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Tackling Wednesday Together, 7.17.24


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thanks for starting us off, Amy! 

Fencing last night was so fun - so good to be back at it, after so long off (well, by "so long" I mean, more than a week.....ha!). My muscles can tell there's been a break, though. Oof! 

So, today's list:
...update my license plate on the toll road website, now that we have the real plates for my car

...school prep - cut/staple/etc the stuff I've been putting off
...school prep - do Week 5 of K, 1st, 2nd
...school prep - email/text the 3rd grade family, confirm start date, and if they want to meet and look over things or not, and if so, can we do it Saturday
...email/text a mom I'm supposed to meet with, see if tomorrow is good or not (we had to reschedule b/c of the hurricane)
...put away all the PreK stuff
...decide what exactly to do for dinner - check the veggies, etc., and make a plan (took chicken out to thaw)

...cook dinner, eat
...take DS to church *or* send him on his own - he has GOT to get driving solo before school starts
...if we take him, do any necessary grocery run while out
...come home/once he's home, maybe watch something and veg out
...go to bed

I think that's about it....happy Weds! 

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Posted (edited)

I hope everyone will have a great day! 

I woke up at about 6:30 but refused to get out of bed that early when I didn't have to. LOL! 

Call soon about the door to make sure it will be delivered today. 

  • devotion 
  • Amazon order
  • email a couple of people from the open house yesterday
  • uploaded the solutions files off my new textbook's teacher's CDs
  • set up new Google Classrooms for the M/W classes but haven't invited students yet
  • coffee
  • meals
  • tidy whole house
  • laundry 
  • email parents of new students to get students' Gmail addresses
  • research transferring students to new Delta Math classes
  • remind students about the summer review work I assigned in Delta Math
  • The pest control guy is coming, so remember to ask if he could take on a new client because dd is looking.
  • watch some series episodes (currently watching Little House, Parks & Rec, Young Sheldon, and The Goldbergs)
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Good morning! I also woke earlier and did not get up. Nice! I made coffee only to discover that we have no cream. 😱 Dh is getting some on the way back home from Bible study.

I made a smoothie for Ds. He is off to football. 

After coffee:
Haircut ✔️ 
Amazon return  ✔️ 
PT appointment ✔️ 
Work on church curriculum
Praxis prep

Check to see if Ds did History. ✔️ 

Getting my makeup done a Sephora this afternoon! Hope to learn some things and also look nice for a headshot for work. ✔️ 

Shoe shopping?

Dinner is leftovers? Or maybe something with the pulled chx I have? 


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Good morning!! I've been in the recliner way too long!! Plans:



mammogram appointment


church tonight


do one school video-done

clean a ceiling

wax bedroom floor

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@math teacher, I hope the mammogram goes well. 

made breakfast for us

I took care of the emails I needed to send out. 

I made a doc with my full co-op schedule and started a list of the registered students on it. 

Trying to let my food settle before I start tidying. I have reflux issues because my stomach sphincter stays open, so bending after eating is not a good idea. 

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Howdie, happy Wednesday!

I pretty much took the past two days off work, so I need to be very productive.  My motivation is that I want to go to TKD without any guilt trips tonight.

The kids are both working a pretty full day again today.  So, other than the dog's barking at every car, person, and animal that doesn't live on our cul-de-sac / whining for attention, there shouldn't be any serious distractions.


  • Up in the wee hours listening to some presentations.
  • Had a hard time sleeping.
  • Took out the garbage & let the dog out around 7am.
  • Back to bed for a few more hours of sleep.
  • "Yoga etc." and a little TKD practice.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, and social media.

To do:

  • Lots of client work, including at least one conference call.
  • A little reading.
  • Eat fruit, take vitamins.
  • Process laundry from the dryer.  Clean out the washer gunk.
  • Various minor housework.
  • Make the kids clean their mess areas.
  • TKD class.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Well, took a nap...does that count for anything? LOL! 

DH & the younger 2 went to boxing, so going to check on Oldest, see if we're making rice krispies today or tomorrow, and get on it. Then will do my cutting/stapling while I eat something & watch TV.

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got the stuff cut/stapled/etc

Oldest says maybe he needs one more day before going back, so that's good

texted the mom about meeting tomorrow - they have a stomach bug, so bumping that to next week

decided on a rough plan for dinner

emailed customer service on the thing that was supposed to ship, to see if it really did (per my other thread)

working on printing stuff now

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Good Afternoon

Took pup out to release energy, the hot humid weather has moved out so that’s nice

called city had building inspector out to see if needed a permit for outbuilding on Monday. He called today and thought might need survey done but maybe not. The city has almost all new employees so he was asking around. The building is 91/2 feet off property line and neighbors wall but still want survey unless keep 2 walls.


rental house update: floor carpet being ripped up new flooring ordered. Need to find fridge and dishwasher.  Only half of showing appointments are showing up. Might pull ad till all updates done so it shows better.

Pick up monthly dog preventative meds

my desktop is having issues I guess time to look for new one









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We just had some storms roll through, so the pest guy called and said he would check back with me next week. No point in putting stuff down for it to be washed away. 

I did get some good cleaning done since he was coming! 

I did a lot of cleaning out and organizing in my laundry room, but I still have more to go. We have quite a few cabinets in there and the space above the cabinets ends up being storage. I need to think about a more attractive way to use the area. 

The door arrived, and weather permitting, it will be installed tomorrow. 

We are getting ready to go out to shop for a new door knob and deadbolt set.  

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well, the guys' plan to video game got switched to "Hey, let's watch Fallout since Oldest leaves tomorrow" (after DH asked me and saw I was into my game and said "or we can watch it after DS gets home from church" which I agreed to, so I'm mildly perplexed on that....). I'm trying to focus on that it was nice to watch with the family and not "...but I wanted to play my game..." 

Anyway, cooking dinner now, DH wants to drive DS to church b/c rain, so I guess we'll do that and then grocery shop and such. Maybe one (or two?) more episodes tonight after church. We have 3 episodes to go to finish it up. Not sure how much we'll get in before Oldest leaves tomorrow.

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My makeup looks very nice and Ds got a decent photo to go with my (very short) bio for the school website and SM. Sad to not have somewhere nice to go when I have such nice makeup. But it’s just an ordinary evening at home. Test prep. Seems such a waste, though I am glad to have a good picture. Dh didn’t even notice. 🙁

Shoe shopping is apparently not happening again. Ds is headed out to youth group shortly.


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I went for a walk this morning and got ready. Drove to the South Metro and met my aunt for lunch. Came back and did the first round of washing my suv from summer trip adventures. It is full of bugs. I really only focused on the front of it to get the bugs off. I will have to wash the whole vehicle another day because I had to go run errands and ran out of time. 

Tonight I will probably order a couple of things on sale with prime day and work on planning out the last month or so of summer fun. Since the kiddos are older, I think we're only going to try one shorter trip, but then just sprinkle in a bunch of local staycations/ day trips. Go somewhere and do a short hike or exploration and then find a good restaurant. That strategy will hopefully be more agreeable to the aging teenager/ young adult then a week-long vacation somewhere.

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27 minutes ago, history-fan said:

@ScoutTNI bet your photo looks great 

@TheReaderRice Krispie treats sound good. The college I went to made them with corn syrup and peanut butter and topped with milk chocolate. They were so good 

I need to plan something fun, I’ve noticed we’ve all been doing chores all summer so far.


That's how we make ours, minus the chocolate! Although we've done them with chocolate rice krispies which are good. Ours are corn syrup, sugar & peanut butter.  Then we make an option with almond butter, for the peanut allergic counselors at Oldest's camp. So good!

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Ate a snacky supper, made some pickled onions, and started the dishwasher.

Dd texted. Her scholarships are not showing in her college account.  She’s calling the financial aid office tomorrow. 

Washed the pretty make up off. 
Ordered a few things on Amazon. The site was super slow and glitchy for me. Too annoying to keep shopping. 

Time to read. 

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@ScoutTN, I'm glad you are happy with the picture! I hope your dd can get the financial aid stuff figured out. The award letter for ds came so late this year with all the new FAFSA stuff. I haven't looked at his account yet. Maybe we should do that this week. 

We got the new door knob set. 

I made dinner when we got back home. Dh said the broccoli was better than usual, and I think I cooked it a bit longer. 

Dh and I watched two episodes of Young Sheldon. 

I pulled the rest of the stuff out of the laundry room cabinets. I've put some stuff back in, and the rest is on the dining room table to be sorted. 

I tidied the kitchen and started the dishwasher. 

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Dinner was good

Took DS to church, grocery shopped, put everything away, went back and picked up DS

Have set time/place to meet my 3rd grade family, need to decide on food

Took care of some other emails

Watching....something?....and then heading to bed

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