room as a "room to yourself" that each boy cycles in and out of for a given period of time.

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My oldest and youngest have their own rooms for now. My twins share and always will. I see a day in our future when the 3 youngest will share and we will convert the extra room to a playroom or school room (depending on how far in the future I am looking).

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My three girls share a room, and I don't think that will change anytime soon (if ever). The older two would each like their own room - we could probably manage one more room, but then which one would get it?? They're twins, so I can't pick "oldest".


The younger one loooves sharing a room and would prefer it if someone would sleep with her to boot. She's always trying to bribe one of her sisters to sleep with her (good thing she's the one with the double bed).

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Sharing is all mine have ever known. Except the one girl. She's always had her own room. Eldest did briefly have a room of his own when there were 3 boys. But it wasn't long. We moved and they went back to sharing. He was only about 5 at the time. He didn't care one way or the other. Since then though, the boys have always shared.

Oops, um, minus the time Nugget got kicked out. He was the root of all night time issues so he was sequestered to the bonus room for a while. But has since been allowed back in.


Poor Doodles. She could benefit from a room buddy. Sorry. I wanted one of the last two to be a girl, but it didn't happen :p

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My boys share a room, but at ages 3 and 5 they don't care. We are moving to a bigger house soon, but even with an extra room we will likely continue to bunk them in one room. They will probably get their own rooms as teens, but honestly neither of them has the personality of my DD who needs her own space and has since 18 months old. It will depend on their needs at the time I suppose.

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My two boys share they are 7 and 10 my two girls do not because they are almost 12 and just 4 I can't say for certain but I doubt I would ever make my girls share because I think the ages are too far apart. If I was in a situation that I had no extra room I would probally keep my youngest in my room until the older moves out but I am not sure really. When my mother adopted two little girls and I was a teenager I loved having living dolls but hated sharing a room with littles that got in my stuff it lasted about three months when my parents decided I had been kind enough and moved to a bigger house!! I just don't know for sure as far as the girls go but my boys would have it no other way they don't remeber not having the other.

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We have three in one room, and the baby in his own room. Our room is upstairs, and with kids 5, 3, 2, and 1 upstairs was too far away from everyone so we turned the upstairs family room (adjacent to our bedroom) into a giant kid bedroom. It's fantastic!!!! Our second bedroom downstairs is our guest room/office. We really like this arrangement, and at this age they LOVE sharing a room. Bunk beds and a toddler bed now, and LOTS of room to play.

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