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Tackling Friday, August 2.


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I’ve packed my lunch and am enjoying my coffee and some devotional time.

Professional development
Football scrimmage tonight
Practice math. Praxis tomorrow.

Wash dog blanket on Dd’s bed.
Make grocery list/order.


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Good morning!  We did end up going to the museum yesterday.  It was a fabulous date, and dh was thrilled we were doing something I had picked.  I'm usually easy going when it comes to the two of us because I prefer to keep my things to enjoy alone.  I need to go back and do some of that -there were two walking tours dh couldn't care less about but I really want to do..........on a day when it's not 92 and humid.


  • 5K run
  • violin
  • run over to the grocery store for cheese and bananas.  Maybe an intentional dinner for when ds gets home tomorrow.
  • take the trash to the dump
  • return the library pass
  • dinner: nachos
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Good morning! 

Today I  have:

...finish the cutting/prep for the next quilt project, get that going

....look up how to wash age spots out of vintage quilts, decide if I'm going to tackle that or pass it off to my friend for her to do (I am terrified of ruining the quilt b/c the background is cream, but the border & sashings are red - I'm so scared it will bleed all over the place.....)
....try to spend the whole day in the sewing room doing various sewing projects
....email my friend about the quilt and ask her for info to put on the label (maker's name, year, etc.)

...make/put on the label
...try to find out if Oldest has a day off this weekend *and* is coming home for it, or if he's staying put
...Middle is cooking dinner tonight
...eat, veg out, etc. 

Not a heavy tackle day, but I hope to make lots of progress on sewing room stuff. 

Edited by TheReader
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We leave for 3 weeks tomorrow morning.

I have 300 work things to clear, and about 100 travel/personal things.

I was really productive yesterday, and hopefully will be again today.

Already had a conference call and sent out some reports.

I don't know if it's a good idea to stop and list things out right now, or not ... maybe save it until I need a break from work.

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Good Afternoon

morning outside time w pup done

drove around looking at other L2L gardens

ordered groceries need to pick up

 Clean  produce

Got more clickers for dog training, work on training

laundry going 

dishwasher going

calls to premade shed companies for quotes

another hot day so spend time cleaning up, the heat is supposed to break by Sunday

feed pup 

find something to watch. 





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Good afternoon! 

I’m sitting in a restaurant in Alabama waiting out a bad storm. I’m about to drive into areas I don’t know at all and didn’t want to in a severe thunderstorm. 

My friend and I had a great time on our road trip! We went to the Muscle Shoals/Florence area. We had a lovely dinner at a marina in a beautiful setting. 



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Got all of the pieces cut for the next project, need to go up and start sewing.  It took a LOT longer than anticipated (and math...so  much math) to figure out the cutting. 

Tried a nap, but then DH called 20 mins into it (he didn't know, not his fault) b/c he'd left a piece of paper with notes here and needed me to photograph it and send to him. So, no real nap. 

Had lunch, washed my wool stuff (never did on Weds, then we had the water off on Thurs), put it away. 

Took a break from the cutting to watch TV, that's done, so heading up to sew. That will (hopefully) go quickly. 

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Found out this afternoon that my school needs 50 more students registered by next Thursday, or it doesn’t happen. PD is suspended so that we can help with recruiting efforts. The numbers were initially high, but many who applied did not actually register.

Y’all who are praying people, please pray for us to get those 50 kids by (or before!) the deadline. 

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I'm at 9,900 steps out of 10,000 for the day and sitting on my butt.

Laundry is done and folded.

The trash was taken to the dump.  I feel bad for the workers.  People seem to have issues with learning what is glass or paper, and that things like hair and diapers don't belong in the recycling with it.

Grocery shopping done and museum pass returned.

Nothing left to do except an easy dinner, make ds14's bed for him to come home to, and hang out with dh.

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8 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Praying, @ScoutTN! What a blow it would be, not just to you and the other teachers/staff, but the families who think school's starting soon and will have to rearrange as well. 

I hope it works out & the numbers come through and exceed the minimum! 

Yes, we need my paycheck, but I am not the primary breadwinner, as some of the teachers are! Some who moved here for this job. 

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Got caught up on the sewing project. I decided to do the election countdown quilt after all, doing white stars in a field of green to resemble Arlington Cemetery, and using the sewing time to pray for the election and our country. ALL the pieces are cut and ready to go, so now it's an easy 10 mins of sewing per day, and then I can play with other sewing things. 

Middle is cooking, DH is repairing the fridge, we'll eat, then they'll mow and I'll clean for tomorrow's D&D. 

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Went to the football scrimmage, until it rained.

Came home and did some math. Dh tried to explain a problem that I got wrong, but his answer didn’t match the one on the practice test and I didn’t understand either of them, so I gave up for today.

Did some emailing and some laundry.

Going to get a snack, read, and go to bed. 


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